get the rest of your canadians on board. don't let the magabs infect your discourse. stick to facts and shout them down; don't ignore, it's a cancerous cult. the dems ignored and look where we are.
I think we are mostly all on board. We are pissed as a country. New Canadians (ie immigrants) are looking at labels in the grocery story and saying 'it must say Canada' so that's how far it's gotten into our National psyche. And it's an organic response to being bullied #ElbowsUp
I was in the grocery store yesterday and a couple behind me was looking at labels and talking about what they would buy instead of a US product. Canadians have a collective response to this that's deeper than I've ever seen before.
now all of a sudden, the tariffs are a negotiation? didn’t the president and JD Vance get mad at Zelensky because he was negotiating in front of the media seems to me President Trump needs to apologize to Canada or he is just caving, caving, caving those are the words he likes to use - use them.
Once Trump is threatened- he will act in the most petty ways to satisfy his own narcissism. Been proven multiple occasions. Must be a kink of his. Let the man sit @ mar a lago w/ the YMCA on loop & let the rest of us carry on. Not doing this ego shit.
It is significant that #Trump has already lost the support of #Murdoch-owned publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, and his UK paper The Sun.
Some #Fox News anchors are starting to criticize him too.
Let’s hope old Rupert finally realizes the danger he helped to unleash.
Make it hurt and expose him!!! If maga supporters are saying, they’ll sacrifice paying more to maga, then they can afford more for dear leader to be exposed!!!
Sharing what I’ve been doing as a Canadian. Just emailed all US stores I buy from to tell them why I am unsubscribing & not buying from them (lunatic president). Buying products/groceries from Canada or any other country other than US. Threaten Canada and impose tariffs what has your country become?
We are the same country we always have been, unfortunately a small majority of people elected a narcissist and an idiot as our president. Your activism is applauded by this American.
For anyone who thinks it doesn’t make a difference, I’ve already gotten back some heart warming emails in solidarity and understanding from the smaller stores. We need to let Americans know how upset we are and why.
For anyone who thinks it doesn’t make a difference, I’ve already gotten back some heart warming emails in solidarity and understanding from the smaller stores. We need to let Americans know how upset we are and why.
Guess What? China makes lots of stuff; And so does India, Europe and many other places. Very disappointed in people who support this guy. IMO the American word is untrustworthy now. We had a deal, the USMCA, we trusted you. Yes, some of you don't give s Sh*t but this will hurt Canadians A LOT.
Rep Congressman Giminez from Florida hinting military action is an option to deal with Canada.... just in case anyone was left wondering what the U.S. has become
Yup. #ElbowsUp. I’d say that the king of the US, his courtiers & sycophants under estimated the scrappiness of Canadians if pushed too far. They also seem unaware of how long our memories are & how many real friends we have.
Good for him. Why should anyone put up with our gluttonous bully felon. He’s our problem & we need to get him out. I’m happy the rest of the world is sticking up for themselves. More than what happened here; our politicians are weak scared minions. My children have more of a backbone & ethics.
Some #Fox News anchors are starting to criticize him too.
Let’s hope old Rupert finally realizes the danger he helped to unleash.
What are the major US owned retailers, wholesalers, distributors in Canada?
"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.
Proverbs 12:15 (KJV)
With the extra 10% they can use that money to build pipelines to the coast to export their oil.
USA can't give up oil, the other stuff yes but not oil
The article, along with extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs
Not just a "hot thing"