he says "f u with ur woke shit" like he's surprised at who you are. like you're not doing a huge trans lifeline charity drive every year. like you don't have diverse casts on SU&P all the time.
he probably doesn't even watch you. he's just virtue signaling to other fascists
I returned to Magic in 2014 during KTK, right as your channel was getting going. Your encouraged me to find an LGS, to draft, to play commander. I’ve meet countless cool people, had countless hours of fun, and found a vital outlet. I don’t know if that would have been possible without you. ❤️
Even if someone completely disagrees with everything you say like what causes someone to just respond like a deranged lunatic. The internet is truly the best/worst thing to ever happen.
See I feel like there is legitimately plenty of things to criticize about Magic the Gathering and the Lord of the Rings set in particular but the fact that he jumps straight into the "woke" rage makes me suspicious he's not arguing from a place of intellectual and emotional honesty.
Don’t let the negative comment get you down. For every one bad one there are always thousands of ones supporting your great work :) there’s a reason you are the first MTG content creator to reach a million.
Are we sure this person is old enough to play Magic? Should his parents be monitoring what hobbies and media they engage with? He certainly doesn't sound like he's old enough to play the game.
How do they feel about people of average adult human height being cast for the dwarven roles in the movies and special effect magicked to be shorter, I wonder.
The 45 year-old, for sure. I saw so much dogging on 30+-year-olds for pulling this garbage and a little bit of sympathy for the propagandized teenagers. Criticism, but sympathetic criticism.
Did that dude equally lose his mind when Ral and Tommik got hitched like a year before the LOTR set was released, or do we just need to call a spade a spade here and he's just a big racist
Obviously the tone and language of the post is unacceptable. But the Professor's plan of making a sad YouTube video complaining about mtg and then buying everything wotc makes while never promoting competing games ever is not the best way to effect change.
Frankly, anyone who uses "woke" as part of their rant/argument loses all credibility. I'm also willing to bet this person does not have a dictionary because idk if they know what the word means.
That's definitely been me, too. The second I see the word on there, I know what kind of person they are, and just simply ignore them. At worst, I'd block them.
I love when people can accept the fantasy elements of personified trees, orcs, hellspawns, and elves, but a character being black or any other race is too far and “woke”.
It’s doubly funny because LOTR is one of the least woke things, especially since it implies that a sentient species can be inherently evil (like the orcs)
Oh no, wait a moment, 30 silvers is an antisemitic dog whistle. Why is it that something that seems out of place always makes me think 'boy, I should google this '+ racist' to see what they are talking about.'
Sorry that you have to face such hatte for making such great content and brining Joy in our lives. Greetings from Germany and keep doing what you do. Thx.
Aw, sweet! Something to carry all my woke commander decks in, like the Lesbian Vampire Polycule Party Bus. "Why've they got to be lesbians?" Like vampires WOULDN'T be?
This dude probably loves the Aragorn, King of Gondor card but can't bring himself to use a black character as a commander lol so he blames the professor for his own racism.
TL: "I have no power in my own life and feel it necessary to take it out on someone more successful and positive than myself in order to drag them down to my level and make me feel good about myself."
How tf do you deal with it prof? This must be exhausting.
I mean, they have a Queen, so I guess they must be.
he probably doesn't even watch you. he's just virtue signaling to other fascists
Won't someone PLEASE think of the CHILDREN?!?!
truly a crime against the arts.
How do they feel about people of average adult human height being cast for the dwarven roles in the movies and special effect magicked to be shorter, I wonder.
He obviously doesn't watch your content cause he's know you're anything but a shill, you're probably one of wotc's biggest critics
Which is odd, because that's sort of lore-compliant.
Keep on keeping on Prof. You rock and nothing is gonna stop me from watching your channel.
Tolkien's first language was also Afrikaans.
Additionally many characters, including Sam, are specifically mentioned to have darker skin.
Oh... :<
How tf do you deal with it prof? This must be exhausting.