I do find it very funny that Singal got mass blocked by every trans person here and left. Like if anything were further proof he was only here to harass trans people, being denied access to them as a target meant he lost interest in the platform despite it breaking its own TOS to have him.
Hes not gone yet, and we need to keep pushing for it, and NEVER let trust and safety forget it.
that was a high better than my first refer madness joint
thank the deity or tree of your faith or non faith
whats next
He went through with it anyways?
"Don't Feed The Trolls"
Now that's projection if ever I've seen it 🤣
That’s not even because I think trans people shouldn’t be harassed (which I do think), it’s because he’s a jerk and I never want to hear any more of what he has to say.
I for one will not give this place one red cent until they're no longer in that position they so abused.
He actually just gave up? He had a meltdown and deleted most of his feed last night. Is there a big "I'm announcing I'm leaving" post?
I for one still no planning of giving bluesky a cent after this stunt.
Like even if they were threatened there were ways they could had communicated that would had maybe had people understand. But nope, they chose the worst option of them all....
There's at least 4 other generic failed creative, buzzcut wearing, stubbled, three-piece suited, pedophile apologist, rape apologist, RW grifters just named "Jesse" alone. Nothing about him is distinguishable.
[1] Not to mention anyone else with any fraction of a clue.
I can't imagine how much "Blocked" he had to see in his feed.
I suppose you can lose, even when you win, if expectations are high enough.
Harassment works.
on the other hand: the community collectively dumpstering him ourselves might be more effective in the long run, because as marginalized people unfortunately know, being ostracized that way sucks