Trump and Republicans better not say shit about government spending or debt when they threw the debt limit into the CR spending bill. They killed their own talking point.
Republicans want to nuke the debt limit so that Trump has free rein to spend unchecked and explode the debt!
Republicans want to nuke the debt limit so that Trump has free rein to spend unchecked and explode the debt!
But if every product, industry, person, and even country has a product life cycle curve, then America has passed its high-growth and maturity stages — and is now in rapid decline.
American politics is in shambles. A complete disgrace & nearly became a fascist dictatorship 4 years ago.
Anxiety, depression and suicide are at record levels among teens, college students & adults.
America is rapidly declining.
Our unchecked values are killing us.
(Gosh where have I ever heard that before??)
- As GOP did during 2017-2018 tax cut bills gifting $2T (more than all student debt) to the rich
Biden & Dems did not reverse those btw. Biden obeyed his own mega rich donors class
But the Washington Post HURT ME BADLY IN CRUNCH TIME by abdicating their journalistic duty in October. It was SHITTY of them, cowardly and craven. I will NEVER, EVER forget it.
He’s financially IRRESPONSIBLE. He’s only good at grifting off his cult followers and doesn’t care about them…
They’ll be tossed aside like the rest of us once he soaks them dry.😤
They'll crash it and then drop the fiat currency for crypto and all the oligarchs will be on the ground floor for the new economy.
The working class will suffer unless they bend the knee.
Saved all your life? He’ll make it worthless.
Will not be able to recover.
Did nothing for me.
Democrats need to start being B-Rabbit to the republicans' Papa Doc.
Use the republican speaking points ahead of them.
This is the REASON why Trump wants the level raised BEFORE he is president...
MAGA is literally made up of a bunch of uneducated asshats.