This is incredible to witness.
Sen. Glenn Grothman checks his notes, so he obviously planned to say these things —yet delivers a masterclass in being completely out of touch. This is exactly what people mean when they say their representatives don’t get it. Cringe!
Sen. Glenn Grothman checks his notes, so he obviously planned to say these things —yet delivers a masterclass in being completely out of touch. This is exactly what people mean when they say their representatives don’t get it. Cringe!
And... drugged? Or was he always this sleepy?
Remember back when people would actually ride these shysters out on a rail? You know now that they didn't want to. You HAVE TO, or they don't listen.
They’re gonna gut our government way before midterms . Do you even believe that any election going forward will be fair? Do you think all of our votes will count?
Hopefully after this these people will know better the next time Trump calls something "fake".
(and don’t come at me - that is no worse than the pain this regime is inflicting on so many!
My wanting this is not risking tens of thousands their livelihoods— not to mention the downfall of America as a democratic republic… miss me with your judgement)
No. I am not a sadist.
I would read the obit with some relief that we were done suffering a fool.
I’m down.
As long as there is someone with enough privilege to complain loudly enough to make someone with a modicum of authority, feel threatened, anything can be framed as an assault.
In the other instance, one student had lobbed a teaspoon of Jell-O at a friend. It got caught in the friend’s hair.
I once got a “begging without a license” (busker) arrest dismissed at the charging hearing after my client spent 30 hrs (early Sun arrest Monday 0900 hearing) and went on to sue for false arrest!
Republi-posers are such pathetic snowflakes. Soft as hell.
They even want to stop doing them.
They got the votes they needed (though rigged elections) so they don’t have to pretend to give a shit about them anymore.
These MAGA pols are in for either being voted out or being primaried depending on decisions they make these next few months.
Maybe manager at a Waffle House
He looks and sounds like someone who has a beer and cheeseburger every hour on the hour.
Bad nutrition does cause brain damage, evidently!!!
They are so far outta touch they are like a reverse masseuse.
Next time bring rotten fruit.
What the fuck is wrong with people? !!!
My god!!!
REAL THREATS Are Coming From #Trump, #JDVance, and #Musk!
THREATS TO EVERYONE - MAGA, MAGA Families, and the World!
MAGA Must Start Saying More and More-Publicly-WE DID NOT VOTE FOR THIS!
Put Freedom and Democracy First! 🇺🇸
What’s happening with the plates?!!! I’ve never seen that but I like it!
He’s a piece of shit
Find, fund and promote his next opponent. NOW
Joe Biden Built the strongest US Economy in 4 years!
Trump destroys
US Economy in 6 weeks
#Economy #TrumpDOWDump #GotEggs
Text SIGN PBXQXY to 50409
Let's make any Republicans with a scintilla of patriotism have pause and consider...
Voters didn't vote for picking Putin over Ukraine.
Voters didn't vote to decimate local communities & economies.
If not, how about wearing a Ukraine shirt or anti-🍊💩 shirt! 🤬
Especially when it's going on a ballot.
#SaveAmerica #GeneralStrike #Protest #Resist #March