He better be reimbursing us every corrupt cent he's grifting off of us. I'm guessing the total will be $450B and he gets in return a cold internet-free stone house on St Helena guarded by the free navies of this planet.
This is corruption. Musk is the epitome of self-dealing. The musk/trump regime is going after Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. That’s what all the lies he told in his joint address about Social Security were setting up, an attack on the system.
Elon Musk is just a fucking senior advisor to Felon 47 — and he’s NOT allowed on Air Force 1, nor his mother and his son X Æ A-Xii (how the fuck you pronounce that name?).
This is simply a breach of protocol and Congress just ignores it!
Unfuckingbelievable! 🤬
And he doesn't even take care of his kids, who's the parasite class? He refuses to pay child support and just keeps "fathering" more, more like becoming a sperm donor. These people are completely garbage.
It's so crazy to me. The reason I keep saying he isn't listening to the rules. Why do people think he'll follow them??? Seems there wasn't enough to prevent this in the rule book.
I think what you mean is , assets frozen, citizenship revoked, contracts canceled and LOCKED UP. He doesn't get to ransack our government, steal from us and not answer for it.
-Absolutely - mayhem -abuse and Fraud all over- with this moron all over the place - and abuse of the American People
and- I just want to know what are Democrat Planning on doing to actually block- impeach -or end this asshole destroying our Nation.
What will it take for republican voters to realise just how much power Elon has? That HE is the current leader. I seriously believe he could stand in front of the white house seal, tell reporters he sent Trump to bed early & give a presidential address, & they'd STILL call it efficient work sharing
I guess he doesn't care about what a small man would use his child for protection. If someone wants to shoot him, do you think they would care about that child?
Do you think Felonius cares about he the next generation of We The People? They call it collateral damage when you start wars. The monarch's children also die when the mob is finally forced into action.
The multi millions they waste for their luxury transport, golfing outings and such are not waste. But programs to help the underserved are wasteful. Veteran Services, Medicaid, Medicare, Chips, Snap, school lunches. Such programs are not Right or Left-They are right or wrong! It’s wrong to cut them!
Surprised he didn’t name the kid Michael Chiklis because he is simply just the Shield
Good thing he’ll be too heavy to carry soon…must be why he has so many, so often 🤔
How long does he think wearing that kid as a scarfhelmet is going to deter a 100 million fed up people with nothing left to lose? He's bullying the humanity out of people. That was the humanity that meant children must be protected. The "Let them eat cake" approach on steroids isn't going to go well
This! It’s going to come down to choosing to sacrifice a few (Leon titler, his son, and his mother) for the greater good and greater population. Someone is going to say fuck it, and do what must be done. They won’t work as shields for long.
dear em, you are a man who lashes out because you are afraid and it shows just change your ways & become beneficial to mankind and the earth instead of a force for ego and destruction and suffering then you really would be loved but in the direction you are currently heading you are the villain
Would it be too dark to say that him carrying the kid turns this into a weird Winn Dixie buy 2 get 1 free situation for any would be nutcases with an agenda and a completely unchecked 2nd amendment?
@markwarner.bsky.social @amyklobuchar.com
Can either of you answer these questions: why does Musk have access to AF1 & M1? Who's paying for these flights?
Apparently he has started wearing Kevlar vests and let's face it, he is putting that kid on his shoulders for head protection. This man is seriously mental. I have heard of very few parents who would rather their kid get shot for their sins.
i saw that post. but it looks more like the person making the claim doesn't realize Elon is very weirdly shaped. as the supposed 'kevlar vest' picture looked identical to his shirtless body. just with a shirt on. the weird bulges and shapes are just what he looks like.
He is setting up engineered offspring in multiple locations so that the loss of one such child is a manageable risk he can tolerate. This is also how he views humans setting up on multiple planets. It’s touching stuff.
Undoubtedly! People only need open up their eyes and the truth shall be revealed. Unfortunately, 80% of MAGA ever does, so they're trapped inside a K Hole without the benefits of the high 😫
Is he reimbursing the government for flights on air force one and marine one? He can well afford it. What about reimbursement for staying overnight at the WH? Or is he grifting off the taxpayers?
I thought Trump was with them? Unread somewhere else they were returning together from MAL? I don’t want them on Air Force One at all, but if they were returning with Trump, I’d feel differently.
The only thing Musk is "working hard" on is manipulating the American governing process to enrich himself so that he can be the worlds first Trillionaire. Something we can all jump for joy about
On a related topic why is his son there? Why is that kid always on his shoulders in adult and business settings? Not healthy development for a young child who has minimal understanding of the world.
-Also take note: that kid is a US Citizen and is being raised to think he is our future King.
#Special.F1.6 Help this to be the solution part of "Trend?"
To get rid of him, we need House Majority.
FL 6, democrat registered majority. But FL 1 (?)
Do we REALLY need a 53 year old momma's boy carrying around one of his sons while wasting taxpayer dollars to chauffeur him and his mother around? Can't grandma babysit at home? Can't he afford a nanny/au pair? 😧
I didn’t understand the human shield reference. I thought it meant to show him as a doting father vs psychopath. But he is using the child to avoid assassination. I just couldn’t imagine any human depraved enough to do such a thing. Until now.
She needs to contact DCF then for child endangerment. She has legal avenues and with the amount of hate the entire world has for musk, I’m sure money isn’t an actual problem.
Have you seen the state of the government right now? 😅 Nothing is functioning properly or normally. And yes, money can and does control these situations. You think Trump wouldnt slap down anything she tried to do if Elon asked? Shes in a no win situation.
That is so sad. So I guess my next question is why the Canadian DCF hasn’t taken the kid for his safety. Or arrested the parents for child endangerment?
They waste tax payer money because the purpose of our money is to enrich their lives as far as they are concerned. The part that always gets me are the people who support this! Don't forgive student loans! It doesn't help me personally! But yes, Elon you're good to waste it for your own benefit.
Who you gonna call? Hoes he can impregnate? Who or what can stop him, under what order and with what army or marshal? All their paychecks and access to their money and investments are controlled by Apartheid boy’s index finger!!!
What the fuck he's supposed to be the world's richest man. Let him use his own money 💰. He is also using airforce 1 as a sheald because of the security.
Why is he constantly going around with one and the same offspring perched on his shoulders like an organ grinder´s monkey? This is getting creepy.
Where are the other eleven IVF´s?
You know you're doing something really bad when you use your own child as a human shield. If you have to go that far, those you have hurt won't have the compassion you expect of them, but they may have better aim than you think.
This is simply a breach of protocol and Congress just ignores it!
Unfuckingbelievable! 🤬
Thank you!
By having other people pay for everything they use.
and- I just want to know what are Democrat Planning on doing to actually block- impeach -or end this asshole destroying our Nation.
That poor kid.
Remember when Kevlar wiped his boogers on donald's desk? Good times.
See how easy?
Good thing he’ll be too heavy to carry soon…must be why he has so many, so often 🤔
Witch of a mother. Explains so much
Peace and blessings to you
How are you doing today?
Can either of you answer these questions: why does Musk have access to AF1 & M1? Who's paying for these flights?
Who said the American Dream is dead‽‽‽
“Share a concept, I can!”
As he introduced poo to the fan
-Also take note: that kid is a US Citizen and is being raised to think he is our future King.
To get rid of him, we need House Majority.
FL 6, democrat registered majority. But FL 1 (?)
We need VET and Minority in FL 1 to vote.
That kid should be in bed.
Remember they are destroying our country.
i suspect AF1 has more security than any of his other planes. same reason he carries around the human shield.
Where are the other eleven IVF´s?
Him and Trump are doing the nasty