Here it is: Americans won’t do the hard labor with the low pay of farm work.
So if Trump is deporting the workers who are willing to do the work—and Americans won’t replace them—what do you think happens to the supply chain? Your grocery prices?
Trump has no plan for this problem he’s creating.
So if Trump is deporting the workers who are willing to do the work—and Americans won’t replace them—what do you think happens to the supply chain? Your grocery prices?
Trump has no plan for this problem he’s creating.
Leaves them no choice
They want a permanent, scared underpass with no rights
Enjoy the Trump-ride
My child is critically ill, and we urgently need your help. 🙏
Can you read my story and consider making a small donation? 😢
I apologize for reaching out in this way. 😞💔
Nevermind that the ADHD people will be too distracted, the depressed too tired , the anxious will be too scared... And the antipsychotics crowd won't go without violence...
I didn't say it was a well thought out plan.
Then he only has to concern himself with the scraps.
I agree, he has no plan. It’s becoming more apparent that his handlers are putting things in front of him to say and sign, and he’s just doing it.
And yes, I was surprised I used any form of “honest” in the same skeet as trump.
What Vladdy wants, Vladdy gets...
I don't think they truly understand the magnitude of how much migrant labor does. But maybe they plan on a lot of us dying first.
Check private prison stocks & projections
Camps (incarceration) for everything from homelessness to civil violation of immigration law
"They're going to grow their own food, organic food, high-quality food because a lot of the behavioral issues are food-related. A lot of the illnesses are food-related."
those factories and slaughter plants, most if not all workers are migrant workers.
He just creates chaos and moves on to something else he can destroy!!
So he can be a tough guy. Like P Tinny.
And it doesn't push prices up, it just causes the food to rot in the fields.
We could still import, so other than the initial couple of months had no shortages, but you've got tariffs to deal wih.
In a year the average two-digit IQ MAGAt will have forgotten all about it.
The liars and clowns who took us out of the EU told us British workers would fill the jobs vacated by immigrants.
"British jobs for Britush workers" was their mantra.
Didn't happen. Crops rotted in the fields.
I'm honestly not sure how that's supposed to work, but neither is this administration.
During WWll, Prisoners in Germany concentration camps who doing HARD LABOR if they weren't exterminated
It pains me to write something so scary
The sooner we all read the signs the better
THIS is NoT a DRiLL.
Demonizing and attacking hardworking people for being willing to come to this country and be exploited by corporations AND pay taxes is not only fucked up, it’s economically idiotic.
If only our elected officials had to have a base level IQ…
I fear that people will become so desperate, the only jobs they can get will be the jobs we once thought only immigrants would do.
They'll work hard for their turnip and onion gruel, hoping for vodka. 🤔
And those cuts to regulations, environmental and health data agencies, benefit them.
They are behind it all.
I wasn't even going to try and explain the knock on inflation in other sectors to them.
I can already hear them complaining about how they might break a nail. 😂
Brexit led to fewer farm workers here, so supermarket produce has gone up a little in price but gone down A LOT in quality.
Dairy cows need to be milked twice per day.
Dairy men never get a vacation.
It's dawn 'til dusk. Everyday.
Now there are Birdflu particles in pasteurized milk.
It's been pasteurized, and obliterated, but it's in the mice whom piss on the hay.
The American eagles live on rodents.
Stop COMPLAINING peasants!
The great rise in for profit detention facilities
AND truth is we are here bc the entire GOP towing his line have sold us out!!!
We pay these people! Need to run these peeps outta congress until they start upholding their oath and do the job
I mean, how is someone with severe depression going to pick crops if they're too depressed to even move? How is someone with ADHD going to do that if they're unmedicated and can't focus? It makes no sense.
But also, it makes sense in their worldview. They earnestly believe meds are bad and you just need to buck up and get outside and do some exercise
Yank our meds, make us sick, then disappear us. I worry about this.
"First they came for disabled and neurodivergent people.
And everyone said they were glad they didn't have to "deal with" us anymore.
Then they came for everyone else."
(Not discounting the danger other groups are in)
Ask not just of humans and the financial slavery the illusion of capitalist "necessity" creates, but also the very real breeding/genocide and physical/psychological torments these farms put the animals through for human satisfaction.
P.S. If he's still alive and kicking, he won't be stepping down in 4 years either, so get that crazy notion out of your head.
This is a Regime change with no intentions of giving Democracy another go.