Rockefeller, Danforth and Kennedy got richer during the 1929 stock market crash. Who’s getting rich now? That’s not something you can find in a Google search.
Billionaires are immune to the economy. Devastating to us, opportunity to them. Their money makes them untouchable however we the people do have the power to at least tax them if we can elect representatives with integrity
Vaush is such a gross weirdo,
but this is a decent explanation of how this recession will directly benefit those who have plenty enough to weather the storm.
The literal name of a book written by a UK Tory, whose son went on to be a prominent and extremely annoying, government minister for a while, during the worst austerity and economic crisis for decades.
Precisely what happened during the recession. Desperate people sold what they could for pennies to the wealthy. Billionaires don't care if they become millionaires. They will still eat. Ask Jean valjean
I know there is a better source.
Steering those who would otherwise not know any diferent towards Vaush because he said one accurate thing might be a bad idea.
We’re beyond repubs benefiting “the 1%” now. Dump’s actions will only benefit a handful of corrupt criminals. He said on Fox in 2014 that an economic crash and riots will “make America great.” I’ve contacted banks, brokers, companies - they don’t get it, they think they’re gonna gain. Nope. Divest.
Not once did the specimen discriminate in his plan. Now the magacultists, 3rd Party, non-voters and write-ins; if not a part of the 1% will feel the brunt of "ITs" Hate America Agenda!
It's the same pattern as a hostile takeover of a corporation but applied to a country.
Then you can break it into pieces to sell & multiply the profits.
We have to differentiate between the facade of a constitutional democracy and democratic institutions that are subject to the will of the people. Our institutions serve the oligarchs and are designed to protect them from the will of the people, the difference matters.
Just as the mortgage debacle led to the wealthy buying up properties for pennies on the dollar. Recessations are Republican vehicles for funneling money upward.
Recession to billionaires is just part of the business cycle. Recession to someone on social security or living paycheck to paycheck under threat of losing job is devastating.
It makes sense. Let's simplify this if any of us wants to buy something cheap, we wait for it to be on sale. In a recession or a depression who survives? The wealthy. They dump stocks and keep whatever capital they have and buy cheap. So maybe we should dump our stocks now, i.e., our extras in life
I generally don't like alarmists, but what we are seeing is unprecedented. Anything is possible, believing otherwise may be just plain dumb. Damn I hope he's wrong, and I hope we can all meet the challenge.
And Rs will try to use it to make deeper cuts to programs that help ordinary Americans. Letting Trump wreck the economy may be a strategy of Project 2025 people. It could be used as evidence of senility and mental unfitness. If they get rid of him, their guy JD Vance takes over.
I couldn't agree more. 2008 was a happy accident for them. This, however, seems engineered. The timing is also suspicious. All that wealth that the working class has built back after struggling back from 2008 and covid is just loot to them, there to be plundered.
And here is what i was saying (no, I'm not oh so smart, it's that it makes sense). The billionaires are happy, because they're salivating at the fall out from the recession.
The only problem with this is small businesses will be hurt and they are the most important part of the economy. If people have no jobs, no $, no Healthcare, they won't be buying anything
They can do some of that but after a tipping point the markets and economy are uncontrollable.
Can’t dive into recession, cut 500k key govt jobs, deport 5 million essential farm & factory workers, & cut billionaire taxes all at once and control it.
And presumably, they also benefit from 'inside information' inasmuch as they can bet with certainty on the values going down because they create the conditions that cause the collapse.
The world is saying "no." We must abandon the oligarch's business interests, no matter how convenient they may be to our lives. We will discover or create better, more dependable, more ethical options.
Yes folks, it really is that simple.
The short term pain for long term gain snake-oil tRump/musk have been selling is all about enriching billionaires.
The pain for us ordinary folk will get worse and worse and go on and on and on and on....
You give them too much credit. There is no 4D chess. Just the inane ramblings of a sociopathic narcissist surrounded by hollow opportunistic sycophants that leverage the chaos into profits and power.
A further perspective shift is when the dispossessed rise up, they will declare martial law, “postpone” the midterms and NOT face the voters in the desperate circumstance they put them in! No,this little group of Nazis “may” face the voters in a national crisis they too created! Another 1% win-win!
And send most of us into poverty without jobs or income. If we get this country back from these Ugly People, the 1% will pay. Musk is going down, too. Cancel all his contracts and bankrupt him.
It’s probably only good for the .5%, which makes it bad for the 2%. Temporarily embarrassed billionaires are gonna be really mad at the real billionaires. Let them fight. Assholes.
They do say, the rich get richer. Acquire assets when numbers are down to profit on the way up. It's a sick game with hardworking Americans as the casualties along the way.
ICYMI: There are large communities with a high population of federal workers, who have now been fired. Nice areas, good schools, great real estate. As they can no longer afford to live there, wonder who's buying up the properties? That's a rhetorical question. We ALL know.
Also, recession causes the Fed to lower interest rates, making debt financing cheap for the oligarchs.
And they can refinance existing debt.
It’s win-win-win for the American oligarchs
I've been wondering if the whole start/stop/start/stop thing with tariffs is driven by market manipulation. Musk is regulating the industries that should be regulating him, Trump started his own currency and is conducting insider trading (but the SEC answers to him)
If it’s not the whole point, it is certainly a benefit and you can be sure select people have advance notice of each announcement. Top 1% have 50% of stock wealth, top 10% have close to 90%. Each announcement moves markets, & top 1% can easily move markets……
One would think that amount of wealth concentration would be sufficient but of course it will never be. Hoarding wealth is like a drug addiction. What happens when top 1% own 80%? At some point there won’t be anyone left to buy anything & no real market left to manipulate.
Then they look to the world having us at a point of failure where we’ll accept just what it takes to barely survive or not at all I’ve seen it in Indonesia it ends when we riot tear it down to the point they know we’re gonna end them then the boots come off the neck but not for long
In a vacuum, yes. In a highly globalized world wherein the nation’s social safety net and thus the social contract is being destroyed? Not so much. Their wealth is entirely dependent on their legitimacy and public trust of the social contract. Loss in that trust creates public refusal to cooperate.
They are dependent on our cooperation within the system that was built to their advantage. Mass resistance and public unrest is not conducive to maintaining wealth or power…it erodes it. Basic sociology 101.
Vaush is also an alarmist and notoriously reductive in his “analyses.” I wouldn’t trust what he says with a grain of salt. His understanding of social dynamics is rudimentary at best and often his commentary serves no purpose other than to generate fear and anxiety and therefore more engagement.
He's following a plan for the extreme wealthy 1% that already has their grip on the USA.
If you want to enslave people, you've got to bring them in a position of chaos and despair first. So you can easily manipulate them. Personal freedom is under attack big time.
It’s a dangerous game. And, yes, I think they’re playing it. They’ll lose the game though. They’ll lose because they were so arrogant and impatient that they did it in the open - and everyone already knows exactly which doors to knock on as soon as they’re hungry and desperate enough.
So... are there any morons who think now is not a good time for a Revolution?? The rich predator class only understand one thing! In the French Revolution... the French figured out what that was... anyone remember??🤨😡🤬
Pretty sure they did, that’s why they’re doing it this way. It’s making the oligarchs filthy rich. Tired of hearing MAGAs scream- “Americans voted for this mandate”! Most trumpers still don’t know he bankrupted 6 businesses.
We know Trump is a moron & is at the beginning stages of Dementia. Elon is a Ketamine junky. You’re giving them too much credit for having any ability to think period.
The problem with that idea is that people have been giving up civil liberties one after the other since the 70s. There's no pattern of people rising up in this country for a very, very long time. I'd say we're 100% quitters at this point.
It’s how Blackstone, a private hedge fund, became the nations largest rental housing owner. Took advantage of foreclosed properties, fixed them up, now controls the rental markets in many states. They keep rents high artificially thru their monopoly
Definitely true, and it always happens when the Rs are in power. Now they’re fascists, but the result will be the same. When the economy recovers, 99% of the people will be in even worse shape than before. This cycle keeps repeating…the rich get richer & the poor get poorer.
That's why it has to get much worse than a recession. It has to get bad enough that people have no other recourse but to take to the streets in mass protest.
there needs to be a global agreement designed to neuter the economic chaos and predatory behavior of the 1%, they’re a clear and present danger problem to be controlled
i've always heard that capitalists without a conscience love a recession. its where they make their big money. properties for pennies on the dollar from people struggling to survive ... prices that go up that never come back down cheap stocks ....
Collective bargaining is moot when everything is a monopoly & every town a company town. Your landlord, employer, bank, law enforcement, courts, hospital, & grocery store are all the same owner. Curtis Yarvin’s dream. Musk’s goal. Our nightmare reality. Reality sucks. Change reality.
I guess that works but there is nothing in current bunch that goes the other way if it continues to crash then bankrupt is still that. You kinda need consumers…
Sorry, calling conspiratorial BS. The 1%, or more to his point, the ultra-wealthy 0.0001% he’s talking about have their wealth tied up mostly in the stock market. Elon and Bezos will see their wealth shrink alongside their company’s stock price. Only great market-timers make money in a recession.
I was thinking the same thing, especially in regards to putting tons of gov't buildings up for sale in DC or other pricey areas. The mass sell-offs will provide plenty of prime real estate for the uber-wealthy to scap up. When gov't needs to add jobs back, we'll pay more for those same buildings.
Recession = lower interest rates = cheap credit at a time when assets have depressed valuations = one percenters borrowing cheaply to acquire more assets the rest of us have to pay rent to use.
Part 2: markets crash = bail outs because what's crashed is seen as too big to fail = public funds diverted to the pockets of the wealthy = zero accountability from people responsible for crashing markets.
Next time it happens, fuck 'em, don't bail them out, don't socialist losses, prosecute.
Yep. Warren Buffett liquidated a lot back in Oct 2024. all of those family farms in the Midwest are now just gonna be one big farm. single-family homes controlled by corporations. A whole hell scape.
Has he retreated to his bunker? Everyone has been trying to call - is Moody’s office doing the same thing? A half million individuals are on Social Security in Florida and are concerned at the possibility of not getting their payments.
Unbelievable. Most newly appointed seat fillers immediately meet w/constituents as a matter of protocol to ensure their needs are being met/smooth transition in representation. Her appt should also come under plenty of scrutiny. She’s essentially a lobbyist for her old law firm and their clients.
When unrest arises and protests claim this administration is weakening America, they'll have the resources to deploy "law enforcement" to suppress opposition. It's a stark reminder of how power and funding intertwine in moments of dissent.
It may be what they intend, but since we don't have the industrial base we had in 1946, our economy can't handle the shock. It's just going to destroy the dollar and then we'll discover how little we can import in exchange for our soybeans and natural gas.
This video shows that we need to get a forensic audit of the 2024 election in the 7 swing states (AZ, NZ, MI, WI, NC, PA, and GA) which would show trump did not legitimately win the election. The first five would be enough to show it.
Tell your neighbors and relatives in these states!
He stood up and TOLD EVERYONE HE RIGGED THE ELECTION WITH MUSKRATS HELP. Why are we even still talking about this? What is anyone going to do about it? That’s the million dollar question.
We need to get the swing states to force a forensic audit showing obvious evidence of election manipulation. It is too obvious to not do anything about it. The People have to stand up and force the audit.
Even Biden warned us in his farewell address that we have to guard against the oligarchy!
But you left out the part where the proletariat finally gets sick of the boot on their necks, storms the Bastille, rounds up the 1% and plays candlepins with their heads.
Makes sense
Many grifters make loads of $ by speculating in times of crisis. Crispin Odey, Pro-Leave backer during the U.K.’s Brexit, referendum made £220 million overnight by betting against the £.
Watch the pig bragging about it while millions of Brits suffered
Buy low sell high that's how they make huge amount of money virtually overnight. There is a new term for Crypto called Pump and Dump which uses the same basic principal. The little guy trying to boost his shitty social security income and the Oligarchs take it all leaving in their wake Devastation
but this is a decent explanation of how this recession will directly benefit those who have plenty enough to weather the storm.
"the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."
Steering those who would otherwise not know any diferent towards Vaush because he said one accurate thing might be a bad idea.
The Absolute TRUTH 💯
Not once did the specimen discriminate in his plan. Now the magacultists, 3rd Party, non-voters and write-ins; if not a part of the 1% will feel the brunt of "ITs" Hate America Agenda!
Then you can break it into pieces to sell & multiply the profits.
Constitutional democracy will continue to be a joke until we get the rich under control -- or eliminate them.
"But they already have enough money."
Right! So just cash out. Don't crash the economy!
The 1%!
Force the people into economic dependency
upon the whims of economic pigs who
can never be satisfied.
It’s time to seize back their obscenely hoarded wealth
"the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."
They can do some of that but after a tipping point the markets and economy are uncontrollable.
Can’t dive into recession, cut 500k key govt jobs, deport 5 million essential farm & factory workers, & cut billionaire taxes all at once and control it.
Spook a billion bison you get a stampede.
Keep focus on what they are doing, especially to those who voted for this…they didn’t expect to be personally harmed.
Now, we have to align against tyranny.
Dear Trump supporters-
We are in this together!
If you want to save yourselves and the country you purport to love, you better recognize the real enemies. Quickly!
Like riot, raid, loot the homes of the elite.
And right now, there are too many who have nothing to lose. And the number is growing. Just saying.
They can’t build anything - they only know how to strip for parts and buy in when everything’s cheap.
Carrion for the vultures.
The short term pain for long term gain snake-oil tRump/musk have been selling is all about enriching billionaires.
The pain for us ordinary folk will get worse and worse and go on and on and on and on....
We are screwed if we aren't billionaires.
Remember he is an Agent, then it falls into place.
They want it all.
And they can refinance existing debt.
It’s win-win-win for the American oligarchs,dollars%20in%20stock%20market%20wealth.
If you want to enslave people, you've got to bring them in a position of chaos and despair first. So you can easily manipulate them. Personal freedom is under attack big time.
You aren't wrong at all. It'll be a fire sale - where the arsonists have shown up to the auction with suitcases of rubles.
My guess is that the Trump Bump, Tesla Pump n Dump is freeing up Wall Street Money to some how cause Renters and Would Be Homeowners more Pain.
And Blocked Farm Subsidies put them in the crosshairs of AcreTrader.
Just sayin'
Thanks, because #ETTD.
The 1% can also manipulate share prices.
How are we doing?
Next time it happens, fuck 'em, don't bail them out, don't socialist losses, prosecute.
How about this fraudster?
He’s not answering calls nor holding town halls. Join us to demand his resignation!
He works for us and we demand to be heard.
I was told they only hold town hall in an election season.🤦🏼♀️
Which is funny because she was APPOINTED to replace Marco Rubio.
With that many masters he has no concerns left for America or her people.
Either way, our timeline needs a robin hood.
Buying everything for pennies on the dollar.
Tell your neighbors and relatives in these states!
Even Biden warned us in his farewell address that we have to guard against the oligarchy!
Supply and real estate go down👇and liquidations are real...
the 1%er's swoop in for cheap.
Fight back!
Many grifters make loads of $ by speculating in times of crisis. Crispin Odey, Pro-Leave backer during the U.K.’s Brexit, referendum made £220 million overnight by betting against the £.
Watch the pig bragging about it while millions of Brits suffered