Keep this in mind: The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II was carried out by executive order—from the President of the United States.
1) It was done after FDR received word, from inside and outside the Japanese community, that not only were they not a problem, but they'd be loyal and would help the war cause.
But FDR figured he needed to keep the racists quiet, so...
That didn't stop the U.S. from locking up certain "key" Japanese-American intellectuals on the island. So both ways...
will we stand for this as Trump embarks on creating his own privatized civilian militia to attack immigrants and who knows who else?
Awful 😞
And don’t forget the Mexican Repatriation Program in the 1930s. 60% were US citizens who were deported illegally.
LOTS of those interned were AMERICAN CITIZENS.
A truly SHAMEFUL chapter of American history.
ANYONE who tries to normalize this is WRONG
- Says the heavily freckled Canadian Ginger in sheer disbelief(seriously)
I’m proud of mine and will happily point out which freckle houses your soul 😉 (old legend)
What a bunch of hateful spiteful greedy hosers.
Everyone was expecting another direct attack at any moment.
It was a lesson and one that was repeated on a smaller scale in 2001 going after the Muslim and Middle East communities.
The detainees in GITMO violated every law on the books.
You, Martin? You're illiterate, simplistic and ridiculous.
our history.
People think "it can't happen here" --
don't know much about history. 😐
And by the way, most of them were Japanese-Americans. They were US citizens, not Japanese citizens.
Stay strong.
#DannyInouye was a MoH winner.
#GeorgeTakai was an internee and became famous for portraying Sulu on the bridge of Star Trek.
America gave him that power expecting him to give it back.
What I attempted to do is draw attention to the absolutely insane & unconstitutional ravings of the Pig squatting in the White House.
And yeah, the 2nd World War WAS a bonified emergency
America, I think you need help.
I grew up in a neighborhood that was largely Japanese and Chinese, and a LOT of our closest neighbors and friends were directly affected.
In SO many cases, there was NOTHING suspicious, apart from where they or their ancestors were born.
It takes balls..
They’re prepping for internment
Followed by the SCOTUS’ Korematsu decision!
Trump v. Hawaii is the same case only in dicta Roberts “distinguished” Japanese ancestry from undocumented immigrants…. Yeah, sure. Show me the vast numbers of undocumented Caucasian immigrants who are being deported!
Sounds familiar?
My father was drafted into the Army because he was a U.S. citizen and served until retiring as an Army Major.
A copy of this executive order 9066 still hangs in my office today.
American born citizens beware.
If ever faced with a similar situation in Canada again, I would gladly pay the price to hide and protect those who would be subjected to this cruelty. My morals will always hold more weight than my personal safety.
You take my breath away✨️
Contact Congress
Tell them no to privatization. No to kleptocracy. Keep your hands off our government employees, our government property, and our private information. Click on 1st Amendment🦋✌️
Like the cowards in Congress today
they say it's OK for trump to claim an "energy emergency"
Don't let people forget this during the midterms
the cowardice of the Republican Party in Congress is epic
I'm 75
I've never seen anything like this
and no good will com of it
But, after Pearl Harbour there was clearly "some threat".
So very different to today.
Live in Japan.
And never forget.
Tule Lake California closed
Poston Arizona closed
Gila River Arizona closed
Granada Colorado closed
Heart Mountain Wyoming closed
Minidoka Idaho closed
Topaz Utah closed
Rohwer Arkansas closed
Jerome Arkansas closed
Black Americans who ancestors were slaves are still waiting for the US government to provide them reparation.
This is part of his life story.
It looks like the current regime is hell-bent on repeating those abominable acts.
Whatever we can do to oppose this cruel regime, we must do it.
Please be safe.
Are,we awake this time.e !
The MAGA Cult should just MTOB.
For some reason people aren't granted citizenship in a bunch of countries based upon disabilities and mental health conditions.
If you're anyone who isn't a white, cis, straight, wealthy, "Christian" man; you've had rights and benefits you've paid into stripped away or about to be, unless those efforts have been stopped by a judge.
They put it out there that they heroes. It time to fucking act like it. And not just for trans folks, for all minority communities.
None of us should have to leave, that's bullshit.
I hope.