You got that right. Sinema and Manchin just had to vote against Biden's nominee on the way out the door. They have missed many other votes. It was their departing fuck you to Joe Biden on their way out. I am so glad these attention seeking assholes are gone. Good riddance!
No, thank you, not gonna do it under any circumstances. It's just way too much to ask. Have you seen her talk, I mean, she is not a nice or attractive person.
“That’s is all?” Why? There’s more space to write. Let’s hit the other turncoats who conveniently switched sides after being elected. Fuck John Fetterman.
Kristen Sinema, Manchin, MitchTheTurtle and Susan Collins are all cancerous boils that must be excised.
And Time Magazine.
Not sure which is more gross.
Not even with MTG's dick.
She needs to go back under the rock from which she slithered.
THAT is all.
She’s one self-serving witch, imo. Her next stop on the gravy train will be telling.