We are supposed to be a democracy.
Elected officials are supposed to listen to the vast majority of the American people when they say:
NO tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy
NO cuts to Medicaid
NO more billionaires buying elections
Elected officials are supposed to listen to the vast majority of the American people when they say:
NO tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy
NO cuts to Medicaid
NO more billionaires buying elections
We are here to support you!
Tell us your needs!!!!!
I want to get the Trump regime out of power as much as anyone, but I also want to deal with facts, not wishful thinking.
It should be very clear to every Senate Democrat that any vote for Cloture will also be considered a vote for the bill.
People aren’t going to be tricked with procedural games.
They know exactly what is going on.
Defend Medicaid.
Vote NO on Cloture.
NO on bill.
1.supply chain chaos
2.goods shortage
3.worker shortage
4.$ will lose safety premium. Euro or Yuan will take over.
5.Budget deficit will worsen
6.Armament industry will lose out, our main export
Not often.
So if that’s the case, your democracy has always been tentative.
We must do more, at this point.
Seize the Muskrat’s assets and deport him to South Africa!!
We need you now more than ever.
You're the only one seriously fighting back.
NO on 'Continuing Resolution.
NO on 'Cloture'.
NO on every single thing the Nazis in the White House want.
Shut down the government.
Shut it all down.
Do not let the Democrats budge on the budget.
In PA we can't even find our senator, dave mccormick, let alone have our voices heard. What kind of democracy is it when your representative plans on just hiding out and doing trumps will?
Please share far and wide. We would love to tell him what we think.
I believe in Bernie Sanders, though. Here for the people for the people! Go, Bernie, go! 💪
We need you and other leaders in the opposition to fight with us. Protestors on the ground and on the background can only do so much. Billionaires are drowning us! We need to convince those who didn't vote or voted against Kamala how we can fix this together.
NO on the CR
NO to unanimous consent
Make the untouchable, touchable.
It seems like clear up-to-date insights would be helpful for you -- any specific requests? We're excited to get to it!
US adult population is 277 million.
Trump had 77 million votes.
So there are 200 million to stop this madness.
3 of you against 1 of them.
This fascist won’t stop, it will only get worse and worse.
Stand up, rise above yourselfves and march!
Listen to the majority that voted for you. Ask your constituents to protest and make their voices be heard...then ask your constituents to show up at the ballot box to support your hard work.
Congress 101.
This is the part of the timeline where we can do this.
It's also the part of the timeline we will look back upon w/utterly devastated, completely avoidable regret
& recognize all currently perceived obstacles as meaningless
if we do not.
They will start fighting as they try to build a new government. Each has a different vision for the future:
Tech Bros = technofascism
Heritage Fnd. = theocracy
Russia = authoritarian oligarchy
This must be stopped!
Protest! Resist!
Overturn citizens united
Age and term limits
A gov't by the people, for the people. Not by the billionaires, for the billionaires
No more fascism.
Taxes on unrealized gains.
Taxes on empty homes not used for primary residence.
Zero tolerance for Congress/President/Justices owning stocks.
We need a new constitution that includes everyone from the beginning. Healthcare as a right. Gun control. Etc.
CA, OR, WA should succeed.
Limit churches & tax em.
No more IRS.
Prices of everything include tax.
Make Nazism illegal in every way possible.
Education is a right.
Housing for disabled, vets, hospitals for the mentally ill.
Shut the Government Down
Every Senate Democrat:
Defend Medicaid.
Vote NO on Cloture.
NO on bill.
Local Office #: (802) 862-0697
DC Office #: (202) 224-5141
Office Website: https://www.sanders.senate.gov
Please only contact if this is your rep. If you wish to speak to another rep about this issue, find them here: https://reps.fyi
When all the checks bounced, and balances flipped? When all the safeguards are gone, and allies abandoned...
Ignore the braying voices on the right of the Senate. They are effectively shutting down government by gutting agencies as a point of pride.
Be not afraid to vote no on cloture.
All who vote to stop shut down show their true colors. We know they are just like the right and scared of losing tax cuts.
This admin is operating outside the law, there is no negotiation as long as that continues.
A yes vote by any Dem says I support fascism, a yes vote says I am an active participant in this coup.
Have you seen this?
Now it's an empire.
start linking arms, stand in the way!
start making arrests!
we are being raped by the seizure of our private information by unknown and unelected people!
we are being killed by inexplicable layoffs!
I’m beginning to think you’re incapable of doing anything but what a lobbyist tells you to do.
So, why do you still caucus with the Democrats?