Our for-profit health care system is not only broken & cruel, it's extremely wasteful.
While we spend billions on stock buybacks, CEO compensation & denying needed care, Medicare for All would save $650 billion & 68,000 lives a year per CBO & Yale University. Let's get it done.
While we spend billions on stock buybacks, CEO compensation & denying needed care, Medicare for All would save $650 billion & 68,000 lives a year per CBO & Yale University. Let's get it done.
Come up with a method to move to single-payer in this country.
Design the transaction workflow from patient to doctor that reduces middlemen to near zero and completely removes the possibility of healthcare bankruptcy.
^ heroic
The only reason all the people who voted for Trump for populist reasons are against single-payer is because the Republican propaganda up to this point has been telling them it's a liberal wish, so they *should* be against it.
If Trump/Musk suddenly >
In the past, pre-Luigi, they really mattered to Republicans.
What if Trump sees single-payer as a net populist win for him?
Thanks for all YOU do Senator!
In other words: The US future is bright. 😎
We spend more per capita than any other developed nation—over $12,000 per person annually—yet rank lower in life expectancy, infant mortality, and preventable deaths. 1/5
Yes, save money, not spend more. Why? Because it cuts out the middlemen—insurance companies profiting from paperwork, denials, and despair. 2/5
Let that sink in: lives, not spreadsheets. 3/5
In 2022, UnitedHealth’s CEO made $20 million, while patients fought for basic procedures.
It’s a slow-motion disaster monetized at every level. Medicare for All isn’t radical—it’s rational. And long overdue.
In America that money goes into someone’s pockets.
It is immoral that people make $millions out of people suffering.
All Americans deserve first class top-tier healthcare. Government can deliver. It can deliver low-tier healthcare, where some can buy better care.
People who don't want to wait buy private healthcare and bypass the lines. This creates tiers of quality.
There's more...
The results is that government creates massive insurers and health providers.
Obamacare has started the US down the road of gov healthcare. That's why you can't find a primary care doctor. They are fed up and quiting.
I went to urgent care, they told me I needed to go to the hospital. I think ahead, and find an emergency room in-network only to be told a) they won’t help me and b) that refusal to help cost $3000 because the ER was in network, but not the sub-contracted doctor.
Like in the UK I've watching the destruction of my country public health system and the disaster results of the neoliberalist model being imposed since Reagan and Teacher. Now the right-wing government on it's way out, is selling it out
Love you, Bernie!
No doubt that the greatest problem in the US is the lack of a proper public education system as conservative mentality thrive with ignorance and indoctrination...
America must evolve!
Paying extra tax, which won't be as much as your premiums, means care whenever it's needed. No-one will stop cancer treatments midway!
Oh I know…I was asking facetiously
Wish @sanders.senate.gov would bring this up too…we have 500,000+ a year.
We have the hunger games of healthcare.
Single payer just replaces bank lending with government spending and saves money by getting rid of 2 middlemen: insurance co & banks.
So is deflationary
So no need to increase taxes to offset
They found that if the US had #UniversalHealthcare, they would save 68,000 lives a year.
And they would save taxpayers almost 2T $ over a decade.
You want to find waste #GOP?
Also expert in healthcare management & healthcare policy.
Can confirm 100%.
The issues are access, quality, & cost.
The waste is driven by the enormous expense of a fragmented system, eligibility verification, prior auths, obtaining clinical info, and billing.
Medicare4All solves that
It’s a terrible strategy.
And immoral.
You are awesome, help push this clown to the curb.
Put it back and transfer citizens to it. Boom. You got US covered
I want to thank you for staying in the fight. I want to thank you for always speaking up for the people at the bottom and not fighting for the 1%but for the rest of us
Why does the government keep delaying the release of a generic by renewing the patent? She needs it to survive, but who can afford that??
She was able to setup payments over time, but that's not a real solution.
Medicare For All would cost ~$5,000 per family and cover vision, mental health, dental, and prescriptions.
That’s a $20,000 tax cut.
Around 65,000 Americans die at the hospital doors, each year, because they can't get health care.
Around 326,000 Americans go bankrupt, each year, because they, or a family member, paid for health care with their last dime.
Life shouldn't be a 'for profit' business
Just sayin'
The only god americans worship is money. Always has been. Human life, the environment, democracy, human rights? Dont care. MONEY. America is a very sick country
Cartoon by Dave Granlund . . .
... on point.
💠 🧐 💠
How many die?
Sounds like low hanging fruit…
That way the corrupt politicians (99.9%) & their bitches make a ton of money while also getting to kill people legally - thoroughly loving every minute of it.
Local Office #: (802) 862-0697
DC Office #: (202) 224-5141
Office Website: https://www.sanders.senate.gov
Please only contact if this is your rep. If you wish to speak to another rep about this issue, find them here: https://reps.fyi
Focus on eliminating the Nazi cancer in Gov. We can talk about this stuff then.
Yet they don't see the connection.
The man grew up in dire poverty, and just wanted a better life for his son. He wouldn't have had to leave his fam for 2 months if we had healthcare
I could have never predicted how badly the insurance companies would suck the money out of the system
Nor could I have predicted the fraud by insurers and providers
The patient suffers
Just a thought....
creating an unnecessary middleman, HMO's
Show where it flows. Let the data tell us who gets the money.
Maybe then people will feel ill enough about it to take their medicine.
We need single-payer.
These are two areas where the government should provide a public insurance option as well.
How about:
"Tax the Rich
Like it's 1946"
No one can accuse that of being communist or say it won't work because we already did it and it did work.
Sir, you deserve every DOGE wage to be transferred to you,no questions asked!