Talks I’ve been to in the last few years include stuff like
-why do snakes stick their tongues out when going between branches?
-how do starfish coordinate hundreds of feet without a brain?
- alligator dicks. How do they work?!
- we put GoPros on cheetah tails to see how tails help cheetah agility
-why do snakes stick their tongues out when going between branches?
-how do starfish coordinate hundreds of feet without a brain?
- alligator dicks. How do they work?!
- we put GoPros on cheetah tails to see how tails help cheetah agility
- some beetles pretend to be toxic moths to prevent bats from eating them*
-what if- and hear me out- we put Australian coral in the Caribbean??
*this is how I learned about the bat detector I used all summer!
- I dressed up like a Pokémon trainer at a community center to get people interested in bugs
- some snakes flatten their ribs and then jump into the air using their ribs like wings (wtf)
What I’m trying to say is- this conference *fucking rules*.
I need to see if I can do it and Entomology next year!
Seems not great.
(zoologist/comparative physiologist who misses such conferences)