I swear to god, I thought it said "Apply inside with your skillets" I am so tired. lol. I thought "What does my cast iron have to do with this?" I mean I could protect us by beating intruders with those. They are hella heavy. 😂
Innovative Engineer, former Rifle Expert in the USMC, distance cycler, mental health professional, cook for larger groups…negative is 66 years old. Parents, Grands..robust till 80s..90s. But…I’ll be helping folks here..good luck tho!
I teach wilderness survival skills. When the groceries are gone, the housing unsafe, the bullets are spent...I'll be happily living in the wilderness. Does that count?
Skills: strategic planning, creative problem-solving, and thriving under pressure. As the youngest of 6, I’ve mastered surviving chaos, negotiating peace, and snagging the last slice of pizza. I’ll keep zombies guessing while we rebuild the world & I can ghostwrite our survival guide. Let’s do this!
Can we apply as a couple? We're both working class Brits, no longer young but husb is still built like a brick s**t house, to use a British expression & would be very useful still against zombies/deranged people. I'm the motherly type & enjoy tidying up. Our communal shelter would be very neat.
A decent physical library with survival books. Experience in survival games. Knowledge from reading post apocalyptia and dystopian books. Lots of common sense.
I can read the instructions & throw them in the trash, then get them out of the trash & reread them. But I will wash my hands after digging in the trash. (Rinse & Repeat)
We have literally doubled our power in less than 12 hours, who could possibly make that claim? Who!?
We're gonna have a Thunderdome and Bartertown and Tina Turner in no time!
Assuming you don't know any electricians personally from that comment. Most of our work happens before the grid is up. And resourcefulness doesn't go away with utility power.
First aid capabilities
CPR certified
Cooking skills
De-escalation tactics
'Knows a person' if I don't have the answer/solution I usually know a person.
I’m an author so I can entertain. I’m an artist so I can make the apocalypse less ugly. I’m an herbalist so I can treat minor illnesses. I know how to make soap. Have martial art skills, but also MS so I’m not going to be able to use them much longer.
I know seven different ways to purify water in order to drink it
have a list of edible plants
have several weapons, one's that have ammo and ones that do not
Fibre artist - I can make clothing and blankets from shredded cloth, burlap, tall grasses etc
Frugal SAHM - can stretch a pound of beef across 3 meals 😁
Gardener - knows how to save seeds to grow food.
Curmudgeon par excellence with ninja doodle dog who can sniff out, scavenge and stockpile needed and unneeded supplies and giant shih zhu who can comfort the wounded. I can grow vegetables,herbs and berries, and could knit or crochet trip wires Ruby D'Bee with scavenger land mine in pic
I cook apple pie from scratch, forage mushrooms and berries without killing anyone (accidentally, anyway) fix stuff with string, use hammer/screwdriver/saw well, tell long funny stories no one has time for but you’ll be liking them once the power grid is gone & clean load and shoot handguns/rifles.
Honestly, on writing this out I’m wondering (a) how it’s possible I’m a dem, and (b) whytf I went to law school instead of going to ground and becoming a survivalist.
I have over 30 years of cooking, kitchen, and prep experience. I’d like to apply to be your sous chef, please. I was born and raised in TN. So, I know a bit about hunting and tracking. Really good at “Honey-Do Lists.” If combat skills are a must. I’m proficient with a bow and ax. 😆😉
I have and know how to use weapons, and have ammo. I am also a licensed mental health professional who specializes in crisis counseling. I'm handy, and I also think I'm pretty funny.
I’m an engineer, and can figure out how make things work. I’m also a decent mechanic. I’m also a GenX latchkey kid and can make a decent meal out of spaghetti noodles, baked beans, spray cheese, and cracker crumbs… 💪
Retired US Air Force (law enforcement and later, intelligence). Many years in countries under authoritarian rule. Also saw every episode of Mad Max, Walking Dead, and Gilligan’s Island.
Sewing, packing, electrical, I'm handy enough with general tools, and I'm pretty sure I'm already dead so the living can just hide behind me in case of zombies.
You've got an allocation problem, I'm afraid.
We're gonna have a Thunderdome and Bartertown and Tina Turner in no time!
CPR certified
Cooking skills
De-escalation tactics
'Knows a person' if I don't have the answer/solution I usually know a person.
have a list of edible plants
have several weapons, one's that have ammo and ones that do not
I’m voting for you to make the team for sure!!!
Frugal SAHM - can stretch a pound of beef across 3 meals 😁
Gardener - knows how to save seeds to grow food.
That's about it.
Oh, and I have the entire "Goosebumps" series.
I’m serious, too.
I have zero authority but that hasn't stopped me yet!