Laura Smith, who is on the board of supervisors in Towamencin, PA, thinks that this is appropriate behavior. We cannot normalize this at all. We fought big boy war to rid the globe of this ideology. People died—many of them. Say no to Nazis.
Let them know your thoughts:
Email: [email protected]
Let them know your thoughts:
Email: [email protected]
It will be ppl like this piece of shit who tear Leon Skum limb from limb once they figure out they've been played.
Everyone should stay as far away from that town as possible until they’re rid of the Nazi invaders
Make Laura famous!
Make the whole stinking Nazi town famous!
Karma, Lady, Karma.
These people are fucking gross.
It may take a few years, but things are gonna turn back around …… it will be beautiful ..
What the hell is wrong with people? Are they too young to remember? Did they skip history class? Or are they just stupid? This pisses me off to no end. I come from a long line of military back to my great-great grandpa. They are rolling in their graves.
Signed a Boomer 💙✌️
America needs to make racists afraid again.
Also. Woman. Run a comb. For crissakes.
And Death comes walkin’ in the room…
You’re gonna need somebody
On your bond.”
Blind Willie Johnson
I urge you to include Miss Smith on your response so she can see the individuals who find her childish and dangerous behavior offensive.
I want her to be the face of awkward gestures for the rest of her fucking life
One suspects her brain stumbled over the lie that she has friends....
The US is lost.
These so called "Evangelical Christians" who say they are "God Fearing" people really showing their lack of understanding of the very book they claim they love to read.
They love a good popularity contest, and show they follow it full heart and ignorantly.
I had 2 grandparents who fought in WW2, and she just spit all over them. Her and 75 million others who voted this Nazi Scum into power.
Was not to one up you.
Jewish people have been the punching bag of our society for so long as well. They are adding the "Vets" they so proudly say they support.
Treat it as such.
I don't know. I just know from this thread, she was on two seats. And only one she "Resigned from".