Reminds me of this classic from Madrid: “Queremos tranquilidad. Putas fuera” = “we want peace & quiet: out with prostitutes”
“Queremos putas. Tranquilidad fuera” = “We want prostitutes: out with peace & quiet”.
If you want to POST ALT Text - upload your image, then CLICK it - a space appears and you type your text there. Simple. Set it up as a default in your Setting, that way you never have to think about it:
settings > accessibility > require alt-text for images
Funny, I am old enough to have seen Network at a theater, but it reminded me more of one of hidden signs that can only be revealed through special sunglasses in 'They Live.'
“Queremos putas. Tranquilidad fuera” = “We want prostitutes: out with peace & quiet”.
"Mass" comes from the Latin word "missia," which, loosely translated, means "go forth."
It's what the priest said/says (dunno if he still does, I haven't set foot in a church in decades) at the end of the service.
CLICK THE TEXT- the entire text appears. That’s how this works.
settings > accessibility > require alt-text for images
Pick a preposition, any preposition.