The Republicans bringing shame on the US the same as what Hitler blanketed Germany with…I have such hate in my heart for the people of that political party. No integrity, no values and no compassion. Fix immigration law, Congress. You’ve fucked it up for over 40 years!
Hey you fuckn hypocrite, I see you posting on X. Aren't you one of the crybay libtards who said they'll never use X again. Typical libtard. I don't know why you call yourself a Republican. Maybe because the Democrats think your a delusional simpleton too.
I'm sorry but to vote for such cruel policies is barbaric. To traumatise children like this is horrific- Where's the compassion & kindness. Yet these same morons quote jesus more than priests. Border control does not need to be cruel to children & innocents. They are all treated with hate
Wake the fuck up democrats!!! If you don’t start Acting exactly like the magats did to you in the past four years, we will NEVER see our country healthy again
That won't happen. Democratic politicians are too WEAK - They ONLY talk and promise without action when a backbone is required - This country had it's opportunity to turn things around and take Democracy to the next level. Instead, we have slipped a century backwards with Billionaires as overlords
I think about all the traumatized people being crammed into places not equipped for people to live, & not enough food and access to water, & no access to medical. The mobster's moll's "I don't really care' jacket is true; Trump is a ruthless tyrant; human suffering doesn't matter at all to him.
That nothing is being done to stop this has me wondering if maybe we should all stop trading with the united states and letting americans enter our nations.
Reptilian animals supporting this brutality have no functional conscience being mere automatons of the fascist tyrants now in power. They'll celebrate the infliction of pain on the desperate and create new generations of hate, and foment ever more dissension while bathing in the blood of children.
The problem Is & has always been rooted in white Men (& their women) Men w/wealth Power who spread divisive lies, to keep distrust blooming & who categorize vulnerable people by race & create false stereotypes to keep them from joining together. They fear the collective finding their weakness
Agree. Sadly, a good % of Latinos joined them this time. They were duped.
Maga started in Latino churches around covid to sell them a fear campaign. Then, knowing Latinos often work in trades, they sold them the idea that green energy plans wld hurt them.
It ended w them turning against themselves.
I agree.
I have read about numerous individualized propaganda campaigns from MAGA & Trump funded by Musk and others. Why they fuel fear and tap into deep biases to keep humans separated into colonized groups. Musk came from a region (illegal himself and his brother admitted it) that utilized it 2
True. Just far too many fell for what he was selling, which was directly targeting this group.
Maga began in Hispanic churches, and ran a fear campaign. I know this through firsthand information. Personally, I thought only the very naive people would fall for it, but it was many more than that.
The statistics are clear. Particularly Latino men did quite the hit job against their own. The only group who voted in support of all of us were black women,at 92% for Harris.
The warnings were there. We all tried, including you, but certain people were fine with singling out certain ethnic groups.
There is news out there that quite a few votes, particularly in Wisconsin and Georgia, that votes were thrown out…not even counted. But they did collect the names and addresses and these people voted blue. Musk and Trump fooled all and I sincerely hope the truth gets reported.
I Hear At Least 30 ICE Agents Have Already Been Arrested For Failing To Get A Warrant, Harassing US Citizens, No Probable Cause, State Sovereignty Violations, State Citizen Rights Violations, Destruction Of Private Property, Breaking & Entering, Vandalism.
Hannah Arendt coined the “banality of evil,” as a countenance to the often ubiquitous belief that evil is exceptional; that uniquely evil deeds are committed by uniquely evil individuals.
It has been breaking my heart since the election. I work in public education and our children are scared- I am scared for them. I am standing to protect them but need allies!
This photo is being shared on Facebook but the way it is cropped it could be an earlier photo of someone wearing a POLICE shirt. I’d be a bit skeptical for now.
Jack boot child abusers. That is not being lawful, it is criminality dressed in a uniform. When laws are not base in morality, these cease to serve as law, but as weapons to do great harm
Why do republicans do this??! So horrible and cruel if I was president (I would be the first non binary ik ik) I would completely open the border as it should be.
Is the American experiment over?
That AI chart could be AI generated n'est pas?
Maga started in Latino churches around covid to sell them a fear campaign. Then, knowing Latinos often work in trades, they sold them the idea that green energy plans wld hurt them.
It ended w them turning against themselves.
I have read about numerous individualized propaganda campaigns from MAGA & Trump funded by Musk and others. Why they fuel fear and tap into deep biases to keep humans separated into colonized groups. Musk came from a region (illegal himself and his brother admitted it) that utilized it 2
Maga began in Hispanic churches, and ran a fear campaign. I know this through firsthand information. Personally, I thought only the very naive people would fall for it, but it was many more than that.
Those who couldn't see through this con are going to suffer like the rest of us.
The warnings were there. We all tried, including you, but certain people were fine with singling out certain ethnic groups.
This is just the beginning of project 2025
You know… the little thing they put in writing of their plan for America ?
That we were ALL informed of
Blog: Remembering the 'banality of evil' is of vital importance UNISON National
trump did that!