The last election seems to have been swung in part by millions of people who believed empty promises from a conman about everything from egg prices to IVF.
The lesson?
If there’s a next time, just promise voters that all their wildest dreams will come true. People will vote for you.
The lesson?
If there’s a next time, just promise voters that all their wildest dreams will come true. People will vote for you.
The lesson? Dems need to stop attacking our leaders and VOTE for them (which is what Repubs do, which is one reason they win.)
Iranian back then started rioting against the shah (king) and overthrew him. Guess which one of those promises were delivered?
You would think people have learned from their mistakes, but nooooo.
You sly fucken bastard
It's like a magic spell.
Can we stop covering for them like they are all victims?
Make a message. Make it frightening. Make it short and repeatable, repeat it ad nauseam. Factuality is nice, but irrelevant.
Basically the Trump campaign was running for student president in high school. Fitting that his supporters fell for it because it reminded them of when they peaked
How can we follow up on this slip up and see if there is evidence that the election was rigged digitally?
Trump made some promises that gullible people believed, sure, but he also had a powerfully hateful message that, best case, some people ignored for cheaper eggs.
Malcolm x said that African Americans are just a political football kicked around by liberals Reagan democrats. Neo cons. This I can say from personal experience this is true. They can either get with the Marxist leninist anti-imperialist revolutionary movement or go away
gaza thanks you
Good job Evangelicals.
In all seriousness though, I'm not really expecting anyone to learn their lesson from this :x
They deserve just as much blame for being stupid.
It’s like half the country forgot what a dumpster fire Trumps first failed presidency was.
Sounds like a scam.
We are here because of their misogynism.
Racism was a close second.
Eggs were the lie 52% of white uneducated women hid their racism behind.
A politician !
“I will put a coke machine in each room, give us an extra recess, and get rid of all the teachers!”
I think that by the time the cheese puff is dead and the cancer has finished digging itself into every corner of the government: the next election with be a "putin election" and every one after that will also be a "putin election."
There never was going to be free ice cream.
Honest Democrats need to lose that tune.
Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice I’m stupider than you!
Those who understood who he was and liked it
Those who knew he was lying but still convinced themselves that he was who they wanted him to be
They still think Trump is cleaning the government with thousands of employees!
What if you promised to make everyone's life 1000% better, and then when you actually got elected you... tried to make everyone's life 1000% better?
It doesn't have to be a lie.
Call everyday at #5Calls LOUDLY!
#VoteVets #StopProject2025
#StandUpForScience #DontDefundPublcSxhools
Run! Donate! Write! Show up!Support those running against GOP’s billionaire$
#PennilessPolitics -
#generalstrikeus -
Day of in person swing state votes for democrats were not counted.
He cheated, it was only a matter of time before he said it.
(PS: Trump & the GOP did over 6 paper ballot recounts in Arizona and other states that lasted over 3 years after 2020, there IS NO EXCUSE.)
“Rich Guy Knows Best”
And last but not least - he will let us hate, help us hurt, the people we want to hate.
*may not be elegible for Presidency due to nationality and/or lack of arsedness. Space eggs may be subject to availability. Space eggs may be injurious to health, and subject to health checks etc.
Oto Simply giving centrist dems what they want didnt work either
We need new ideas AND new leadership
(I voted harris in 2024 but would not have voted for Biden)
Religion exists?
Your pits will never stink again, you'll have multiple orgasms every time you drink water, you'll have X-ray vision, and your life will literally be narrated by Morgan Freeman.
Bitter Jesus 2028!
Do they sell ketamine laced with fentanyl? Asking for a friend.
As the valley fills and a place where direction is never in question, so will diversity find its way.
As they like to say in Utah, "The truth will set you free."
All the best to you out there.