He's an unreformed Republican. The difference between him and Trump, policy-wise, is not that much. This guy's bad-faith bullshit helped lead to where we are.
He may be a Republican, but he's far from Maga. I may not agree with them but I'm ok with old-school GOP'ers who are patriotic and don't answer to Putin.
The old GOP led directly to Trump. The dumbing-down of politics. The racism. The corruption/ serving elites, rather than regular people. The warmongering.
You need to learn some things, before you talk. The Republicans have been evil since at least as far back as Nixon.
I was raised by Republicans. I know lots of them, and there are many smart, honorable and patriotic ones out there still. They are 'regular people,' too. Maybe it is YOU who should learn some things.
There are zero smart, honorable Republicans. At least in terms of politics. Some of them may be smart or honorable in other ways, but not when it comes to politics or media.
There are very few smart, honorable GOP members of the House or Senate right now, that's true. They're a bunch of sniveling cowards who are causing harm to their own constituents: the smart and honorable Republicans who made the enormous mistake of electing them.
He got to step aside as leader. This is not the Clinton and Obama Era anymore!! Joe Biden stepped away. Dam, did he not learn anything if I loose my 401k and retirement? Your speakership is nothing to me after 44,45 Years! Thank you, Mr.Schumer, but go home....take fetterman with you
I fear it's almost too late. Unless the working class of America stand together and say enough, there will be no democracy. Governmental cowardice appears to be a disease.
Sounds like me since Friday. I'm changing focus from thinking politicians can actually do something "For the people" to increasing support for Doctors without Borders, World Food Kitchen, and International Rescue Committee who really do that. Politics is the illusion of governing.
I agree with you Rick but the powers that be in the Democratic party suck ass. They've been getting a paycheck for years to do fuck all nothing they're not going to change anything now they got theirs fuck you that's how they feel they are Republicans with the D next to their name
Some of these Dems are acting as spineless as so many repubs who did nothing about J6 & the big lie. By their silence it tells us so much, we've talked so long about voting out the ones that don't take care of the people, there are several more to add to vote em out.
Holy fuck. This is the exact thing we the people need to hear. Rick Wilson is more of a patriot then Schumer will ever be. This needs to be shown to the democrats who helped destroy our country. How far must trump and his gang of fools go before our Dems finally get it together? Fuck I'm furious
it was a Political vote. Ignoring that it should have been a For the Country vote.Most disappointed in Schatz vote. Have been told it was for political purposes as well. Our congress persons are trying to keep this political. It is so far past that,not sure thay can catch up. Force it on them
I also agree. With every word. I sent an e-mail to Chuck as well as my two senators from Arizona and plan on calling them again and again to get Schumer removed as minority leader. If he can't fight he has to step down or be removed.
Elected Dems approval rating, 29%, Trump/Musk approval rating, 49%. The GOP is screwing over everyone, physical action beats Dems flapping their lips by a mile. GET OFF YOUR ASS and do something. The mid-terms are not the answer, we will get hammered. Start throwing punches or just stay home
Yes.Dont think this wont happen to you...https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/us-green-card-holder-stripped-naked-interrogated-by-immigration-officials-at-airport-report-7935760
Using Occam's razor, the enablers have to be in trumps pocket. It's the only thing that makes sense. Pretending that they are protecting anything is absurd because Donald isn't even respecting the courts or normal rules of ANYTHING.
Ok so for a moment, forget Schumers usual stupid words. NOT passing a budget & shutting down government gives complete & utter control to Trump to keep the shut down as long as he wanted- AS LONG AS HE WANTED. That was the choice. No government or a shit budget but live to fight on.
the message isn't wrong, but remember Rick Wilson helped Republicans set up this framework during his time as a GOP consultant. How far back to we go when identifying collaborators? to Rick Wilson? idk
Takes a Republican strategist to tell the Dems to get off their fucking asses and DO SOMETHING! Hello, Chris Murphy as the new Senate Dem caucus leader!
Mark Kelly is too much of an Arizona Blue Dog Dem.
Mitch McConnell is the 🐢 👿 incarnate, but he knew how to keep his people in lock step. He took advantage of his majority, and wreaked havoc when in the minority. I am sick of the Dems being the minority party, even when they are the majority.
Rick is absolutely right. Schumer is afraid to fight fire with fire. You can't play nice with these people. McConnell had Dems on the ropes for decades,and we look like damn fools. And, all this week, Schumer is on a book tour!!!
Let's be real. Go look up Wilson's history. It's guys like him that planted the seeds of what we're living today. Sure, now they against what it has become because it got out of their control. He practiced all the dirty politics that lead to this.
It is a shame people are NOT paying closer attention. Please everyone look what the president could do without congress during a government shut down. That is scary too. jmho
Bernie has a fire in his belly for sure but I don’t think he has the diabolical smarts of a McConnell. TBH the Dems should have been interviewing for this position since 2014.
So you think Schumer agreed to a Board of Directors Seat like ALL the Generals and other Flag Ranks? For sure there are no 1933 General Smedley Butlers in AmeriKOCH.
That did more damage with voter that are upset with the current administration.
@schumer.senate.gov could have laid that all on them and we would have had a strong position come 2026. Now down here in Florida District 1, I have to explain why we will not fight.
Chuck Schumer argued that permitting Republicans to shut down the government would give Trump and sidekick fElon full control over government spending, because under a shutdown, the administration gets to determine which functions of the government are essential and which are not. MOVE ON, Folks!
Immediately stop the circular firing squad on Democrats! You are only making it worse! You need to focus Democrats! Trump is the bad guy! Trump is the traitor! Trump is the destroyer! Get your act together!!!!!!!!!!
Schumer compliance in advance is not any different than most cases, Jews who chose to collaborate did so to guarantee their personal survival, as did other ethnic groups who collaborated with Nazi Germany.
The phenomenon of Jewish collaboration was often exploited by nationalist apologists from groups deeply implicated in the Holocaust, who used it to minimize their own groups' role in the extermination of the Jews.
He's not coward, he is corrupt. On top of that, he is trying to gaslight all of us that it was in our own interests. As Crocket mentioned, 37 senators are not fools who voted against it. Schumer thinks he can backstab us and then make us believe that it was for our good. Not gonna happen, MF schumer
Currently there are approx 400 Congress people who are bought by 💩🇮🇱. It's time for politicians to grow some fucking balls. They're afraid of women, LGTBQ, colors, fighting for the people, losing their millions of bribe money. What fucking cowards. Recall them all!
Ok in what universe would Moscow Mitch do ANYTHING besides suck cock? That's all he did basically since 2008 when his racist ass feelings got hurt by a better man.
I'm not listening to Rick Southern Strategy Wilson no matter HOW nazi-ish my country gets.
Far as I'm concerned, Rick can go too.
💯 it’s time to be like the bitch Mitch - his playbook got us here - let’s use it to undo this bullshit - the bad guys won - being good and decent rule followers won’t win it back
The United States is under assault by corporate fascist forces looking to choke liberty and justice for all out of existence. In so doing they will make all problems even worse especially the climate. I have the answers that can take it all down. U + Me = We. https://youtu.be/lBsgHID4NL4?si=nx3pDxU4ZpPLz-_Y
Canada has more gumption to fight against Trump's policies than the Dems do. They really need to get their heads screwed on straight. At this point, no party is for the people. We're screwed.
I'm just over here shaking my head at all those who seem shocked by this, as if this action doesn't slot in precisely with Genocide-Lovin' Chuck's record. All Genocide Chuck has ever cared about is his own pocketbook and the will of his billionaire masters.
The days of corrupt Democrats in power are numbered We, the American people, will ensure they’re voted out for good. If you dislike this nation and seek to weaken its Republic, consider leaving now, or face the consequences of legal accountability or deportation.
Schumer isn’t worried! He’s got a fat pension and healthcare and possible book sales, unless we decide not to buy that book. So he’s all set for a luxurious retirement. Unless republicans decide to take his pension away.
Ok. @chuckschumer.com is a paid off #ziowhore
The Israelis have minders for the people they pay off- Schumer WONT DO A THING because ISRAEL want Trump IN.The DEMS think if they wait, the votes of disgruntled people will flow to them. ITS TIME FOR A NEW PARTY that is NOT COMPROMISED.
If the Government had been shut down, could Trump have ordered a strike on Yemen, which is truly a proxy war for Israel? Of course not. Israel needed the Gov open.
Problem is. To fix where we are economically, we will have to raise taxes to pay down the debt. It will fix the credit markets. Political poison. But true.
That would be General Patton. In this I-can-see-the-future scenario Trump's father, the father of the future thug, would have been arrested and sent back to his ancestors in Germany.
Sorry but I see no reason to Fight to just get back to the Status Quo #CorporateDuopoly that got us here in the First Place. We need to Break on through to the Other Side of Reality and realize neither Rigtht Wing Corporate Party is going to "Save Us" from Fascism.
Rick Wilson was part of the problem! He was in the GANG! Blame MITCH MCCONNELL & white ppl, blame the ppl who didn’t vote!! U have all these gop lite ppl that helped put us in this mess - blaming Democrats! Rick Wilson & ALL gop help do this 2 our country - blame urself!
except I don't agree about Mitch McConnell. Remember McConnell crawled up Trumps ass as long as he was in Trumps good graces. When Trump back stabbed (like he usually does) then McConnell developed some nuts. Schumer just plans on retiring at the end of his term.
He cares more for republicans blaming him than us blaming him for capitulating to the orange turd… it’s not like they’re going to say “we now have to work with him because he’s so nice….”
He was in a binding, in a continuing resolution, the President could "DOGE" into the funds. If the budget is passed DOGE would be trespassers on the fiscal ground of Congress.
Don't take your anger with Trump out on Schumer. He was trying to protect us from even worse harm. Dems need to tolerate good faith disagreement and not expel someone who stands up for their beliefs. Trump team loves when Dems bully each other.
Take that anger and point it where it belongs, at Donald Trump, who caused such a vote.
As Schumer said, with the govt closed that means the courts are closed. 8f courts are closed there are no judges to say if he's acting illegally or unconstitutional.
Like Pelosi.. Geez, between the 🍊💩 and the old Dems, it's just a shitshow... Time to just blow up Congress.. Get Crockett, AOC and Raskin out first, then.. 💣 💥
You need to learn some things, before you talk. The Republicans have been evil since at least as far back as Nixon.
I fixed it for you; you're welcome.
Mark Kelly is too much of an Arizona Blue Dog Dem.
Milktoast RESIGN or we will bounce you🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
And the horse he rode in on.
Also… AOC in the House (hope she primaries Schumer).
Oh wait, we have Fetterman for that.
@schumer.senate.gov could have laid that all on them and we would have had a strong position come 2026. Now down here in Florida District 1, I have to explain why we will not fight.
No foresight whatsoever!
Fuck Schumer and his
10 other spineless asshole
Dems, talking to you Kirsten & John F!
I'm not listening to Rick Southern Strategy Wilson no matter HOW nazi-ish my country gets.
Far as I'm concerned, Rick can go too.
Alison Schumer works as a product marketing manager at Meta
Schumer's son-in-law, Michael Shapiro, was hired by Blackstone Group
The Israelis have minders for the people they pay off- Schumer WONT DO A THING because ISRAEL want Trump IN.The DEMS think if they wait, the votes of disgruntled people will flow to them. ITS TIME FOR A NEW PARTY that is NOT COMPROMISED.
MAGA leaders don't care what you have to say.
They don't listen because they have what they want, power over you.
Their own MAGA agenda is working so screw everyone else.
Joke them if they can't take a fuck
the little babies
except I don't agree about Mitch McConnell. Remember McConnell crawled up Trumps ass as long as he was in Trumps good graces. When Trump back stabbed (like he usually does) then McConnell developed some nuts. Schumer just plans on retiring at the end of his term.
As Schumer said, with the govt closed that means the courts are closed. 8f courts are closed there are no judges to say if he's acting illegally or unconstitutional.
Schumer's vote gave us 6 months.
Wow, imagine...