Depth perception issue. He looks pretty sure the door handle is about a foot in front of where it is--sure enough to overbalance himself and have to recover on stiff joints. We know from the movies that the President may be called upon to fly a plane, and I'd take my chances with Harris there too.
I always find it helpful when the trash takes itself out! 😂🗑️🏀 That whole clip of Trump & a trash compacter is now a meme. His advisers must really despise him. 😳
Tbh, no they shouldn’t. Because he won’t see it, in most cases, but you know who will? Your disabled friends and acquaintances who will feel hurt and humiliated by the fact that you’re treating disability as something to point and laugh at. We expect it from Trump, we want better from friends.
Thanks for responding politely. I still spend time on Twitter so pointing out when I think someone has said something potentially problematic always makes me incredibly anxious. Re your disability - I did have a look at your profile & TL but it wasn’t clear; but I’d just have phrased it differently.
Either way, I hope I was tactful/not rude because I meant it in a “I’m not sure you’ve thought this through” way but I’m autistic & even my best beloveds sometimes tell me to put down the shovel & stop digging because I am just making the hole of awfulness bigger, so I hope I haven’t just done that.
thank you