NEW: AOC in Vegas.
Major challenge to Dem leadership🔥
“If you’re willing to fight for someone you don’t know, you’re welcome here. But I will say this: Those leaders on either side of aisle willing to put their fellow Americans down so they can get ahead; they may best find a home somewhere else.”
Major challenge to Dem leadership🔥
“If you’re willing to fight for someone you don’t know, you’re welcome here. But I will say this: Those leaders on either side of aisle willing to put their fellow Americans down so they can get ahead; they may best find a home somewhere else.”
She gets it.
I think the collaborator Dem Senators "waiting their turn" are about to be really disappointed by the sea change in "their" party.
I love AOC.
True the GOP want to change things back to 1850, but that still attracts less educated voters when their lives are shitty and the only alternative is "no change".
Sadly, the electorate that abandoned Harris to vote for Trump does not appear to be the electorate you are speaking of.
Queues were round the block and over 3,000 people have turned out.
Bernie only got 2,000 in Vegas when he ran for President.
And you can catalogue that!
We MUST continue to speak out, turn out and take to the streets until the fascists understand that there are more of us than there are of them! And we will TAKE IT BACK AND MAKE IT WORK FOR US!!!
I'm done with billionaires.
Only being greedy is American.
Healthcare is not a right it is a luxury that only the wealthy should be entitled same for education.
This administration is STILL deporting people without due process. We MUST fight for our democracy right now!!!
Of course, that ignores that Trump is doing that even without a government shutdown…
I remember the unity after the towers fell, when every house on every street flew their flag.
Fly your flag. In distress, but in unity.
We Shall Overcome
Por favor, hagan lo que nuestros senadores democráticos deberían haber hecho. ¡Llama y firma para una huelga general! Necesitamos 11M para que sea viable
Preferably in NY, so Cuomo can kill them with COVID.
Unfortunately won't be going due to huge traffic (and safety concerns)
But it will be livestreamed on Bernie's YouTube!!
So I know what I'm gonna be watching tonight
I applaud you!!!
He cannot lead us. HE MUST RESIGN.
Spread the message like wildfire, so our movement grows and we can reclaim our country, our rights, our liberties, our freedoms, and what is rightfully ours.
I know, I know... "What?! Why would we do that?!?!"
Inspiration. I swear to all the gods, to anyone reading this... if you watch this episode, your heart and mind will fill with hope, guaranteed. It is a speech we all need right now.
Waltz can get down hard with his biting humor his graciousness and decency. I think he could be our next president. I think we should all support Tim Walz. 💙💙👍👍‼️
We the people DON'T NEED YOU. I didn't vote for them to fucking hide and cower down like shumer.
What a group.
The framing: This isn’t about Left vs. Right. It’s about Us vs. the Oligarchs.
The challenge: “Are you fighting for everyone, or just yourself?”
The demand: “If you’re not fighting for all Americans, then you’re fighting against them.”
The framing: This isn’t about Left vs. Right. It’s about Us vs. the Oligarchs.
The challenge: “Are you fighting for everyone, or just yourself?”
The demand: “If you’re not fighting for all Americans, then you’re fighting against them.”
AOC, Bernie & Guests this week
Friday 21: Greeley CO & Denver CO
Saturday 22: Tucson AZ
(Today: Las Vegas NV & Tempe AZ)
I love her … she looks a bit like my daughter actually
But we’ll protect the females & kids from men’s abuse & stop wars … & wipe the brains clean of all women who’ve been raped brutalised brainwashed into believing men are best
Bcos it’s a RARE woman who rapes Jack
What about Jacinda in NZ? Merkel in Germany? I’m not just talking UK I AM TALKING WORLDWIDE! Did you know we actually don’t need men’s sperm anymore to procreate?
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#SelfCare #Art #Resist #MakeLove #GetInGoodTrouble