It makes sense that BlueSky is supporting David because David in turn really supported BlueSky.
I'm remember David saying something like:
"Twitter is dying so we just left to BlueSky,"
I was like "What? We can finally leave Twitter?"
and he was like "Yes, you can leave"
and I was like "Thank you" 😭
That was quick. Next time more foreplay. Lolol. Jk. Congrats you deserve it. Hopefully most your followers are good engagement and not just passive listening.
Love your reasoned arguments. Particularly impressed with your debates moderated by a clearly partisan & Trump apologist, Piers Morgan- the infamous Mr Word Salad.🤣🤣🤣
I genuinely don’t understand this sentiment. I can’t imagine what my feed would look like if I followed anywhere near the # of people that follow these big accounts. You follow a lot of people, but that scale probably means a lot of unfiltered stuff you don’t want unless you can vet it all?
I try to. I’ve not encountered a lot of BS. Mostly people are engaging and interesting. What I find interesting is that some seem to think a large number of “followers” is important. Is it validating somehow?
Thanks for sharing your perspective. It helps that this platform has been well-managed so far, too. I’m sure the reasons for caring about # of followers vary from person to person, but I replied to someone else with what I think those are for David:
I think it’s much more about working to surpass the # of followers on X to help ensure Bluesky’s viability as a platform, as well as keeping up morale amongst the community when a lot of people tend to check out after elections, and countering the large noise machine online for the right.
No, I don't think so. I've listened to Mr. Pakman for a few years now, and I don't believe he's just in it for the likes and follows. But, that's just my opinion.
David, I wanted to comment on Hunter Biden's pardon. I don't care that he pardoned his son. Frankly, I think that he should have. The prosecution of Hunter's case made more than likely he would not have survived prison. I don't believe it gave the 🍊🐖anything. He will do what he wants anyway. Thanks!
Would be really cool if you stopped referencing your follower count. Like I'm happy for you, but it's not while I follow. You've already lost my cash patronage over this, trying to give you a fresh shot on a new platform. But hey do what you want if you don't want to win your subs back.
99.9% of what he says has nothing to do with follower counts. Let the dude be excited about building his brand on a new platform. He doesn't owe u anything. If u followed him for the other stuff, just ignore this. It would've taken 1 second to keep scrolling
I was a patron for years. I stopped because of his constant references to his follower count, so I don't know what you're talking about because it's exactly what I experienced as a sub. If tou don't like my comment, YOU can ignore it. It would have taken you 1 second to kEeP sCrOlLiNg
I wasn't the one complaining. Just stop engaging with him entirely if it bothers u that much. Why jump on just to whine. He is who he is. Just say goodbye and move on, like this. goodbye
One day you will realize that you are indeed complaining about complaining. As someone who had actually paid him hundreds of dollars for his content, maybe he'd appreciate my feedback. You can disagree, but no, I won't just move on because you say so. Let's see if you take your own advice.
We need coordinated dumps on right wing mainstream and social media sites to disrupt their lies. The USA needs to become the model for peacefully fighting against Authoritarianism throughout the world. Pro democracy broadcasters need to band together to encourage and support pro democracy protests.
Yet you're only following 248? I've always said that you should never cast anyone in a leading role in your story if they cast you as an extra in theirs.
Congratulations! Reminds me of that "Kids in the Hall"episode. In the typing pool, with the counter on the back of her head about to flip, everybody watching...🥳🎉👣🫂
Blame it on my autism, and I'm not saying this out of meanness, but I don't get making "goals" out of numbers. Since 200k is declared as "it", what happens once "it" happens? The goal becomes 300k.
It's like my CEO talking about $$ goals, nothing changes when we get there. The real goal is more.
Another 5000 to make it into the top 100 users!
Now onto 300k
I am happy that you don’t speak down to anyone.
Keep going for damage limitation!
We've got to preserve our way of life!
I'm remember David saying something like:
"Twitter is dying so we just left to BlueSky,"
I was like "What? We can finally leave Twitter?"
and he was like "Yes, you can leave"
and I was like "Thank you" 😭
Use your power for the good of humanity!
Now get responsible and UTILIZE these numbers!
Your analysis is always measured, honest, and on point.
Thank you!
200,000 !!
A journalist 🙏
- Took for granted "blue" voters
- Didn't listen outside their "clout"
- Didn't prop Biden's strengths
- Failed to control the narrative
I go in high detail here:
It's like my CEO talking about $$ goals, nothing changes when we get there. The real goal is more.
Will decide what to do with them later 🤔
We already follow each other 😎
Came across your tariffs video on YT today, and came to look for your on 🦋 - had already liked some of your posts!
I'll do my part too