Again, this is literally the kind of moment that you put life tenure in your constitution for
Reposted from
Nora Benavidez
Just wait. The attacks on judges is only starting. Like Poland, we’ll see retaliation followed by judicial age caps or some other forced retirement attempt so Trump can impose a bench of friendlies. Whatever you imagine will erode, go bigger.
(Not for lower-court judges though)
We still ended with so illegal and anticonstitutional constitutional court, that lover courts started applying Constitution directly.
And we are still cleaning the mess.
Our Constitutiona Tribunal has powervonly to rule if the law is constitutional.
Our Hihlghest Court (it can be translated to Supreme Court too) rules on criminal and civil matters, and our administrative courts rule on decisions handed by the government.
But as it stands there isn’t even an expectation that SCOTUS would be subject to such standards.