You join me at the magistrates court, for a morning of criminal court hearings
I always find magistrates courts fascinating - Moments of madness for people with previous good character, the habitual criminals who can't stop, & people who tried to turn a corner but slipped back into offending
I always find magistrates courts fascinating - Moments of madness for people with previous good character, the habitual criminals who can't stop, & people who tried to turn a corner but slipped back into offending
First up is a 19yo student who clearly had too much to drink on a night out.
Left Sway club near Holborn, tried to get back in but was denied for being ”extremely drunk”
Then he tried to attack the bouncer
Then he got arrested & tried to hop out of the police van
Guilty plea to drunk and disorderly. He's a student, due to leave the UK next month. No previous
He got a £40 fine, but does have to pay a fine deemed served by night in cells
Not his first offence as well, so he's in some difficulty.
He decides to represent himself, and confirms this to the court
(It's a gamble, but this man did a decent job of self-representing)
Guilty plea, says he cares for his uncle and was called to go and look after him.
He tells the court he's a father of two, knows he's had a few issues in the past, and apologises.
He gets a three year driving ban, which he knew was coming.
I don't it was something man would ever have contemplated.
Also, the prosecutor has a lovely habit of quietly saying 'thank you' every time the magistrates order defendants to pay costs
Highlight of the week to see if you knew anyone that had got into bother : )