/1. Sanctioned Russian cargo ship “Ursa Major” sank in Mediterranean Sea, not so far from Gibraltar, after a reported explosion in an engine room!
The ship was under US sanctions from 2022 for weapons supplies to Russian military in Syria.
The ship was under US sanctions from 2022 for weapons supplies to Russian military in Syria.
Bad on you.
As a corollary - if it went down on its own due to russian maintenance (maintaining big balance by offering) they’ll claim it was Ukraine. If Ukraine had a hand in this (unlikely) they’ll claim it went down on its own 😁
On board was cargo: Two heavy port cranes. Each weighing 380 tons and with a lifting capacity of 350 tons. (Together, up to 600 tons). And in addition, on board were 45-ton hatch covers for new icebreakers.
@nu.nl @nieuws.nos.nl @rtl.nl
Are they even trying?
Bobbling along
On the bottom of the Beautiful briny sea
The cranes they cannot replace due to sanctions.
The hatches were for the nuclear reactor. This means special quality steel and hard to produce.
Let us hope a subsequent one does.
We know now that it did eventually sink.