There was raw milk well beyond Louis Pasteur and it was relatively safe. Dairy farmers were conscientious about the health of their cows. Let’s not beat up dairy farmers who sell their milk raw. Is it time to reconsider that? Yes o think so but have a convo instead of being sneaky on social media.
There is no rational debate against dairy pasteurization. It is one of the top 3 human achievements, it’s saved countless lives. Animal diseases spread far more rapidly without it. Raw milk is not “natural”
Please visit a dairy farm, bc you’ll see that raw milk contains literal cow shit. Its nasty.
Sorry forgot the whole link. Pasteurized milk is convenient for big ag and stores. Do I think everyone should drink raw milk? No, our current system of lax oversight in our food production makes it dangerous. One has to be sure that the dairy farmers who sell raw milk are scrupulous in practice.
There is no way to effectively produce clean raw milk at any necessary scale. That would involve bathing each cow after every single bowel movement!
Pasteurization is a fancy word for boiling. They are boiling the milk, just like how canned food is boiled. Please stop advocating for unsafe food.
I lived in England when raw milk delivered to your door was standard. In the 4 years I was there there was not any big problem. I
Not sure what kind of shitty farms you are talking about but anyway. Not some romantic ideology for me I lived somewhere that it worked just fine.
I don't think England has any room to speak about food safety considering everyone who ate beef there for over a decade was potentially exposed to prion disease
I understand the emotions behind raw milk preference. We live in a heavily industrialized, capitalistically atomized society. Our global political structure feels deeply broken and unnatural. But we’re not going to raw milk our way out of that existential dread, or our current reality.
Like i get it! I am personally horrified that systemic violence and artificial scarcity are the foundational elements of our economic and political system. I believe robust democracy and education are the way forward. But pasteurization isn’t some evil tactic by big ag business! It’s boiling milk.
It is convenient for big ag and stores to not kill or sicken their clients.
Stop pretending like selling raw milk is ethical. It's not. No matter how many small and down home pastoral images you are producing in your mind about it.
If they seem to possibly be germ theory of disease ‘skeptics’ in regards to dairy, they probably didn’t wash their hands before harvesting vegetables either.
This push for deregulation and “I’ve done my own research” is all part of this strange push for total autonomy for the self with zero acceptance of consequences for actions taken
I’ve also noticed the morbid selfishness has a chokehold on our society today
It’s like some gene has been activated
I grew up on a dairy farm. We’d milk the cow, store the milk then sell it to a processor who pasteurized and sold it. Farms can’t afford to pasteurize their own milk.
So you don’t have to ask. If the package doesn’t say pasteurized then it isn’t.
"Just askin' for a friend" kind of energy?
Please visit a dairy farm, bc you’ll see that raw milk contains literal cow shit. Its nasty.
Pasteurization is a fancy word for boiling. They are boiling the milk, just like how canned food is boiled. Please stop advocating for unsafe food.
Not sure what kind of shitty farms you are talking about but anyway. Not some romantic ideology for me I lived somewhere that it worked just fine.
Stop pretending like selling raw milk is ethical. It's not. No matter how many small and down home pastoral images you are producing in your mind about it.
Eating shit could cure toenail infections but it doesn't outweight the risks.
"Because of the minimal but real risk of life-threatening infections, however, consumption of raw milk and products thereof is strongly discouraged."
jesus christ this isn't a debatable issue.
If it's past your eyes, the milk will be fine.
no last names
I’ve also noticed the morbid selfishness has a chokehold on our society today
It’s like some gene has been activated
But so everyone knows
I grew up on a dairy farm. We’d milk the cow, store the milk then sell it to a processor who pasteurized and sold it. Farms can’t afford to pasteurize their own milk.
So you don’t have to ask. If the package doesn’t say pasteurized then it isn’t.
But no I don’t think most people would want to buy milk that had been boiled in someone’s kitchen.
Dairies produce hundreds or thousands of gallons of milk per day. It needs to be done at an industrial scale if you want to sell it to the public.
but pasteurization literally is just a process of boiling and cooling milk, and you *can* do it in your kitchen.
if you're selling milk yourself, there's no excuse for not doing it.
"What does that even mean?"