If the new ones work like the used ones we buy (I don’t buy new a bit too consumerist for me, but not judging those that do I live with a mechanic) - he only gets me Toyotas…. My 99 rav4, 350k+ miles, still runs with the original clutch. Best $6k I dropped, 21yrs and counting. Toyotathon indeed..
Jerry, you can't Han Solo this. You're comparing speed to distance. Next you're going to tell me you did the Toyotakessel run in less than 12 par-skeets.
toyotathon is fine but I wish christians would stop trying to do their own high hondadays stuff; in addition to the cultural appropriation factor they really don't understand the meaning behind it
The war on Gaza destroyed my engineering office, the fruit of years of work. Today, I need your help to rebuild what I lost. Your support, no matter how small, will be a step towards restoring hope and a future. I need you now more than ever to rebuild.
I suppose so…