Waning, waxing--they're easy to confuse for one another. But gibeous and crescent? Jerry! Darn good thing you had a good friend here on bluesky to set you straight. 🤣
TBF, astronomers don't claim that it means anything for your personal life.
Jupiter's in Taurus and Mars is in Gemini right now. Shouldn't influence any decisions you make, but it's a true statement - if you want to find them, that's where they are.
Eh, compared with a lot of constellations it looks a bit like hat it's supposed to look like. You've got the horns at least. Sagittarius looks more like a teapot than a centaur archer. Leo looks more like a coathanger than a lion.
@jcsalterego.bsky.social Nerd... I will take you apart with my athletic prowness, you nerdy nerd intellect is no match for me. Let's go slam it... I want you to wank it like you do before bedtime, after you say "good night" to dear mommy.
I think about it that if it resembles a greater than (>) symbol, it's getting bigger and if it resembles a less than symbol (<) it's getting smaller. Though of you need a mnemonic device to remember which one is which, that's not very useful.
According to my Mum, ( in her 90’s,) as a student in France , when the moon is more like a D it’s growing(ie not decroissant,) and like a C, croissant, its the opposite, decreasing!!:)
Why dont I ever get a scrollbar
(If you see a scroll bar in other apps but not bsky, it’s probably a bug that can be reported)
TFS Piccolo inbound.
I see your ghost in face of the moon
Waxing and waning so confused
I see the shadow of your face at my door
You stole the face in the moon
Pronounced, this evening.
Or, liek, if that doesn't mean what I think it means, then I mean I'd like to be waning someone *_else's_* gibbous~...
Reow noise.
/j (just in case)
Also Astronomers: Tonight we have a red wolf blue moon.
Jupiter's in Taurus and Mars is in Gemini right now. Shouldn't influence any decisions you make, but it's a true statement - if you want to find them, that's where they are.
⭐️. see the bull that’s taurus
At least we'll always have Triangulum.
I'll show myself out
There's a story behind that name, I'm sure of it.
Only the voice of Mr. Miyagi allowed.
Spread #art #photography not hatred
Now you try Jerry-san.
Not that I agree with Rick in your case
He's a whining gibbous.