Great, on the same day as Albo's birthday I turn 70, that means then that I can retire. Am I to assume that include retiring from my job for the last 20 years as a full time carer at home for my partner who is in the advanced stages of Huntington's Disease??
Great, that will take one high care hospital bed place, 2 full time nurse positions. I can relax then on a Age Pension! I bloody wish! NB: My partner cannot directly communicate, she can't even acknowledge Y / N, but I know she is still lucid by the one part of her that's still apparent, her laugh!
While she is sentient enough to laugh appropriately during conversations, at movies and at my mishaps I will try my utmost to keep her at home. Otherwise she would most likely be forgotten to fade away in some hospital ward corner.
For a fact no one should have to work at 70. I can hardly leave the house and I’m only 65. 32 years as a middle school teacher is way too long to work.
Teaching is exhausting. I taught and while they think it is easy because you get "summers off" you work 60 hours a week the other time and you don't really get summers off. That is when you prep anything new.
I’d love to see those people do some of the jobs regular people have to do. They wouldn’t last long standing in one place for 8 hours with a short lunchtime & possibly 2 other breaks if allowed.
Try walking in someone else’s shoes before judging them or deciding how they should function!
Employers don't want you to stay until 70. Your salary is too high and they can hire someone younger and less expensive. They find a way to push you out.
I'm actually still working and almost 70 because I have to since I never saved anything. I totally agree with you on this one. U shouldn't force people.
100%. What happened to increased productivity enabling younger retirement age? Where's our 4-day/3-day work weeks? (potential employment for 2x as many people!) Freedom 55?
How about 70-yr mandatory politician retirement instead and mandatory 70% tax on wealth over $10M instead. #resist #livingwage
And working people
don’t count Congress men/women as a real job, with its pay, perks and tremendous amount of time off. Obviously easy to do since 1/3 of Congress is over 60 (or is it higher?).
No, make it 62, and eliminate their health care when they retire, just like "We the people" have to contend with. We pay their effing salary. When the job ends, so do the benefits.
Exactly! I don’t know why they get free healthcare for the rest of their lives when we don’t! We have forgotten or perhaps they made us forget, they work for us!
White-collar workers get more Social Security due to higher pay, longer careers & delayed claims. Blue-collar workers retire earlier, often for health, with fewer lifetime benefits due to shorter lifespans. Raising the retirement age hits them hardest, widening disparities over time.
We need a retirement age of 40. Automation, jobs going away, and lower birth rates agree with me.
I also think no one should have to work for a living, instead having to work for better QoL. So, take that with a grain of salt.
Then all those fuckers over 70 need to go. They live in a different political time and a reliving their pretend Glory Days regularly. Term limits and age limits and I don't want to hear dick about agism. Old people got us into this fucking mess
I'm 62, honey. I'm already there. The boomers voted for the boomers. They have the largest concentration of wealth besides the billionaire thieves. They did not vote for the people coming up behind them
The last year of the baby boom generation is 1964 .. which would make you 60-61 depending on when your BD is. IMO there’s a lot of difference between the 1940s boomers and the 1960s boomers. Although I have a brother and his wife who are late 1940s boomers and they are both liberal. 🚫trump
I say fuck the young ones who don’t have enough sense to get off their lazy, entitled asses and vote when their own reproductive rights and civil rights are on the line. We don’t need apathetic people in government.
Oh I agree with you, but the people that are Boomer age have been voting this way for decades. Everybody should participate. Otherwise you're just letting other people tell you how to live your life and one day you wake up and find it's not yours anymore
I started work as an apprentice at the age of 16 in 1980. I worked on the construction industry all my life, paid the sufficient national insurance. My back is f..Ed, my knee is f..Ed and I have arthritis in my hand. I won't receive the state pension for another 6 years at the age of 67.
This would be more palatable if companies, that paid a living wage w/medical benefits, valued any fukin employee over the age of 50! Politicians are delusional and out of touch. Ask Jamie Diamond how many 70 year olds he's got working for him...or Mary Barra.
🎤And that's what pisses me off. These people have elected a moron who has had everything handed to him from day one. He failed it everything he has ever set out to do.
Yeah that horrible trump wants all of his workers to come into work and not be allowed to work from home. He said they’ll just end up playing golf on our dime. Said the guy who has played golf every day this week on our dime in Florida! He’s projecting again.
Wow so all those boomers who didn't take it at 62 because they felt half the benefits until they reached full retirement was bad have may now lose 8 years of money. Imagine taking it at 70 to die a few years later. Aye
You're absolutely right.Most of these people calling for 70 to be the age of retirement never worked a day in their life. Never broke a sweat. They never had to worry about money at all. They're mostly parasitic filth!
Americans Let’s Save Taxpayers Money,Benefits, Economy/Jobs By FIRING ALL GOPS CONGRESS—Who Illegally Gave Away Their Majority Congress Authority/Power/Job Duties--To Decide Policies,Programs,Funding, Enforce Constitutional Laws—In Our/U.S. Best Interests-To Trump’s Adm. !! NOW PAID TO NOTHING!!
Generations just starting work, those in their 30s & 40s, extending the retirement age & fiddling with aged pension stuff is something far off into the future & most likely not a reason for voting anti LNP.
The LNP/IPA will implement this because they hate Austs. social net system.
France revolted when thronging tried changing retirement to 64!
Everyone needs to be pissed we are supporting countries and people while they work less, vacation more and have actual lives, while we work 40, 2 weeks holiday and shitty lives.
Until then. Are you saying that telling truth is saying that countries are shitty? That’s not what I said. I said they get welfare from the US and I’m sick of working so hard to give welfare to countries, just to do it. Why does the US invest billions in the Middle East? They don’t deserve anything.
Look at my posts and replies before you say such a thing. Just bc I want to protect my retirement money and the lives of my children and grandchildren doesn’t make me bad nor wrong. Does your country give my family any money? No.
The answer is no. Are you a Trumpist bc you agree with that?
They are also, more to the point, people who believe that the ordinary people only exist to work (for them). i.e. That our non-work lives are optional extras.
Prohibiting service at 60+ I disagree with. There are certain issues that a specific audience must be engaged. The needs of a 25YO are not the same as 35,45,55. We do need older Americans and their experience. I’d say 75 is the cut off for office.
Good thinking but retirees don’t really know about Medicare, social security, additional finance limits, etc. until they’re actually in it. While the Congress person won’t have the exact experience their partners or people close to them likely will. I’ve been working on my parents it’s a HUGE PAIN.
Too many oldsters have fully able brains + wisdom of experience.
I wouldn't apply a numeric age restriction to government or commercial work. Mental agility testing is plenty adequate to determine continuing job competence.
The retirement age should be based on profession and / or wage level. Those in hard labor roles (construction, cleaning, mining) should get retirement from age 55 or 60, whereas lawyers etc 70 or higher.
In Norway we can, if we will and if needed, work to we are 70... Nothing wrong with that, as long as it is the workers choice... I think I will retire when I'm 70 if I'm still needed.. I like to work, even though I live in a democratic socialist hellhole...
The same goes for the USA. You can work til the day you drop if you chose. This proposal would limit our ability to retire before 70, despite the fact that many of us have paid into our social security since we were children.
It is a difference when you have to and you choose to, I see that...
Here in Norway we have a sovereign pension fund that would give every Norwegian about 300 000 dollars if divided on pop. Will I ever see a dime of it? Nope...
Exactly! I know many seniors working well into their 70s, even a couple in their 80s, because they can't afford to retire. The cost of living is ridiculous, and older folks are struggling. I know one lady 75 yrs old they cut her hours to 20 pm now she's losing her home. She can't drive either.
This program was originally supposed to support widows, the disabled, and people near the end of their lives. It wasn’t intended to let people kick back for 20+ years and do nothing.
Raising the age will negatively impact my family’s financial security, but it is what our nation needs to survive
These people also never had to apply for a job after age 50. Discrimination is rampant. How are you supposed to retire at 70 when you can't get a job at 50+?
I've been fortunate so far (57 now), but only because of my network, qualifications and experience. At some point, they count for zero.
You know who this is gonna hit everybody whether you’re Republican Democrat independent every single person now is gonna be stuck possibly working till the 70 years old
Still think he was a good person to vote for idiots that voted for him
So true!! I taught special education for 31 years. I’ve been bitten, kicked, scratched, hit and had to clear rooms. I have chased children outside who eloped. It is extremely physically challenging teaching and caring for children with disabilities. No way anyone could do that until the age of 70.
I walked out at 62, halfway through my shift when, for the third time, my supervisor ordered me to another unit where the work is hellish heavy lifting. 3 degenerated disks. I knew I was going to get hurt badly. Peeled off my gloves and retired. Best move, EVER!
Do they not have parents? And they want to see their elderly loved ones having to work until they die? I want my parents to enjoy their senior years, they damn well earned it. It breaks my heart at the callous treatment of elders in the Maga world.
They won’t take SS away bc they can take money from your check. They will raise the age to collect and make you drain your investments before your allowed to collect
The average American lives to be 79 and may have 5-10 years of investments, so more than likely you’ll never live to collect it
Absolutely true. I knew someone hard of hearing, riddled with arthritis and had a back injury from
sitting for decades and she was still working at 80.
I can't imagine being in a job like a farmer, construction worker, road paver, roofer or other physically demanding jobs until 70 years of age. That is just cruel.
I became legally blind at age 60 and was able to receive my social security early. I could no longer work as an assistant accountant because 5's looked like 6's and 7's looked like 9's. Imagine this happening to others before they reach age of 70 and have no livable wages.
They’re “business meetings” are playing a round of golf on the course where many deals are struck or on yacht trips or fancy penthouse suites or resorts with fancy dinners and drinks and cars and woman and that’s just their job/business…
nor have they ever done physical labor (which, when you look at issues with opiate abuse/painkillers, impacts folks who've put their bodies thru the grinder with physical labor), who I think should be able to retire EARLIER with full benefits
Already the law for Australians to access government pension access. It’s been a gradual process over the last ten years or so. Terrible for physical workers
For clarity, retiring at 70, you are DONE. The business world today is exhausting. Forcing people to stay that long because your government is run by aholes who refuse to tax the RICH makes you pissed off. There is no reason Americans should h put up with this BS from politicians. None. Screw them.
I'm just hoping I make it TO retirement. If the Evantaliban gets its way and handmaidens women out of jobs, my newly retired hubby will have to go back to work because we haven't reached our savings goal yet.
I bet the magats haven't thought about that scenario. Enjoy working 2 jobs to survive 💪
I'm of the opinion people who work hard should be able to comfortably retire by 45. Prior to the shitshow currently on-going, there actually were some articles about how it was not only a possible reality, but achievable easily.
We do what we can or some have a plan. I started late putting $ into a 401K. I had jobs that allowed me to stash it away the last 20 yrs and a CFP I told to protect it when trump won. I retire the end of May just shy of 71. I'm okay but many are not. I will fight for them as I'm disgusted & pissed.
Same scenario here. Too many kids going to college to stash much away until the last few years... now with Trump and hus minions in, who knows wtf is going to happen... will 401ks crash? SS goes >poof< and Medicare, too?
Either of these disappears, and too many people will be utterly screwed.
Bullshit. I worked as an RN till age 70 and know 4 other RNs who did as well in fact one is 78 and still working part time. Age 65 for retirement was arbitrarily set and we’re living longer and more healthfully. Moving retirement to 70 is not an outlandish idea.
“The increase has been approximately three years at the high end, versus zero for the lowest incomes … it’s a little bit unfair to say to low-income people that they’re going to get Social Security and Medicare for fewer years because investment bankers are living longer.”
We're not living longer. Life expectancy has only risen for wealthy people, who bring up the average. For everyone else life expectancy is flat, and those are the people who need Social Security.
Get your head out of your ass and hear some facts. The current average life expectancy in the US is around 78 years; 73 years for men (DOWN 3 years over the past 5 years, BTW) and 79 for women. And that's for "healthy" people. Most Americans are NOT healthy.
Neither did their parents or grands..always have been the working class or working poor
The rich must have their caste system and we will soon see a
further divide of haves of enormous wealth thru more ill gotten gains , an impoverished middle &slave labor
It’s because they literally think that it affects how much taxes they’ll pay and may help them pay less. They don’t want people getting social security.
My significant other works in a steel mill how exactly does he do that? With a back and knees already shot because of working in that steel mill. Jesus Christ this country has lost its fucking mind.
Unions used to allow you to retire after 25-30 years. No longer. If you die you do not collect and resources are reallocated. Your SO and folks like us are expendable die on the job is what they want.
For anyone having to do physical work 70 is way too old! My dad started out as a tree trimmer climbing trees for 20 years & even tho he ended up a landscape architect, he lost cartilage in his knees from climbing but because diabetic couldn’t replace them. Walked
w/ heavy ace bandages from 50 up.
My SO worked in a physically demanding job too. He developed hip pain and a limp during his last six months at work. Retired at 65 and the pain went away very quickly. He never would have made it to 70. This idea is bullshit
I guess life just isn't for you, slave away looking for the next $, so oriented on "things" and "possessions" you tie yourself down to drudgery instead of seeing the World. Your post really isn't the flex you think, it's an admission of an empty life
Some people work two jobs just to put food on the table and pay rent. They dont earn enough. No extras. No "things". Some not even homeownership. Just trying to survive. What would you suggest they do?
That’s exactly what I say. They have gotten to sit on their tush all their life. They have not had to do hard physical labor that breaks down your body with arthritis.
Medicare kicks in at 65 and social security can be taken at 62 if it works out financially for you otherwise most take it at 65. Waiting until 67 is optional.
Remove the Social Security tax cap and there'll be no need to extend the age of eligibility. In other words, make rich people pay tax on ALL their income and the Social Security problem is resolved.
And they don't work now. They live off of their six-figure TAXPAYER provided salary, benefits package, travel expenses,and retirement/pension. Plus a $70 a day 'meal allowance' everyday Congress is in session. AND THAT'S NOT ALL.. that doesn't include insider stock investment 'OPPORTUNITIES.
The average 70 year old can't get a job. Hell, anyone over 50 has a VERY hard time getting a job. The second they see you, you're out, "not a fit [with the culture]."
You get laid off in your late 50’s or early 60’s because when companies want to cut costs the older workers usually make more than a kid just out of school.
Next, companies don’t want older workers. So you can try to find a decent job to no avail
You're right. I got laid off at 57, along with everyone in my dept that was over 55. Luckily I found a job about 6 months later, but with a lower salary.
I’m in IT (computer software etc) - age discrimination starts about age 43 in my field. I’m 60 with a great career and took a year to find a job (at a 40% pay cut).
Yeah, I’m in IT too. Now that I’m at the end of my career, I’m working on old cobol systems because the younger people can’t/don’t want to learn the language. If it wasn’t for that I’d have been unemployed a while ago. We’re aging out and those systems are still running. Not gonna be pretty
So sorry for you.
I understand the frustration and worry that goes with it.
I was the earner I my family.
Had 2 kids in school. Was a very scary time for me.
I got lucky and I hope you do too.
yup -- I tried to get tenure in my job, where I had been working for 11 years, in my late 40s. My boss said I was too old, that students wanted young faces. But I could keep working as a sessional. I eventually left a couple of years later -- haven't had a real job since.
Yes, same here - consequently the largest cohort of homeless people in Australia are women over 55. And in the corporate world too - a friend who does meals for the homeless told me a lot of the men were previously in business, corporate positions. Thrown out in corporate takeovers etc
Downsizing first happened to me at age 53.
Managed to get rehired twice and downsized twice.
At 62 I was lucky to get the odd interview but regularly got ghosted by employers (once after 3 interviews).
Yes. Because they claim they can’t find Americans to do the work. Truth is they don’t want to pay Americans. H1-B visa holders are like slaves. 7 years with one company for your green card. If you go to a different company the 7 years start over again. Indentured servants.
Yes, exactly! We have lived through this very scenario. Hubbie had to take a lesser job way below his skill and education level and just about beg for that one. It was a sad way to end his career.
Evidently, it is really hard to give up power even if you must lose every ounce of dignity to hold onto it with your ancient yellow fingernails. Chuck Grassley.
It is one of those things that should not be a right vs left issue.
The sad truth is that [1] the demands of modern work (longer education), [2] the demographic development and [3] longer lives = a smaller population of working-age people need to support a bigger population of non-working people.
They can go fuck themselves. I’m talking, bend over and get a good ramming from the biggest cock they sell at the sweet nothing store! They can fuck all the way off!
You know - companies lay off employees as they age — have any of you tried to get a job (at the same level of previous employment) after age 55 or even 50? What a joke.
I knew they wanted to raise the age limit. They've been talking about it for a while now. The fund that I've put into since I was 17 years old will be wiped by the time I get to retirement age. That's what they count on. They've been dipping into that fund for a long time w/out repaying it back.
Yup. Every family like the Fords, DuPonts all run about 50%. They don't have any purpose. they can't trust anyone. They are in fear of kidnapping .... Big money like that is a curse.
Try walking in someone else’s shoes before judging them or deciding how they should function!
Honestly, where the fuck is a broken back, half deaf and blind, limping 66 year old gonna find employment?
Any generation after the Baby Boomers is never going to be able to retire.
#FuckNazis #FuckFascism #FuckDonaldTrump #FuckMAGA #FuckElonMusk #FuckTrump #FuckMusk #Refuse #Resist
Pretending to work at McDonald's does not count.
How about 70-yr mandatory politician retirement instead and mandatory 70% tax on wealth over $10M instead. #resist #livingwage
don’t count Congress men/women as a real job, with its pay, perks and tremendous amount of time off. Obviously easy to do since 1/3 of Congress is over 60 (or is it higher?).
I also think no one should have to work for a living, instead having to work for better QoL. So, take that with a grain of salt.
You're promoting hate for a whole class of people that you're destined to join.
Boomers didn't sit out the election either, but lots of Bernie Bros did.
The LNP/IPA will implement this because they hate Austs. social net system.
Everyone needs to be pissed we are supporting countries and people while they work less, vacation more and have actual lives, while we work 40, 2 weeks holiday and shitty lives.
They’ll get it.
The answer is no. Are you a Trumpist bc you agree with that?
Pepsi – “Gladiator Commercial” (2003)
He used the word 'education' EIGHTY Times in Wealth of Nations. He wrote "read, write and ACCOUNT" 5 Times.
Marx used the word 'depreciation' 35 times in the 1st 2 volumes of Das Kapital.
Why isn't accounting mandatory in our schools in Capitalism?
Prohibiting service at 60+ I disagree with. There are certain issues that a specific audience must be engaged. The needs of a 25YO are not the same as 35,45,55. We do need older Americans and their experience. I’d say 75 is the cut off for office.
I wouldn't apply a numeric age restriction to government or commercial work. Mental agility testing is plenty adequate to determine continuing job competence.
Here in Norway we have a sovereign pension fund that would give every Norwegian about 300 000 dollars if divided on pop. Will I ever see a dime of it? Nope...
I want to speak to the manager
This country is wearing me out
Raising the age will negatively impact my family’s financial security, but it is what our nation needs to survive
I've been fortunate so far (57 now), but only because of my network, qualifications and experience. At some point, they count for zero.
👆 Raise Retirement Age
👇 Decrease Lifespan for Americans
🔨 Hammer the social safety net
Still think he was a good person to vote for idiots that voted for him
Time to stop the nepo bros from telling us how to live when they pay little to zero taxes
The average American lives to be 79 and may have 5-10 years of investments, so more than likely you’ll never live to collect it
sitting for decades and she was still working at 80.
Then there’s the private fun life 😂
US Capitalism sucks hard.
I bet the magats haven't thought about that scenario. Enjoy working 2 jobs to survive 💪
But also, retiring at seventy?? Uh, about that...
Either of these disappears, and too many people will be utterly screwed.
The rich must have their caste system and we will soon see a
further divide of haves of enormous wealth thru more ill gotten gains , an impoverished middle &slave labor
Welcome to India circa 20th century
(As ANY legislature, protection or benefits "For the people" that you can't bake a shit ton of corruption into, HAVE to go away)
Precisely what several of the Founding Fathers warned about.
w/ heavy ace bandages from 50 up.
But I know, not everybody can do that.
Just look at all the seniors working service jobs.
This is to say the system is more rigged than this move up 5 years.
For some people the reality is that we will work past whatever the age is.
I know it’s different in some European countries but here in Canada we live too close to America and everyone only cares about their wallet
In Canada, the general age is 65 to collect the government pension.
I don’t know about where others are from in the world but with inflation the rate is not going to pay for rent AND groceries.
You get laid off in your late 50’s or early 60’s because when companies want to cut costs the older workers usually make more than a kid just out of school.
Next, companies don’t want older workers. So you can try to find a decent job to no avail
I got lucky and was brought back as a consultant.
Most of my friends who weren’t as lucky never found another job and were forced to retire or starve
I understand the frustration and worry that goes with it.
I was the earner I my family.
Had 2 kids in school. Was a very scary time for me.
I got lucky and I hope you do too.
I’ll be keeping positive thoughts for you!
Managed to get rehired twice and downsized twice.
At 62 I was lucky to get the odd interview but regularly got ghosted by employers (once after 3 interviews).
The sad truth is that [1] the demands of modern work (longer education), [2] the demographic development and [3] longer lives = a smaller population of working-age people need to support a bigger population of non-working people.
Of course, golf will change drastically as climate collapse causes folks to meet more important needs for fresh water.
They have a suicide rate of 50%.
think about that.
It’s not like there wouldn’t be consequences, it might as well do a Donald and screw most people.
Let people feel the find out phase i full.
These people are here to ally with the world’s oligarchs and “Russia” the US so they can be in power for 25 years.
Let voters get a taste