We can't. I and other Aussie journalists are calling on our Government to end all ties with USA. Close Pine Gap. Close all US bases here, end all US military rotations to Australia and send every Yank back to MAGALAND.
It's over America.
Us Aussie's don't forget that
You Yanks only showed up at the end of WWI for your own gain.
You Yanks only showed up in WWII when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. In both World Wars, Yanks only showed up for their own gain to pillage and plunder.
We've defended ourselves without Yanks before. We can again. We'll call London.
It's over America. Piss off, don't come back.
I (and many others Aussies) are boycotting anything to do with the USA.
Americans only care about America. Most Yanks can't even find Canada on a map. "If it didn't happen in America it didn't happen" my history teacher taught us.
Trump just proved my 90s high school history teacher correct.
Trump just finished it off. No more McDonalds, ever. If it's American I won't be buying it. And I'll never buy a dman thing made in the USA ever again.
You Yanks can go and get ...
(Sorry to non-MAGA Yanks).
Trump has never suffered consequences for the things he does, so he thinks he can do and say anything without any response. Unfortunately, we, as a nation, may have to suffer the extreme consequences of his actions.
Yes. People suffer. Us. People losing jobs, benefits, health insurance, housing. And he gets away with everything. Even get selected twice. What consequences are there for him?
I'm an American with Danish ancestry. I'm sick that my Scandinavian relatives look at me and my country as the enemy. EVERYTHING Trump touches is tainted.
You know what though, I’m glad someone is holding Dump accountable. It’s painful to watch our allies get crapped on without cause, but I’m all for the world against Trump. We will get through this ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼
He has already abdicated his position as Leader of the Free World. No one but Dictators will trust him. He's going around with a club busting up the infrastructure of his own country and international rships. Allies are now seen as enemies. Tariffs will isolate him. He's busting up everything
The Scandinavian countries seem to be genuinely interested in the improvement of governance and the well-being of people. I hope that will continue forever. Norway specifically seems to handle their wealth responsibly, though the taxes are probably a tiny bit high for some people.
Soft, suit wearing Republicans can't even begin to fathom what it's like to fight against a bully. Our country was humiliated before the entire world. While simple-minded idiots celebrate the childishness of our president's administration, educated people are embarrassed to say they're Americans.
Wherever you live in the nation, if you can get to DC, this is our chance to Powerfully Unite and show the world we Reject this Felonious TRAITOR. What happened with Zelensky is just the beginning. No one is coming to save us. We’re it.
I recommend finding a place to stay near a metro station and taking the metro to the Capitol, as parking is a challenge. There are hotels in Virginia and Maryland on the metro line which will be less expensive than DC.
I think Norway also needs to refuse US military assets port calls and ban them from their waters so their country can't be used as a potential staging ground for a potential Greenland invasion.
It’s about time Europe finds its own feet. Includes defense, nuclear umbrella and intel. I would argue that none of that includes US 4 years from now with the current admin, but could include your old partners in Canada, Japan, Korea and Australia. I’m still most worried about Ukraine and Taiwan tbh
Actually I think that's exactly what our real allies SHOULD be doing now that everyone can see we have a Traitor attempting to destroy the US from the inside. I'm very relieved to hear the rest of the free world turning against Trump en masse.
I’m sorry. They just don’t get it. The maggots Will still be drinking the Kool-Aid. Bound to their cult leader to the End! It’s everybody else’s fault, save rump and/or theirs.
We will not be gaining them back without massive systemic change either. Even if we elect a sane administration in the future, it is now clear that the U.S. has a system of government that is quickly and easily subverted and cannot be relied upon.
What I’ll never understand is how presidential candidates are never given security clearances. Once they get through the primaries they all need to go through it and then discard the ones that fail. VP choices as well.
The problem with this is how easily weaponized it is. I can, with little effort, imagine a world where Obama is barred from office by the racists responsible for doing the clearance investigations.
Europe has just learned having a military behemoth as ally and totally relying on this ally can screw Europe over as soon as this one ally is somehow compromised. We can never get back into such a situation.
Good, I hope others follow suit. Until there is pain inflicted on the administration and his feckless continual hacks, the stupidity and incompetence will continue
It is a beautiful thing to see Trump receive consequences for the first time in his life. A bully surrounded by sycophants. Sad to lose our allies. But he gets everything he deserves. And he doesn’t care about us.
We a quickly becoming a pariah of the world. What is happening is not funny even though "laughing stock," is a suitable term for our position right now. We all are being affected by this unimaginable horror. America/Repubicans it's time to fight back.
It’s bigger than that. Our military is in Europe. They depend on resources in Europe like fuel. Our President is scum. However no US citizen sitting in the Oval Office doing that to President Zelenskyy had enough brains to think about how the world would react.
I think it’s more that the hand picked US citizens in that room are so busy being loyal to a person and betraying the Constitution that they don’t care
Honestly, this should’ve been expected. And there likely will be more. Actions have consequences. It’s time Trump & MAGAts start learning. Unfortunately, as always there is collateral damage.
If the world needs to strangle our country to stop a tyrant, so be it. The world knows the USA people are behind them because we also despise this tyrant and his goons. To the WONDERFUL countries standing up to this. Thank you. Keep it up, get the rest of the countries involved, too. I love you all.
Unfortunately, they don't know the Americans support the free world.They aren't seeing rallies, they see a quiet democratic party, a dead GOP and Marco fading into the couch. I live in Portugal and I see very little.... because there is very little. Bluesky is my news now.
Here ya go, I just finished reading about Haltbakk Bunkers! Good for them, it's a start and hopefully, many more countries and companies will follow their lead.
We will have Russia, North Korea, Israel. The only thing we could do to lose Israel is to stop siphoning our money to the genocide in Gaza..I mean the 70 year slow motion genocide that has stolen 95% of the land that was “given to/stolen from” the Palestinians.
All the while, that sack of shit is golfing on our taxes. America is about to be isolated from the whole world, and he's busy golfing like a he had a hard week of work, causing America so much turmoil. Remember world, not even half of Americans voted for this guy, and somehow he's our president
You see, when you believe in little rotten Jesus, you are afraid to advance, to go forward because you live in a constant fear because you think there is someone up there who check your ass all the time.
I just hope a cataclysim does not hit us/US and our list of friends is growing thin, or a country trusk has angered gets intel on a high threat against us/US and they sit on it. I hope not but if I was on other side, I just might for 'merca first BS
Haltbakk CEO Gunnar Gran said: "We have today been witnesses to the biggest shitshow ever... by the current American president.... credit to the president of Ukraine... for keeping calm ...we've decided to immediately STOP as fuel provider to American forces in Norway and their ships...".
The house and the senate have the power under the 14th amendment to throw him out the only things stopping them is courage and the desire cause they support what he is doing
Here’s the problem. They’d have to throw out Vance also. Then next in line is Speaker Johnson. These people are so damn corrupt I feel like there is no saving us. i feel like we just need to purge this whole Administration and have a do over. Which I know isn’t possible.
The Russian spy? No thanks. You are proving my point. The whole group is corrupt and it would be ideal if we could purge all of them. At any rate, Chuck Grassley is next after Johnson. He’s the safest bet. But none of this will come to fruition.
Zelenskyy Is a HERO
Trump is an asshole full of shit & Putin ASSET (Bitch)
JD Vance, Rubio & Lindsey Graham are Traitors & spineless. Republican Wakeup and Impeach Trump!
How many damn data points does one need to see the truth? tRUmp MAGA GQP are RUssian ASSets and traitors to the United States Constitution!! This will NOT stand! Patriots from both parties have to rally to end this abomination! We have got to save our democracy, our country and our European allies!
Well, that's what he wants, right? America first? We will see how that will work out if the rest of the world will not pay attention to the US. It is very sad that so many people voted against their own interests. Just because they wanted cheaper gas and eggs. I forgot, they didn't like her laugh.
While that is what the whitehouse deserves it is not what a majority of the people in the US deserve. Unfortunately those of us who are not in support of becoming a fascist country are being made to pay a very high price.
We hear you and we understand. But it’s important that a symbolic gesture is made so the 🍊💩 understands that mutual cooperation is meaningful and necessary!
I'm not against what they are doing. It is the right thing to do under the circumstances. I'm just saying so many of us will pay dearly for the hatred and thoughtlessness of others.
That is their goal. They are destroying America from within, then trying to get our allies to abandon us, that leaves us vulnerable. That is their end game
Huge boycotts of US companies and brands are surging across Europe. There will be hundreds of billions of dollars of damage to US companies and the US economy -- all caused by Trump's moronic malice and his outright Treason with Putin.
I’m American and even I’m boycotting American products where I can. Only coffee I get is Tim Hortons, only energy drink I’ll buy is Red Bull, I drive a Japanese car. I know it doesn’t do much but it does something
That's good. Money seems to be the only thing that can influence his thinking and actions at some point (beyond all his malignant and self-centered narcissistic issues), so let's hope it has an impact on him and his minions at some point. For the good of the USA and of the world.
USA need to have real leaders in USA like Ukraine President Zelenskyy that does not scare to answer, stand up & confront face to face to a Liar Dictator like Trump, Terrorist Putin & GOP by telling the truth, not bend over & kiss their asses to agree of everything & let them destroy USA & The World!
It's over America.
Us Aussie's don't forget that
You Yanks only showed up in WWII when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. In both World Wars, Yanks only showed up for their own gain to pillage and plunder.
We've defended ourselves without Yanks before. We can again. We'll call London.
I (and many others Aussies) are boycotting anything to do with the USA.
Americans only care about America. Most Yanks can't even find Canada on a map. "If it didn't happen in America it didn't happen" my history teacher taught us.
Trump just finished it off. No more McDonalds, ever. If it's American I won't be buying it. And I'll never buy a dman thing made in the USA ever again.
You Yanks can go and get ...
(Sorry to non-MAGA Yanks).
.......which in itself is a worrying reaction that requires action.
#SlavaUkraini ✊🏼🇺🇦
Sorry to all my American friends.
Please verify......
I’m with you on that, Mom, RIP.
#resist #theelectionwashacked #etrump #trumpsleptwithelon #morewelessme #leavingmaga #deportelon
Perhaps Vlad can stop by and offer a fill-up at twice the market price? 🫏🕳️!
March 4th - Washington, DC
U.S. Capitol - Noon
I hope world leaders shun him! Worst President in History!
this is beyond shameful or embarrassing
this is an act of treason by the top two leaders in this country
it is necessary for congress to remove then from office immediately
The questions now are how many will the US be able to win back and how long will that take?
"We're going to lose $$$ dumbasses"
Couple more months.
How’s it feel magats?? You likin’ the feeling of being world class losers?? Cause it’s gonna get worse….
Got to teach this bully a lesson.
I believe the global community will continue to respond.
Thanks alot Felon , you have Socially Bankrupted our Country in record time.😠
We need a far more fundamental change.
The only actual PLUS is that he's too busy to rape children.
You guys could vote in another nutcase.
More they have problems, more they are excite.
You see, when you believe in little rotten Jesus, you are afraid to advance, to go forward because you live in a constant fear because you think there is someone up there who check your ass all the time.
At this point I wouldn't give comrade Krasnov the benefit of the doubt.
Then Vance can be impeached as well.
At some point Tulsi Gabbard would be President and I think she would be a better choice anyway.
Trump is an asshole full of shit & Putin ASSET (Bitch)
JD Vance, Rubio & Lindsey Graham are Traitors & spineless. Republican Wakeup and Impeach Trump!
As long as there is maga the rest of Europe will be extremely cautious.
(not those sniveling cowardly idiots)
Trump’s working FOR Putin & RUSSIA to DESTROY AMERICA & cut us OFF from our LOYAL ALLIES!
WE MUST IMPEACH or 25th Amendment Trump to SAVE USA!
That’s on you
To accept
Or act