Seeing the video of him skiing, he clearly needs some manly man ski instructor to help him ski without looking like a walking drunk. Cuz I sure as hell ain’t gonna help him.
Didn't the Von Trapp family (of Sound of Music fame) defy the Nazis, escape, and settle in Vermont? Vance Crapp and his Nazi Horde should never be allowed peace there!!!
Those libtards in Bernie country forced him to go home early. And what’s wrong with skiing in jeans? And it was really disrespectful to for them to keep saying “Bye Felisha”. Woke Yankees don’t even know the name of the Vice President.
Poor baby after he attacked president zalensky for what he wore and then all their talk of waste and fraud millions spent on ski trip. Nascar, superbowl, golf trips while cutting food stamps and Medicaid the "libatards" are pissed. You should be too.
Has it been confirmed that tax payers paid for his ski trip? For sure the secret service tax payers paid! He has enough money he can pay for his own! We need a refund!!!
the republicans claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility. But it appears it only applies to services and agencies they don't approve of. It only applies to the American taxpayer. Higher taxes for the middle and lower classes, dismantling of services, extending Americas' debt.
Yea. I will be assigned to pick the vegetable as replacement for the foreign workers. However, I would prefer that to becoming one of the Stepford Wives if you know what I mean.
Ingrate but mostly, superbly unaware of middle class needs. However, his ugliest moments were the clear cruelty of his lack of character as he attacked ALLY and HERO Zelensky. One of the ugliest things I’ve seen in my 76 years. Ugh
Aww 🥰 we love you making profiles coming here and spending so much time here supporting. Before you sign off for the night make sure you pay daily nazi fees for the billionaire club over on truth social. Thanks for stopping happy stalking bootlicker .
Through 127 shell companies (no actual business or goods) & 233 bank accounts; The Briben’s took, a known & provable, $24 million from our foreign adversaries. Treason? Don’t let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya. Thank God this treasonous, divisive, & truly racist president is gone!
I saw some video of Vance skiing but how can that be? I would think he would have secret service all around him and make skiers clear the slopes for security reasons. Otherwise it would be too easy for someone who wanted to do him harm to get to him.
So yes, not only can black people be racist, but are the purveyors of Reverseracismisracism. Black people are actually so racist that you’re racist against fellow light skins or dark skins blacks. You know why you can’t disprove anything I’ve stated? Because it’s all facts!
Racism is bias against any race. It’s quantifiable in the social sciences. For example, I could give you a test asking u ?s about how u feel about certain aspects of certain races. Having u rank them 1-10. I can then measure your level of racism/bias towards other races.
When the Dems started Medicaid, moms divorced the dads & married the government. Dems started & put 78% of all AB clinics in black neighborhoods. Why? Blk baby genocide.
You seem like you need to hear this too: Democrats look for racism where it doesn’t exist. Why? To maintain their fake oppression. Democrat policies want blk people poor, uneducated, divorced, in their hood, locked up, unalived, &/or aborted!
You need to hear this, I do not have clue what is being commented on here. I posted that Vance, who has a brown family, would normally refuse a place that admitted brown people.
Or, his boss, the Orange Turd, for playing golf every weekend at the taxpayers expense, and that doesn’t mean the rich people because they don’t pay any taxes.
Ukraine needs to keep Trump and his band of MAGTARD idiots away from ANY negotiations. The EU will help Ukraine take this thing across the finish line...PUTIN IS TERRIFIED AND TRUMP IS SHITTING HIS PANTS .. AGAIN ... KEEP HITTING PUTIN AND HIT HIM HARD !!!!!😉👍👍👍👍👍
They certainly don't need to give us their minerals did Germany pay us to fight hitler? That's not how it works we are not gangsters making people pay for protection. Are we????
Right to an extent, especially giving trump something actually true to brag about, but a deal that is equitable to Ukraine may prevent further incursions into Ukraine due to Ukraine/United States mutual interest...We'll see how this plays out though...Zelensky was wise to not make an initial deal 😉👍
They're not ... They were removed from the front lines about a month ago due to excessive casualties, language barriers causing communication issues and DPRK special forces soldiers were being used as suicide foot soldiers in ill advised frontal assault with little or no support 😉👍
Here's more...Ukraine needs to keep Trump and his band of MAGTARD idiots away from ANY negotiations. The EU will help Ukraine take this thing across the finish line...PUTIN IS TERRIFIED AND TRUMP IS SHITTING HIS PANTS-KEEP HITTING PUTIN AND HIT HIM HARD !!😉👍👍
President Zelensky needs to make sure if felon is at the table to triple check anything he signs. And have a reliable lawyer check it for loopholes of any sort.
WRONG ANSWER ARPOC... Kim is sending his special forces into the Ukrainian "meat grinder" and they haven't fared well with about half of the 10,000 combatants being dispatched rather quickly while the rest have been pulled well back behind the battle lines 😉
Nor has he and MAGA Felon 47 apologized for all of the LIES they have constantly spread; and to the Haitian people for what they have gone through because of the lies about them eating cats and dogs in Ohio.
We need more of this! We have to stand up at every opportunity and fight back! NO ONE IS COMING TO HELP US! It is up to each of us individually! FIGHT BACK!
To win against the oligarchs it’s going to take all of us working together in solidarity—as a huge unified group. I think that’s what you meant, right? As there is no one individual who can win as a lone individual 👍
Maybe they asked for US minerals, oil - anything of value - especially from New York. Nothing like punching people when they are on the ground and desperate! Slava Ukraine. Resist all despots & wannabe dictators.
Vermonters were asked to respect the fact he was with his young family. I hope they showed him the level of respect he shows the children who are suffering in Ukraine as a result of war.
Those children should not, ever, be protected from protest. They should be educated about what it is and what it means. Protests are also a fundamental act of freedom in the USA and must be respected.
He's just a brat. He really believes he deserves it. Maybe he'll break something, get some hillbilly heroine (OC), and THC. Then maybe he'll have an awakening and speak out against his orange man-baby boss. But I don't really want him to be the good guy. Perplexed
gratitude is very subjective. it should only be expected from an honorable man during an ambush by a convicted felon and his soulless minion in rhe oval office.
Well, i'm not coming to his defense or anything.But he has been working very hard, running his mouth and saying stupid shytt.. He truly must be exhausted
Can someone remind this guy that Europe, Canada, Australia came to our aid when September 11th hit our Twin Towers and fight with us against the terrorists.
Oralè Resister
First thing Nazis did was break in State Sexology Dept, Destroyed all Transgenders, LGBTQ materials and wipe out their official identities in less than 24 hours.
See Iowa Wipes out Transgenders LGBTQ rights #Iowa #NaziBookBurners #USDemocracy #Holocaust
#MadKingMeasles #Oscars
The only way this is going to work is if you try to file state cases against Elon Musk and Congress members so the president can't pardon them and try to get rid of the FBI and CIA
Trump has not said Thank You to the American taxpayers for paying for his many, many, many golf games. This is where the cuts need to begin, deep cuts.
Vance is weak and ineffectual. Trump trodded Vance out to bark at Zelensky. The problem is Trump’s dog is has a no bark and he has no bite. They tried to berate Zelensky as Trump continued to talk over him and tried to belittle him by making fun of the way he was dressed. This ambush was a stunt.
JD Vance is out of his league when playing on the world stage. Zelenskyy had him on the defense when he called him out for never having been to Ukraine but making assumptions about what is going on there. Then gas lit him and accused him of being unthankful and being disrespectful. This was a show!
Wow go figure he gets an all expense paid trip to Vermont after only 6 weeks on the job and no thank yous. No wonder everyone to boooing him. He is so ungrateful.
Look at it like this, as long as he's skiing he isn't trying to prop up the German AFD Party, insult allies or inseminate a couch. Plus remember Sonny Bono, there's always a chance.
Just a thought... Right Wing Conservatives are always planning and strategizing. Maybe Liberals should do the same and make it visible. Conservatives are the party of ME until it happens to them, then they move towards Liberals, the party of WE! Good slogan there!
There’s a reason congress members fight to stay on when they’re so old and decrepit, they’re falling out all over the place. When get back in, let’s focus on changing the bs perks the members get. Maybe if they weren’t treated like royalty, they’d have a better understanding of real life and do
more to protect OUR health care and OUR paid time off and OUR everyday costs for food, housing, education. Who decided Congress deserved such privilege? They did! Isn’t it time WE decide they DON’T?
I saw the convoy of vehicles on TV and counted 25 vehicles. Huge expense. Did we hear thank you from Comrade Vance? What about a thank you for all the countries too numerous to mention whose military fought and sustained loss of life in Afghanistan in defence of America?
This is EXACTLY what we do! Turn the tables and use the same wording , excuses and processes that magats use back to them!
Excellent ! Now, teach the Dems .
If you'd be a mensch....
Perfect alliteration,😭 ... again. What are the odds?
Do you think that he will follow the rules on what's supposed to be reimbursed or not?
Do you think his secretary will tell him ''Sir, this cannot be reimbursed''?
It's an all-you-can-spend buffet for them now and all paid for by the people.
The rules don't apply anymore
How many elected republicans are getting a break from the tax cut?
To Vermont 👏👏👏
Unlike Vance, Vermonters have principles and stand up for them.
The Entire World Knows - #SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump - is a Despicable Human Being.
Then make him say THANK YOU?
First thing Nazis did was break in State Sexology Dept, Destroyed all Transgenders, LGBTQ materials and wipe out their official identities in less than 24 hours.
See Iowa Wipes out Transgenders LGBTQ rights #Iowa #NaziBookBurners #USDemocracy #Holocaust
#MadKingMeasles #Oscars
The JD in JD Vance
Stands for “Just Despicable.”
For more Fun Facts,
Excellent ! Now, teach the Dems .
And for my Republican friends that means "he ain't got no balls."