Said that as it was happening and then winced as not ONE of those cucks stood alongside a BLACK PENSIONER WITH A CANE! as grinning racists sent him down river.
The LEFT has forgotten about POVERTY. If Musk along with the other billionaires in this country paid their federal taxes—we could lift EVERYONE OUT OF POVERTY and have 800 billion left over.
If Musk along with the other billionaires in this country paid their federal taxes—we could lift EVERYONE OUT OF POVERTY and have 800 billion left over.
Tell me why they all didn’t leave the building after the “third” lie. Not calling out a lie, is support for the lie. The republicans aren’t honest or truthful and are NOT playing by the rules or norms - do what you have to do to stop them!!!
Dem leadership seems to thinking that nat'l news orgs will give them bad press yet they get bad press regardless of what they do so they should just go for it and should have heckled every moment of Trump. The Republicans can't censure the entire DEM caucus like they did to Green.
In no one’s defense this was a truly weak and stupid thing for #TheDemocrats to do… w the little signs 🤦🏻♀️ it would have been better if they’d just not attended that speech by a lunatic
One third of the room starting at him in dead silence did actually piss Trump off badly. I think leaving may have left him to gloat at their empty chairs
The Dems have proven to us that they are out of touch, incapable of rising to the challenge of fascism, and don't represent the needs of the 99%, workers. More now than ever, we need a new generation not bound by the old party system to run. it's time! Replace the DEMS and GOP!
They should have done it one by one. Interrupting every time one gets taken out. Oh well. It's good republifucks demonize liberals.... because we do nothing in return but take it.
They should have walked out as soon as he walked in. Hakim Jeffreys sounded so defeated today. They need a bit of backbone & aggression in their stance. These are bullies. You can shout & bluster as loud as they do
They should have stood with him and filed out around him like a protective circle of solidarity. Leaving a block of empty seats like his campaign rallys. 😎
Hakeem Jefferies and Chuck Schumer are far more interested in whining about "the left" and calling for "common ground with trump" than they are in actually defending what Trump wants to destroy.
Dems and the DNC are failures. That's why they ran a totally unlikeable HR lady who lost in 24.
The Dem establishment is more interested in posting "BONE SPURS" on twatter and tittering about it than they are in doing anything substantial to combat trump.
Democratic party is cooked. Anyone who wants to do anything needs to think about creating something new.
I cringe every time I think of the 'strategy' (or lack thereof) deployed by the democrats during the State of the Union. Sadly, it appears to be symbolic of the state of the party. Non-strategic, unthoughtful, lacklustre and lame. In other words, free ride for Trump and MAGA. sigh.
I am so sick & tired of our leaders not taking the lead on what is happening. They need to step down!
They should be out every day protesting the lies being told against the people! 🤬 and still pissed 10 Dems voted against !
Most of us have bills to pay and too much of a conscience to take money from lobbyists. And, look how the few who do make it like AOC and Ilhan Omar, who aren’t corporate shills, are treated.
Agreed. I’m a retired vet and a current fed. But it’s not a realistic expectation that every American has to do that just so their voice can be heard. That’s literally why we have representatives.
Governor Tim Walz should be leading the way.
He's a younger version of Bernie Sanders.
And he's been giving interviews & really going hard at Trump & the Republicans.
Kamala held him back during the campaign.
They might have won if they'd unleashed him. He's the one that called the Repugs weird.
Agreed, SO extremely disgusted with them at this moment in time. They(not all) have truly failed us. They are showing themselves to be no better then the shit storm in the wh.
If nothing else, they should have all stood, turned their backs to him for the entire speech with something different written on each shirts. Or when he said that there was nothing he could do to the dems to make them smile, clap, or cheer, they should have turned forward and said you could leave.
Most did walk out. Al Greene yelling over Trump & being rejected was smart. He got tons of media attention & people paid attention. Dems held up signs, turned their backs, and walked out.
I think they all should have just gotten up and walked out, 2-3 at a time, throughout the speech so there was no one by the end of it. That would have gotten under Donnie skin
I was so disappointed when they didn't all leave with him. Instead, ten Democrats voted along with the GOP to censure Green. That's unforgivable to me.
What frustrates the ever-loving-piss out of me is that Bumblin’ Public Masturbator Lauren Boebert and Twittle-Toes “Horse Face” Marjorie Traitor-Green both heckled Biden and they weren’t censured.
Democrats are playing by rules that nobody else is, and they seem too fucking stupid to realize it.
Dems seem to be trying "when they go low, we go high" attitude and stick with protocol however, during these unprecedented times, they need to realize they're in a real historical fight for democracy and get down & dirty. Using every legal strategy and loophole in their expertise.
I would have liked to see every Democrat do what Al Green did, spread out over the whole 90 minute performance - it would have doubled in length and people would have tuned out.
The reaction from the right would have been the same if one or all Democrats reacted like Al Green.
Yes ! They should have all wore blue jeans and a yellow t shirt in solidarity for Ukraine. And then walked out with Al green. Party UNITY is desperately needed. Watch video, type Melanie Stansbury calling bullshit. She made NEW MEXICO PROUD. I don't know how to do video yet.
If Dems don’t realize decorum is an invisible leash, soon they will have a physical leash on them. I thought they should have all stood and walked out 1 row at a time after each paragraph of his speech. Decorum won’t save democracy, it will kill it.
The public will be gaslit on the implosion and when it’s impossible to ignore the truth, Trump will blame the minorities, the “other”. Pig in the swill never blame the farmer for their plight. Implosion isn’t coming to rescue us.
Oligarchs and Trump will consolidate power and control the levers. Sure it will implode, but nobody will be in a position to do anything about it. Trump will continue to blame woke, Dems, immigrants, Europe, Canada, Mexico. MAGA will believe b/c they can’t afford not to.
Chucky cheese is 100% a corporatist. He wants stability & decorum. He’s 100% the wrong leader 4 these times. AOC will either b bought off, pushed out of office, or otherwise sidelined, probably with the help of the Dems like Chucky. Dems will sit & watch it happen 2 retain nominal power and comfort.
Yes, Establishment Dems are Oligarchs. Work relentlessly to oust AOC, Bernie, all progressive agenda while not only reaching 'cross isle, but partaking in voting for and with the supposed opposition.
Don’t get me wrong, Dems are more on the right side of democracy, but side too frequently with big business. It’s why we get f’d by big pharma, tech, finance, etc.
Teddy is rolling over in his grave.
I don't like what Repubs are doing, but they're UNITED. Dems should've been prepared & united BEFORE Trump's h8 speech. Green was the voice of the voiceless & 10 Dems decided that was wrong. What's wrong is Dems NOT having their 💩 together to unite, support, & fight back.
I don’t think it’s as much the Dems themselves aren’t united, I would argue that’s more of a person to person basis. I’d argue the Dems are fucking cowards. As I’ve said, they’ve had every opportunity to stop this but they’ve said “👉👈 but we don’t wanna start a conflict”
They’ve allowed the Repubs to run rampant in politics for decades and now we sit at the pinnacle of their inaction. A tyrant is tearing the nation apart and most of them won’t lift a finger to stop it. There is pushback but not nearly enough.
These few Democrats with spines need to leave the Democratic Party and start their own. This party is a party of cowards. This is why Donald Trump so easily won is because of this tough fact Democrats are pussies and hide in the corner instead of standing up
To the Dems - shame on you. Every one of you should have walked out. You just can’t keep on sitting on your butt and doing nothing. You guys are pathetic
Every Democrat Is Doing What They Think Will Help. Don’t Shoot The Messengers. Those Democrats Who Voted To Censor Rep. Green—Disgraced Themselves For Republican Hypocrites! Americans Saw!
80% of the country should have voted against the GOP candidate.
It’s the “should have”s that will kill you.
People rarely, if ever, do what they “should have” done.
We’re the world’s only suicidal species, and not even a very smart one.
Trump insulted both Biden and Obama repeatedly in his speech, and on other separate occasions as well during his second term in public settings. Dems are more concerned with finger-wagging their own members and pretending we are still in the era of 80s/90s civility politics, rather than mounting
a meaningful resistances. Their takeaways based on their recent summit meeting was that they should concede to the Republican framing of their governance in big cities, all while Republicans lead states and cities riddled with crime and poor health/education outcomes.
Absof**kinglutely!! And I'm done with those Democrats who voted to censure Rep. Al Green, including my own, #MarieGluezenkamp-Perez. I won't support her in the next Democratic primary. And WTF is up with #Rep.JaredMoskowitz, also voting "yes". We won't forget!
You're going to have to vote Democrat whatever in any (if there is one) election, otherwise you'll get more of what you're getting now.
That's why Harris didn't get in, isn't it?
Don't know her
She's black/Indian
She's a woman
I won't vote
I'll vote for neither but someone else
So vote Democrat.
waiting for cat to become a leopard is a waste of time. there are no magic politicians. the thing we need is leadership: free read:
As a dem, I call for Hakeem to sit this one out. Let Jasmine, Jamie, AOC, Richie Torres, Bernie, Al Green, Pete Buttigieg, JB Pritzker, Josh Shapiro, Stacey Plaskett, Stacey Abrams, take the lead. They all speak from the heart with passion and fire. They understand when and how to wield decorum.
I wonder why they didn't because in true tRump fashion everything he said was a lie. I walked out with him by not watching one more second of it after they threw him out. I was going to attend a republican town hall, and can you believe it, not a single one anywhere 🤔
One thing i've learned over the years - we can't protest by sitting in our seats or being polite. We have to get in their face, be obnoxious and loud, and keep doing it every chance we get. Protest is only effective when it disrupts the status quo and knocks people out of their comfort zone.
I follow Dr. King - we do non-violent protests. We'll parade around the Capitol, sing songs, wave signs, and make noise. If we engage in violence it gives our opponents ammunition to use against us and reduces us to being no better than them.
And yet they get reprimanded for such actions:
I cannot believe they are prioritizing decorum when we are under a coup. Some democratic leaders much be so please with their housing, job, food, and medical security, that they don’t care ENOUGH- like Green and Crockett do
Hakeem Jeffries is a disgrace. Corporate Democrat shill. he needs to go. Weak as piss. He says they cant do anything in the house because of the numbers. Al Greene shows he can get a message across regardless and Jeffries wants to punish him
He would rather work with MAGA than progressive Democrats
-Not reprimand colleagues 4 walking out at the SOTU
-Town halls @ republican districts (encouraging party as well)
-Taking notes from Rep Green on speaking up @ major events that’s televised on Fox
-Obstruct everything (McConnell 101)
-Bring affected ppls to share their stories
*Listen* to the ppl
And I mean weird our frustrations, our pains, our struggles, in a way that truly shows he’s FOR us. Republicans had zero decorum and now they have congress, courts, and the White House. Bullies respond to push back
I read about it later. I can just about maintain my composure reading a transcript. Listening to that voice is like glass in my head. But, yes. What on earth. And some voted for the censure. What the actual fck. It's like they are playing mock Congress in high school or something.
Democratic congressional leaders and members should have had the same courage as the honorable representative from Texas!!! John Lewis would have embraced him and shook his head in sadness toward the rest in that chamber
Instead, my senator,, posted on here that it wasn't her favorite way to spend her birthday. Literally, did the least possible and then made a joke as if the terror her constituents are feeling is funny. She also has made it nearly impossible to contact her.
No, every single one of them should have joined him in his tirade of the Tangerine Tyrant until the master at arms was called to eject them and then simply sat on the floor in silent protest.
Trump has no right to eject his opposition from the hall of representatives
The moment that FELON stepped up to the podium to speak they ALL should have gotten up and walked out. He wasn't speaking to them anyway. He had them there to call them names and antagonize and they capitulated hook line and sinker under their BS idea of decorum, yet that was never granted to them.
I want to know which democrats are running for presedential office next. They need to earn my vote. I need to see them everywhere out there, like on the streets, on TV and on social media protesting, speaking up/out, and standing up against the tRump administration and Musk. Democrats need a leader.
Agree. Dems are not going to control or spin their message at a Trump pep rally. None should have attended & they should have done their own thing (hopefully nothing cringe-worthy).
But being there to support Green def would’ve shown like hearted Dems support and encouraged Americans, that someone in there is Standing Up against Tyranny & lawlessness. Seeing Hakeem do nothing is awful.
Please note only Black representative and AOC are publicly fighting back. The others, mainly European American politicians, are COWARDS. They're afraid they may be primaried, no balls in the and Senate. Note, 10 Dems, all White, agreed to censored Rep. Al Green. Why?
I wouldn’t have thought he can tell another country what to do. He can yell that but he doesn’t have the authority. I guess he can stop America sharing info with UK but that’s it.
Exactly. As an independent when I say to a Democrat that their party is ineffective against republicans then somehow I am a bad guy. The Republicans have been making gains for decades.
Reps will put on all kinds of theatre, but dems won't stand up to blatent lies? They will never appeal to the broader masses without engaging in some of their own theater. Most people live and think off of soundbites and not nuanced reality.
These 10 sided with the MAGAt sedition caucus to censure
They need to rethink their career choices. I want to see reps with fire in their soul and a fucking spine.
Most politicians are cowards because they think they are in it for the next job or the next position. I'm hoping that this present immoral stupidity will move them to push back. It will take both Democrats AND Republicans.
Ami Bera (CA)
Ed Case (HI)
Jim Costa (CA)
Laura Gillen (NY)
Jim Himes (CT)
Chrissy Houlahan (PA)
Marcy Kaptur (OH)
Jared Moskowitz (FL)
Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA)
Tom Suozzi(NY)
I'm torn because I thought it was super disrespectful when the Rs interrupted Obama 'in protest' - and, they are truly deluded into thinking they were principled like Al. On the other hand, it feels like we are way past any semblance of decorum in govt...
There's a time for decorum and there's a time for disruption. Unfortunately, the time for decorum has long passed. It doesn't matter how nicely you play with a piranha they won't reciprocate. That's an insult to piranhas but it's the best I could come up with.
There's no decorum in open war. The robber barons are raiding the treasury, it's open season for the worst kinds of bribery and I have no respect for any Republican involved, it's stupid to pretend that we owe it to "the office". F*** that noise. We can't let them gaslight us like that.
I thought that way for a minute. Then I remembered their are burning down our house. Time for pink outfits and little signs are long over.
We have a Russian asset in the wh! Nice is over.
Agree. I’m a Democrat, and voted for Elisabeth Warren, but holding up little sighs, is as effective as posting a “Go slow” sign in front of an elementary school in a redneck neighborhood.
That was back in the day when 'manners, integrity, kindness, and decorum' were still a 'thing'. That is long gone and the Dems need to stand up and be counted. It will be very distressing if they, like the repugnicans, are terrified of the orange hitler.
Dont succumb to this nonsense if u dont like the candidates, u should run for office. If voting didnt matter they wouldnt be begging for urs or trying to strip away others voting rights
Written like a true troll. Article III of the 14th amendment disqualified the turd. Article V allows ONLY congress - with 3/4 of the states approval - can amend the Constitution - NOT SCOTUS OR the President. Sola potestas illis est quam damus
“I agree that the quality of candidates is very important. How do you think we should promote more active political participation and better candidates?
I've been consistently writing to party leaders and local politicians. Its harsh and might hurt some, but voters have power, don't donate, when the dont present a good candidate don't vote or write in a candidate that would be better. Try to get involved in a voting block.
As long as there is an oligarchical donor class, I don’t think you can. Citizens United destroyed the electoral system. We are controlled by the oligarchy-
Both Democrats and Republicans.
Looks like we need a revolution.
The fact that no one stood up [email protected] is illustrative of how the white nationalist party was able to metastasize over the last 30 years. Institutionalists like do not want change. So when it comes to fighting back, they buckle, pearl clutch & condemn our heroes.
Are they unprepared or unwilling? They have not taken any steps since the election. And frankly since before. They just stepped back and let this happen. The biggest question is “Why?”.
I agree. That’s pretty fucking stupid. The story is about THEIR CONSTITUENTS. They should be just as loud as these other mfer’s did for the last 4 years. Adopt their playbook. And call out the hypocrisy. Something!
They laid down for a convicted felon. They absolutely knew what his agenda was. The Democratic Party committed political suicide and showed no effort to beat trump. They literally fucked us and put trump in office. Where are they today ? I know where we are and that’s fucked by Democrats.
Disappointed in every single one of them. I was such a big donor leading up to this election and I feel betrayed. Now I delete every text asking me to take a survey and other traps that just end in the asking for money. They are cowards. They don’t deserve my money.
Same here. We were betrayed in every way. The Democrats were just as much to blame as republicans. Harris was a complete embarrassment and Biden turned his back on us in spite. We’ve been taking over by Russia. Make no mistake trump is going to make us a war torn country. He is Americas # 1 enemy.
I agree 100% with this. NOW is the time for 'good trouble'. I was glad to see the Resist t-shirts. It bothered the cheeto. He kept looking at the Dems when speaking. A single file, quiet walk-out, would have sent the message we want the Dems to send. "Cheeto, you are not worth our attention". need new leadership yesterday. The team has put together is simply abysmal. There is no other way to describe.
I knows I’m an eternal optimist probably because I have lived long enough to see the pendulum swing. It does swing…..when it gets to left or to right. It corrects itself in the direction of good. Both sides have always had over reach you may think it’s to much to overcome, we said that about Nazis 🌹
Possibly. Taking a chainsaw to Government when a scalpel is needed, affecting multiple thousands of people without notice, on Federal, State, & personal levels should qualify as a “pendulum” swung too far.
Unexpected job loss is a devastating experience.
We are seeing cruelty on a massive scale.
Absolute agree. Americans need to start calling bullshit. It may take blood & bone, but this is untenable. We as Americans in this part of history have never had to fight. Down dirty guns & ammo fight. I can see how a civil war can manifest itself.
As a military mom, I have to disagree. First, The Congress must start talking TO their colleagues & constituents. Not talking about them or talking past them. Neither side can be happy with anything less than peaceful coexistence. It takes all of us. A blanket acceptance of violence is a hard NO.
Hard to say whether it would have made a difference. We’re all standing at the ready and wondering what to do. WHAT WILL WORK? The courts aren’t doing it. They are running off with the cash!
Dems and the DNC are failures. That's why they ran a totally unlikeable HR lady who lost in 24.
Democratic party is cooked. Anyone who wants to do anything needs to think about creating something new.
They should be out every day protesting the lies being told against the people! 🤬 and still pissed 10 Dems voted against !
We need a Winston Churchill – Not a bunch of Neville Chamberlain appeasers.
He's a younger version of Bernie Sanders.
And he's been giving interviews & really going hard at Trump & the Republicans.
Kamala held him back during the campaign.
They might have won if they'd unleashed him. He's the one that called the Repugs weird.
Americans, you must ask yourselves, not what America can do for me in this hour, but what can I do to save her in her hour of need.
Desolation is generally a one-way destination.
In a country of MTGs, be a #JasmineForUS!!
Democrats are playing by rules that nobody else is, and they seem too fucking stupid to realize it.
For all of those dems, ‘we the people’ don’t have short timers memory when it comes primary time.
Then, ten of them voted to censure him. Whose side are they on anyway?
The reaction from the right would have been the same if one or all Democrats reacted like Al Green.
These politicians are really showing their weak asses with Trump in office.
Dems lack both
Dems are guy who is a doormat but thinks he’s “being a nice guy”.
Republicans are the dude who claims to be a nice guy then cuts you off from friends and family and beats your ass when dinner is 3/5 stars.
I’m going to assume you meant to ask me if I voted for Jill Stein.
No. I didn’t. Because I understood that not voting for Kamala Harris was voting for Trump to launch his dictatorship.

Despite some crazy James Carville ideas, I think he's right on how to approach all this.
He advocates a "technical pause". Sit back & let it implode.
Learn from Ali . . he deployed a “‘rope-a-dope’ strategy. A patience that will be challenging.
Teddy is rolling over in his grave.
I checked the list and they are beyond my voting reach.
It’s the “should have”s that will kill you.
People rarely, if ever, do what they “should have” done.
We’re the world’s only suicidal species, and not even a very smart one.
(202) 224-3121
Get them all out all over the world.
Al Green is a hero, and so is Jasmine.
The 10 democrats who voted to censure him should be ashamed and primaried.
We are up against a monster and monsters in congress and courts.
Wonderful stuff
Would appreciate follows as well
That's why Harris didn't get in, isn't it?
Don't know her
She's black/Indian
She's a woman
I won't vote
I'll vote for neither but someone else
So vote Democrat.
Maybe some of the Dems are in on it
Not gonna happen.
Not without riots in the streets.
Schumer and Jeffries are not allies. They literally want to play the clock and get a win by waiting it out
Let that orange old fart stand there all night until his diaper blows out.
I cannot believe they are prioritizing decorum when we are under a coup. Some democratic leaders much be so please with their housing, job, food, and medical security, that they don’t care ENOUGH- like Green and Crockett do
He would rather work with MAGA than progressive Democrats
-Town halls @ republican districts (encouraging party as well)
-Taking notes from Rep Green on speaking up @ major events that’s televised on Fox
-Obstruct everything (McConnell 101)
-Bring affected ppls to share their stories
*Listen* to the ppl
Since Trump made the comment about the Dems never
standing, clapping and 'if they can do it just this once'; it would've never been just this once.
Trump would've been a total titty baby if there was a walkout.
Trump has no right to eject his opposition from the hall of representatives
Bone spurs would of stopped him from playing 🏓
They need to rethink their career choices. I want to see reps with fire in their soul and a fucking spine.
These ones are.
Ed Case (HI)
Jim Costa (CA)
Laura Gillen (NY)
Jim Himes (CT)
Chrissy Houlahan (PA)
Marcy Kaptur (OH)
Jared Moskowitz (FL)
Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA)
Tom Suozzi(NY)
I just miss Obama and Michelle yall
I kinda never really did actually. This country's rotten to the core and evil doesn't deserve to be played nice with.
We have a Russian asset in the wh! Nice is over.
He needs to pay a price for disloyalty to his party and the voters in Connecticut.
He is on Bluesky - let him know what you think.
Both Democrats and Republicans.
Looks like we need a revolution.
Then you can sit around, work for only half of the year and blame progressives when your catering to moderate conservatives doesn’t work.
How stupid is that?! (rhetorical question)
I'm tired of this "let's bring a can of silly string to a gun fight" routine the dems are pulling.
Unexpected job loss is a devastating experience.
We are seeing cruelty on a massive scale.