He forces Europe to find itself again, stop us eating the bread of shame and feel the joy of responsibility. His existence also feels worse than a nasty divorce.
Fuck off and go straight to hell. Both fucking degenerate criminals that the entire world fucking hates. Two excellent examples of scum in suits. Shit for brains. Ugliest people on earth.
Trump and his administration are a symptom of a greater problem though. One with fixes that should be easy but nobody has the political will for. And there is a *lot* of incentive from big business to keep the status quo.
They are a group of people that 1) are trying to make changes but lack the professional knowledge & skills, 2) are deluded by an “anti-liberal” agenda, 3) don’t have any detailed or coherent forward-looking vision, 4) are so self-centered that morals, ethics and law are ignored, etc etc
Retard and russian asset leading other russian assets.
BTW is there any single one in his administration who didn't said something very negative about agent orange?
I am fucking pissed off with these mafia maga gangsters! I am literally beyond words!! Fuck trump, fuck putin and fuck all their idiot minions!!
That's putting what I think mildly right now...
From afar, I watched the State de Union address by President Trump. What meaningless drivel of lies and propaganda it was! Only empty-headed individuals or morons could relate to utter garbage disseminated by Trump. Please, America, keep up the pressure in protesting against this bag of putrid wind.
the absolute worse president in history! he is a traitor , criminal rapist evil monster and should be sitting behind bars! he is destroying peoples lives while making the wealthiest even more money ! PURE EVIL!
After more reflection, the single word "un-American" for Trump comes to mind. Growing up in Germany, France, and Italy, my friends had a largely positive view of Americans as generous, kind, helpful supporters of democracy worldwide. To them, that was the true meaning of being American.
Brutal. Pragmatic. Focused on his own interests. Thick skin. Delusional on many points - e.g. he's a great negotiator. Immoral. Has a complicated relation with truth, to be elegant. Amateurish.
A mob gang dealers, because for mob boss Trump peace is a way to make money, blackmailing Ukraine for US rare hearth enterprises give him a percentage of the business and help his master Putin achieved what is impossible on the battle field, keep Ukrainian land and rebuilt Russia economy.
We've all heard the thought experiment that poses the question; if you could go back in time and eliminate baby Hitler, would you?
I'm certain people in the future will ask the same question about the rotting pumpkin.
I remember thescandals and lawsuits in the 80s in NYC. How ANYONE could think it was a decent human being is beyond me. He's been a piece of shit his entire life.
Yes he has and so we're his father and grandfather and so are his children. We're cursed to be forced to deal with this family of deplorables for a long time to come.
and only power and money counts for them.
Trump and his administration are a symptom of a greater problem though. One with fixes that should be easy but nobody has the political will for. And there is a *lot* of incentive from big business to keep the status quo.
They are a threat and embarrassment to the US.
traiters to the USA
traiters to the free world
BTW is there any single one in his administration who didn't said something very negative about agent orange?
That's putting what I think mildly right now...
Слава Україні! 🇺🇦🗽
I'm certain people in the future will ask the same question about the rotting pumpkin.
I don't want a livetime ban ...