The world sees the moral collapse of the US under Trump as thug.The Trump-Vance tag team assault was a demonstration of Mobster politics. Like Gaza-a-Lardo as "Riviera", Ukraine was being strong-armed to give up national resources --with the outcome of Putin-Trump pillaging Ukraine.
They picked the wrong guy to pull that shit with & in the process they further united Europe and the world with Zelensky & Ukraine and against Krasmov, oops, er I mean Trump, Vance and the nazis trying to destroy our democracy
#FuckTrump #fucknazis
#BerineWouldHaveWon and this wouldn't be happening
Here I'll post this bc our state sponsored corp media won't. More lies
"Trump claimed that Ukraine owes the United States “$500 billion,” saying that this was the amount of military aid Washington had provided to Kyiv. The true amount of aid provided is closer to $115 billion."
The U.S. faces an irreversible decline as military alliances collapse and economic leverage erodes. Allies will halt arms purchases, revoke U.S. base access, and shift trade away, crippling our defense industry and exports. America will lose its superpower status, leaving us isolated and irrelevant.
How pathetic that the best Trump and Vance could come up with was: You didn't properly thank Trump. Then the best question Marj T Greene's boyfriend could come up with was: Why don't you wear a suit? Really a pitiful display of American weakness.
What’s with use of the word bizarre, again? That implies an unusual or strange occurrence. This is not a UFO landing. It was an appalling show of disrespect to the leader of a nation that is supposed to be our ally.
Can I just say, as a Brit, that what I just saw coming from the Whitehouse, made me feel so proud to be British and not American at this present time. Talk about a lack of political class from the President and his sidekick... I am sure however that it will be painted as a victory for Trump some how
Zelensky was the only leader Trump and Vance embarrassed us as a nation today. Trump and Vance better get used to people talking back and fighting back. The rest of the world is done with their nonsense. Time for the EU and Ukraine to work a deal and leave this hapless administration out of it.
Trump like all bullies and Mafia Boss wannabes always resort to EXTORTION, the perfect phone call was anything but...this is bis 2nd stab at Extorting him now
Trump and Vance are dumb. Zelensky is both brave and a great leader. He was brave to stand up to Putin—he didn’t want a ride when everyone thought Putin would easily take Russia. Neither Trump nor Vance have even a fraction of this bravery.
This was horrible. Zelenskyy deserves better. He has been fighting off the invading Russia and this is how they treat him. Trump and Vance are horrible.
One person in this room emerged as a calm, collected leader and the others looked like a group of bullies in a schoolyard. Bullying is not a position of strength, it’s a position of weakness. What an embarrassment for the US.
Totally disgusting. So ashamed of this "POTUS" and lilttle errand boy Vance. Trump is a stain on Democracy here and around the world. This display is yet ANOTHER reason why Trump is unfit for office. Smh
Maybe a trap... but for whom? Trump and Vance were allowed to fully reveal themselves for what they are. And that was definitely not a good look for them. Anyone can see it. Meanwhile, Zelensky look them in the face and spoke truth - which left a durable mark on them, unspinnable.
Media should call it what it: absurd, disrespectful, damgerous behavior of Trump and plain stupid from Vance, nothing wrong from the other side than having some view on what needs to be done to handle the Ukraine situation
they wanted their asses kissed and Zelensky stood up for himself, for his country, for democracy and freedom and dignity; trump is putin's lackey and vance is trump's lackey and all three can rot in hell together SLAVA UKRAINI!!
We both agree it is a load of shit take the win.
#FuckTrump #fucknazis
#BerineWouldHaveWon and this wouldn't be happening
"Trump claimed that Ukraine owes the United States “$500 billion,” saying that this was the amount of military aid Washington had provided to Kyiv. The true amount of aid provided is closer to $115 billion."
Its sad cuz for anyone else "bizarre" would be the perfect word but for those two shmucks it was par for the course. Golf pun INTENDED.
I am so very ashamed by their behavior and actions.
a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.
a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
"a war hero"
Fixed for ya
You know this is true because Vance accused Zelensky of performing for the cameras. And that's their thing.
Very weak. Two chinless chubby boys trying to look tough ganging up on a man who's trying to help his country expel an invader.
F'ing embarrassment to the heroes of our country and all others. We no longer stand for freedom
And if it's time for the shooting to start, fair enough. We can buy guns too.
Trump like all bullies and Mafia Boss wannabes always resort to EXTORTION, the perfect phone call was anything but...this is bis 2nd stab at Extorting him now
They have absolutely NO CLASS and thought they could control him on the world stage.🤡💩
I am so very over all of this.
Is this the true culmination of American ideals in action?!
Greed. Hate. Corruption. Fecklessness.
It's a circus of morally bereft cowardice and ineptitude!!
And w/o a hero in sight...
Be ashamed and disgusted by your own country. Today your Democracy officially dies with a filthy piece of shit of a clown as your leader.
America, you don’t deserve any respect after this public humiliation of Ukraine, made by your government.
Fuck you.
#news #america #usa