And the dummies you vote for don’t like red flag laws or funding mental healthcare. Why don’t you just save us some time and admit that you care more about your guns than you do your fellow citizens, including children.
The Republican Party is responsible for how many dead children? They stonewalled gun legislation for decades. They are guilty. The NRA is guilty. The Democratic Party needs to fight like hell against big problems or get out of the way.
American Exceptionalism is a lie perpetrated by the people in power to trick you into believing you have it good and shouldn't want better. There is nothing exceptional about a country that values money above humanity.
I love my country. I watched a documentary interviewing young couples from Italy. Once they learned we had almost no paternity leave, paid vacation/sick days, child care, etc & Paid a lot for medical care… They knew the USA wasn’t what it was cracked up to be. Well, we know, too. 😏
And it is going to be on the news for days, interviews, press conferences, etc. While nothing will be done. Meanwhile 1, I repeat 1, health insurance guy gets killed and there's gonna be a special holtline for rich people. I am disgusted.
Maybe if enough Conservative Christian schools are subject to the values their parents empower they’ll come to realize thoughts and prayers are useless trash
Americans have been brainwashed by politicians and corporations to believe the myth that America is number 1 in everything. Nothing could be further from the truth. In most rankings, America isn’t even in the top 10. In healthcare, not even in the top 30. In infant mortality, not in the top 50.
In an international Survey of 180 1st world Democracies. The Continental United States came in 181st
In every classification.
Life Expectancy.
Least educated
Cost of Living
Less freedom of movement
More civil Law's to Subjugate the population.
🇨🇦💃🏼🤬 that’s exactly what I said you claim to be the greatest country in the world which some sounds like that is BS your politics don’t do shit for your young people
Reagan cut the tax brackets, and anti-monopoly laws that kept people from becoming more powerful than their governments. That lost revenue used to fund much of the human infrastructure of education, health, & justice. For more details:
I grew up as a missionary kid in the apparently uncivilized nation of the UK. We had a horrible school shooting in Scotland, the country united and limited access to guns, and last I checked there have been no school shootings since 1996.
I am a military spouse. My husband has taught active shooter training. I teach. We have to do lockdown drills. I fear for my own kids if away from me.
A country that cannot unite on the value of life, preferring its violence, even mocking those who mourn, is definitely not great. It’s just STUPID.
I have a hard time understanding how we praise the gunning down of a CEO and then condemn the shooting at a school. This is causing me a problem.... Any suggestions?
It is a scandal, a tragedy that such a massacre is repeated. I am so sad. I think of the families. I try to empathize, line I wouls fell in this situation. I can‘t do this. it is not possible.
Is it also and maybe equally possible that something has happened in the last 2 to 3 decades where, partially due to less parents in the household overseeing their kids out of necessity, but the lack of oversight in general of kids? Not an excuse but part of the problem I believe.
3rd world countries have better life expectancy than the Richest nation there has ever been on planet Earth. The Continental United States deserves its Own Unique Classification.
"4th World United States of America".
Might it catch on.
Children are only children in a world that does not recognize them as being kids.
A world that does not recognize childhood is a world in which children are not allowed to live.
How does one make the world for children?
By asking a kid how to make the world most fun. That's how.
The US may have been at one time. Post WWII/Korea. Alas, this has been eroded by lesser, corrupt self serving, greedy slash and burn people of which Drumpf and his ilk are but the current in an altogether long line of the shallow gene pool rejects, to crawl out of the swamp.
Thankfully, the police revised the number killed to 2+ the shooter.
It's gone from being a 2-day story to a 1-day story, and everyone except those affected by it will have forgotten about it by tomorrow to focus on the next Trump word salad.
From the 1st of January last. 11,600. American Citizens died from Gun Violence to date.
The recent shooting is not included.
United States Census Bureau.
Proportionally. The United States is the least educated.
Has more law enforcement than any other 1st world Democracies
Has more laws to subjugate their citizens' rights.
It's even written what the government can't do.
But still try to overrule it.
The right wing measures "greatness" by the ease with which the powerful are able to destroy the lives of the powerless.
Gun culture extends the ability to destroy lives beyond the oligarchy. It's why this is such a sacred tenet of right-wing ideology: the ability to kill is sacred to MAGA voters.
It’s heartbreaking and infuriating. Children shouldn’t be collateral damage for profit-driven agendas. A country that sacrifices its future for corporate greed is far from 'great.' Protecting kids should be non-negotiable. This isn’t freedom, it’s failure.
A once proud nation, but now just a strong military led by a oligarchy. Never the greatest country on earth. That statement is also heard in North Korea, ruzzia and other totalitarian regimes. Just saying. The greatest country would provide for its citizens.
The Gun Lobby hasn't shot any child ... PEOPLE SHOOT PEOPLE. We aren't the greatest nation on earth. Take your kids to Syria, Ukraine, Gaza ... better, ya???
The gun lobby controls the same politicians who refuse to fund mental healthcare. Just admit you’re a selfish twat who cares more about your hunks of metal than you do actual humans.
Here's a question: T despises his base. I think maybe Rs might feel the same way. Following this thought, and bear in mind I haven't researched all of the schools w/ shooting incidents, but, are they primarily NOT exclusive, private expensive schools? Just wondering.
The mentаlly ill do.
First time voting for him.
In every classification.
Life Expectancy.
Least educated
Cost of Living
Less freedom of movement
More civil Law's to Subjugate the population.
Kicked off his ‘80 campaign in Philadelphia MS, lynching and klan capital of the US.
His “the government IS the problem ushered in the militia movement
Then it got worse
NRA, W, Palin, Fox
Trump isn’t the CAUSE
He’s the RESULT of 40 + years of rot
Clinton had just balanced it TWICE
W and Trump: Mire trickle down
Now we’re $35T in debt
A country that cannot unite on the value of life, preferring its violence, even mocking those who mourn, is definitely not great. It’s just STUPID.
"4th World United States of America".
Might it catch on.
Let's just start calling the GOP who they are, child murderers, and not mince words. I don't care if it hurts their feelings.
A world that does not recognize childhood is a world in which children are not allowed to live.
How does one make the world for children?
By asking a kid how to make the world most fun. That's how.
They are smart.
It's gone from being a 2-day story to a 1-day story, and everyone except those affected by it will have forgotten about it by tomorrow to focus on the next Trump word salad.
The recent shooting is not included.
United States Census Bureau.
Has more law enforcement than any other 1st world Democracies
Has more laws to subjugate their citizens' rights.
It's even written what the government can't do.
But still try to overrule it.
And the Rich who Have and know what they’re able to get away with there, unlike everywhere else.
Gun culture extends the ability to destroy lives beyond the oligarchy. It's why this is such a sacred tenet of right-wing ideology: the ability to kill is sacred to MAGA voters.
Being powerful doesn't necessarily equal greatness.
In those same countries, the USA also has the most gun related deaths and injuries in the world.
Thinking could there possibly be a link?