No one cares if federal employees were asked to submit what they did last week. As a teacher, this is how I lived my life. Submit weekly lesson plans.
The problem is, Elon wasn’t elected by anyone and has no business asking shit of federal employees.
The problem is, Elon wasn’t elected by anyone and has no business asking shit of federal employees.
Very much a waste of taxpayer dollars
Frankly government employees shouldn’t have to do anything at all.
Federal Employees under this new #Trump administration are being hounded, disparaged & treated unfairly (both in office & especially those who work at home).
Latest news is they have to report what they've done WEEKLY. 🙄
Totally unfair. They shouldn't be babied like this. Respect them!
Somehow “woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head” is gonna end up as part of our next government, ruled by the benevolent AI overlords.
Micromanaging employees is a terrible way to create successful environments and good workplaces
Management who relies on shit like this to measure progress are terrible at their jobs
And Republicans are OK with this.
Admin at schools do both with our lessons.
America stands with Trump! 🇺🇸
lesson plans to the boss, the Principal. Not some lunatic who wanders in off the street. The only person who should be asking federal employees what they did is their supervisor and the department head.
Never submitted a lesson plan except for an annual evaluation.
Because I had a strong union that understood that it's not how professionals should be managed.
But it's such a stupid idea, and such a waste of everyone's time.
There is no aspect in which this is equivalent to lesson plans, & that’s important because time is being taken away from serving the public.
I don’t need a nanny.
Going to start one that has the following letters first in the 5 bullet points...(FUC...
-Fully engaged with the contractor
-Utilized statistics to understand methodology
-Kept request for information database updated
-Understood statement of work