They have installed the wealthiest man in the world to dismantle the country for himself and his fellow oligarchs. They plan to burn the country down to pay rock-bottom prices for the ashes.
A fire sale.
A fire sale.
America is demanding answers. So far we don't hear a response.
On March 15th, place your postcard in the mail, addressed to:
President (for now) Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Um, yes they do! 😈
we need to have a discussion
In a nutshell, if you prefer video to reading:
They're just dismantling a country instead of a company and this time they plan to finish the job
The question is are We the People going to let it happen...
The Republicans are creating a really messed legacy for their children.
I was a young man in the 80s, thanks to Reagan nomics, interest rates on homes skyrocketed and the economy sucked, it took several presidents to get it reeled back in!
The GOP only takes care of the millionaire class!
I wish for once the creator would make certain people billionaires who would help fix shit instead of destroy it
Billionaires have enough money to fix problems and still be so disgustingly wealthy
I simply don’t understand this mentality.
The problem is, plan will have taken this into account and leave just enough with just enough so they don't fight back.
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
The War Against the Commons: Dispossession and Resistance in the Making of Capitalism by IAN ANGUS.
For some history of US land grabbing, esp. California:
Our Land and Land Policy / by Henry George; edited by Kenneth C. Wenzer. /5
It has always been and continues to be theft and grifting.
Protect and restore the Commons! …
farms with no labor
coastal areas with no insurance
all part of the program
Those at the top of the food chain anyway. The ones propping them up are masochistic bootlicking scrubs scrambling for the scraps that fall off the table.
This can't be fixed.
They started buying up single family homes -- and guess what it happening in the housing market? Rents up? Selling prices up? Mortgages up?
They are gonna make it impossible for anybody to own the assets of the American people except for themselves. Scary.
Asking for a friend.
they are eating the balances
Why do 30% of MO schools use a 4-day wk? not for convenience or learning… but to get/keep teachers
MO teacher pay is lowest in US- by design. Make folks desperate.
MO Reps defund schools to siphon $ to private relig ones
Where is plan to destroy rural schools? Project 2025
It is exactly as you say.
So, it's gonna be a shit show and the more they can winnow us out now via whatever means, the safer they think they will be.
We can disabuse them of that notion. If we act.
And among you, WHO are asleep, don't care, are cheering them on.
No one should be comfortable as this transpires.
Christianity has foretold this for over 2000 years and it hasn't happened and isn't gonna happen.
We're in the shit of our own making and Jesus won't rise us out of it.
If not me, then who?
Magats are going to be happy that freaking scum ran away.
A fire sale was the object in “Live Free or Die Hard,” but in the movie the President wasn’t the principal bad guy.
check out dugin's 4th political theory....
77 million moronic Fascists installed a tyrant to get cheap eggs, and got an "Oligarchs for America" government instead.
You can then jack up all the prices for both.