Kathleen Kennedy is reportedly stepping down from her role as President of Lucasfilm by the end of 2025
(via Puck News | #StarWars)
(via Puck News | #StarWars)
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Star Wars has not been the best under her leadership but some people act like she's literally satan
-The galaxy is in flames
-The New Republic is dead
-The jedi are dead
- All the heroes are either dead or ruined
-All the skywalkers are dead (1/2)
I hate what the internet has become...
The Nolan bros should do a series for Disney'$ Star Wars..
We can celebrate now but the grass isn't always greener...
The Fandom Menace is real.
Doesn’t matter if she was good. You’re celebrating cuz you’re a misogynistic POS.
she was directly responsible for some very poor decision making.
She sucked as the president of Lucasfilm, and if a man did the same shit she did for star wars, he would've been hated too.
Get down from your soapbox.
You can't call yourself an adult when you compare those who disagree to fucking incels, come on.
I mean, do you really think your argument was that good?
Think of the grifters, Disney!
W/ the way things are shaking out she may be indicted or sumn
George is still the benchmark IMO.
She just couldn't keep up with producing as much slop as Disney demanded. And is that really a dishonorable thing?
2. You can have George Lucas slice Jar Jar's head open while recreating the final scene from Full Metal Jacket to Rose Tico (forgive the mental image), and they would call it mid.