Not a smart political justification for telling a citizen that what they spent heavily to buy into will go away - but of course there is plenty of room to upzone commercial districts, malls and single family areas that truly want to upzone. Construction costs are the biggest barrier though
It’s not just housing either - local zoning without technical or state-level appeal is absolutely stifling new energy generation deployment all across the country, which will have real and lasting negative consequences for development of all sorts.
When our uncle died, we had to sell his home in Bolinas, CA. The underlying deed had language prohibiting the sell of the home to black people. While this language was nullified by law, it was quite shocking to read it.
I grew up in McLean Va and the covenants attached to any house built before 1965 or so (not that many re left)… Hoo boy.
A lot of them did stop getting enforced after CIA set up shop there.
Our house in NW DC was built in the 1930s. We bought it from the original owner in the 1980s. The (racist/ antisemitic) restrictive covenants for much of "west of the Park" DC were effectively overruled by laws and rulings 1948 - 1968. But the original deed still had those old provisions. Jeesh.
We moved to a new Bethesda suburb in 1959 just off River Road. It was heavily Jewish as one of the first new suburbs without restrictions. (On high holy days there'd be just a couple of kids and the teacher in class.)
I really was sorry not to be Jewish and join friends in Hebrew class after school.
Terry Gross, Fresh Air, had an excellent interview with Richard Rothstein, the author of the new book "The Color Of Law: A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America."
Pretty much any peculiar feature of American law, economics, or culture you can name is always going to be secretly (or not so secretly) rooted in racism.
(Not that Canada's much better, though here it's usually rooted in racism against Indigenous or Asian people)
Surely you’re not suggesting it is racist to oppose greedy ass developers who seek to destroy historically significant homes to build cheap, generic apartment boxes that are unsupported by infrastructure. Careful here, please.
We moved to a new suburb near DC in 1959. It was heavily Jewish because most other neighborhoods barred Jewish owners. I started third grade and on high holy days I was one of a few children plus our teacher in class. It was odd being a minority not in Hebrew class Thursday afternoons with friends.
Aryan Nation we are becoming.
MAGA is thanking Jesus I’m sure.
A lot of them did stop getting enforced after CIA set up shop there.
Don’t think Catholics were forbidden in my neighborhood, but some of the older ones banned them, too.
And of course all the swim clubs were very exclusionary.
I really was sorry not to be Jewish and join friends in Hebrew class after school.
(Not that Canada's much better, though here it's usually rooted in racism against Indigenous or Asian people)