Whoever is in charge of preparing the Dems talking points before they go on national programs SHOULD BE FIRED.
Including their immediate staffers.
How did these spokespersons for the party get these jobs if they can't even do the BASIC checkboxes stuff?
80s S&L crisis is another good example of lack of government regulation leading to economic harm. Dotcom and housing are others. I'm confused when I listen to CNBC commentators giving deregulation as a plus for MAGA to counter negative tariffs and deportation. Deregulation historically has been bad.
And I’m tired of paying the bills for irresponsible freeloaders. Not a penny in aid for Florida or Texas until they start collecting income tax and pay their own bills. Blue states deserve to spend the federal funding they put in on their own residents. Red states need to find some bootstraps.
The LA wildfires are shaping up to be the costliest climate disaster in US history (250-275B) and how this may impact consumption, employment, housing starts and inflation (insurance premiums, rents).
Trump wants to play games with aid for the fires? Let’s play games with our taxes. What’s he going to do if 20 million of us in California refuse to file this year? Sic the IRS on us? The IRS they’re going to defund? On 20 million of us?
Side note about the musical coda: I noticed you chose a song you described as being a California sound, and also connected: written by someone from Texas.
Recent republican inclinations to put strings on aid money opens the argument that donor states should hold fed taxes in escrow to get what they want in legislation. Can this be done on a gobernatorial basis? If it is well organized, it could work IMO.
The vast majority of the formerly confederate states are in fact welfare states that have always taken more from the federal government than they give. That they have the audacity to criticize their patron, California, is pretty fucking rich.
Perhaps the states should bear more of the financial burden for response and rebuilding from predictable natural disasters within their borders. Not entirely, but enough to drive behavior towards risk mitigation.
Voting down Disaster Aid to punish "Woke Libs"? Well, everybody can thank Texas A&M. My classmate, Former Rep Bill Flores. He led the charge to deny Aid to the Northeast after Sandy in 2012. And he was a big Hero at A&M for "owning the Libs". Now you know why I hate A&M.
It seems pretty obvious that Republicans have a weak spot here that could be exploited by the Democrats. Holding up any aid to "red states" might be the reply demanded by calls for attaching strings to helping California and such, if played up in the right manner by Democrats, could hurt the GOP.
Republincans can do this because they know Democrats won't, Democrats suck at fighting so the GOP always win even when the people vote for Democrats all they get are a bunch of GOP policies that's way wealth inequality always increases no matter who is in office.
Working as designed. And red states, even with blue state subsidies, still have lower quality of life metrics than do blue states. Paying taxes to sustain common goals in blue states leads blue state residents to happiness. We LIKE one another enough to support one another. It’s kinda Christian, no?
Just sayin.
Including their immediate staffers.
How did these spokespersons for the party get these jobs if they can't even do the BASIC checkboxes stuff?
Democrats= Incompetence all around.
Enjoying the blog!
Also DeSantis: Hey Mr. Biden. Can you help a brother out here? Another hurricane went through my state.
Republican states have been moocher states for many years.
But are we still a “nation”?
I’d say we are not.
And, Ds will immediately come thru with aid for redStates IF Ds ever again come to power and never will they tell them about themselves. Ever.