Bleak but true. To have any hope of rebuilding it, any Democratic president that comes next would have to match Trump’s aggressive pace and wield the executive branch to destroy the billionaires’ power for good and permanently safeguard our regulatory agencies. Hard to imagine.
If they did this once, they will do it again. Rigging the election.
Trump is 78, obese, and with progressive dementia. he is not a god. this is our cultural revolution and Trump is Mao. it will pass. boomer/gen X are starting to die off.
in 20 years Trump will be a dead stain
Most ppl seriously have no idea of this, but it was the plan that led us to where we are today.
Just going to say as having looked at an advancing Brit reenactor unit advancing with bayonets 2 ranks deep, it's incredibly intimidating.
Here's Brown Bess
I hope I’m wrong.
-The DNC
white people will soon enough be a minority too.
Obama came out of nowhere in 2008, no one had heard of him prior to 2004. The US reputation worldwide will be in shambles, Trump will be in late stage dementia by 2028. Schumer will be out of leadership by then. the backlash will be huge
that is all. only laws are permanent, every Trump EO can be signed away on day one. there will be many job openings in gov't and with unemployment high ppl clamoring to be hired. people are unnerved by the flying shit but none is permanent
that is just surrendering. Trump will be worse than Hoover by the time he is done. Remember who followed Hoover?
USA will soon be a minority majority country (less than 20 years) the next Gen will have no choice but to fix his mess
i am tired of defeatism.
...just sayin'
You just wanted to show up and complain about Obama??? WTF Dude? You're showing you ass...outside that white robe...🙄
Hell, I can't picture a presidential hopeful advocating for the supreme court to be expanded and reformed.
Without that, where are we?
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Certainly not a fair one.
we just had an election in Iowa for state Senate in a GOP district Trump won by 21%, the Dem won by nearly 4%
stop the despair.
We've always been playing chess while the Right sets firecrackers off on the board; we can't "good faith work together" our way out of this disaster.
- pass actual voting rights reforms including destroying gerrymandering and reforming political donations
- Term limits for ALL officials including judges, senators and reps
And it would need to not be rigged.
The entire point of Project 2025 was to take over all governmental functions and control them.
Elections would be controlled and counted by those in power.
The only way it'll work is if the entire party comes together and hits the ground running, but to do that they'd need to go in an anti billionaire campaign and keep to it which they won't.
No, I don't think Democratic voters would cede their voice or their power to a single person, I just don't think it's in our nature.
The Democratic party has union auto workers and environmentalists alike, Muslims and Jews, Blacks and Whites and people of color.
Authoritarianism requires everyone to keep their mouth shut, Democrats don't do that.