It was never about being “pro-life.”
It was always about controlling women.
It was always about controlling women.
Reposted from
Brian Tyler Cohen
Republicans are now blocking an effort to allow new mothers in Congress to vote remotely shortly after giving birth.
GOP Rep. Chip Roy says, “I don’t give a crap who you are or whether you just had a baby in the last six weeks.”
GOP Rep. Chip Roy says, “I don’t give a crap who you are or whether you just had a baby in the last six weeks.”
This thing that you call freedom
well, it's not quite what it seems . . .
I chose to be "pro-learn"
for myself.
Looking for directions.
Always looking for the shortcuts . . .
But still, her constituents weren’t being well represented to say the least.
Republicans this year:
Resistance isn't futile.
Revolution is necessary.
Consider how many female Dems there are in the House vs. female MAGAts. They know who they're targeting. It's a tactic, not just misogyny. Remember that the MAGA philosophy is a bigoty sandwich.
How about okay we'll let this pass, but every man with credible rape accusations also gets a timeout from voting. Pass that one Johnson, you spineless fuck.
I thought the rule for 2 centuries+ was that voting had to be done in person with no exceptions?
Why should a woman get special treatment?
Why can't the husband take care of the kid while she votes?
Has she never heard of "pairing" her vote?
There has been electrosigning for a long time.
'get special treatment" GIVING BIRTH isnt special treatment.
dont pretend you support Life.
You should be careful of mind reading. You are not very good at it.
I do believe, strongly, "My body, my choice" for all adults m or f.
But that can be construed as pro or against abortion
Notice You said "I" , and "My" You believe this for You, nobody else. Narcissistic AF.
"But that can be construed as pro or against abortion"
ACTUALLY it cant! Unless as i said above, you mean it ONLY for you.
One might argue that the knfant/fetus/clump might have some feelings too. They might choose against abortion if asked.
No such thing as "knfant" .
"One Might argue" ANYTHING, but that is a meaningless thought stopping phrase.
You are just a coward, afraid to say what you mean.
People who support rights for others arent COWARDs about it
I hope EVERYWHERE you go, women whip out their tits to Nurse, and make you cry
And whipping them out? Kinky. You really know how to arouse a lad, don't you?
No one needs to >read your mind< when you write trash statements. its in the text. ...
YOU: Misogynistic Woman haters Club, without the minimum respect of basic American Conservatives or Liberals to even sign a Mothers Day card.
Ie BIG Mommy Issues.
Gonna follow you. Please don't block me. It will make me sad🥺
Have a niceday♥️
WHY? What wil happen to me?
Please explain in detail.
You may refer to all of my posts.
Why should I tell you this?
"I ever posted anything on Bluesky one way or tother?"
Why do you believe I owe you reading EVERY post and reporting on it?
How much are you going to pay for me this service?
Why are you trying to change the subject?
But whatever floats your boat
"it was always about controlling women."
ME: affirms that, with women hater guy
The only thing they do when they’re in power is try to TAKE AWAY your rights.
And when they’re not in power, all they do is do absolutely everything possible to STOP Democrats from helping the working class.