Almost nothing is known about it at the time, but if it was a mid-air collision between two private planes as reported, and the airport has an operating tower, and the tower personnel have not been recently replaced, then, yes, this could be due to low morale in staff.
And that is the only concession to "it's due to recent firings in the FAA" that I could make. Single-plane, single-fatality accidents, especially on take-off/landing, are a frequent occurrence (like every 2 days).
And, , a slap on the wrist for breaking the key rule: NEVER speculate on the cause of a crash until the NTSB Preliminary is published, and NEVER speak authoritatively on the cause until the Final is out.
Yeah, I get that the rhetorical question is the point. My point was to add the flagrantly obvious gun category to the conversation for people who need help with that.
Who exactly is in charge these days??? 😠
And don't forget about the AIRCRAFT CARRIER that collided with a merchant ship in the vicinity of EGYPT.....
We have become a world-wide joke!!
Houthi rebels shot at two of our planes today. How stupid! If they wait until October there will be no planes flying at the rate of tRumps administration leadership
Looks like diversity inclusion and equality is what kept the damn air planes in the sky. Bring back DEI - make flying and living on the ground safe again!
I'm trying to nail down facts about the smaller, private planes. It looks like there's a lot of them but we're just hearing about them more at this time. With so much shut down though, it's hard but I'll keep trying.
Oh I see. You confused incidents with crashes. Easy mix up. Fuel mishaps, mechanical issues pre-flight, taxi, etc all count as incidents. Calling them crashes is ridiculous. Check out the statistics for commercial aircraft. That's the stat that's increasing significantly.
that is so wrong, 1 every 2 days is normal, but not ones that kill people! there were 18 people killed in planes lats year. This year has already surpassed that number.
Doesn’t matter. It’s trump’s fault that we are now playing this game. There is no fighting nice anymore. We tried that & stupid ppl didn’t listen. We will tie everything negative that happens to him. & you can’t slash & burn indiscriminately w/o consequences.
That statistic seems about right to me. They’re just getting a lot more attention because of the destruction of all the government agencies that make the USA a relatively safe place.
Activate our military….. NOW! Arrest tRump, Husk, Vance, Speaker Johnson for treason and other crimes against the constitution. Hold military trials, hand down military sentencing, incarcerate the guilty in military prison.
Trump is the commander in chief.He is at the top of the chain of command.What you’re asking for is a military coup d’état and that is not something that almost anyone in our military top brass would even consider when POTUS was lawfully elected in November. Not saying I like it per se,but it’s true.
The military is another feckless institution that is failing to protect our democracy/ constitution. The institution is feckless, not the individuals serving.
WTF is happening!?! This is beyond out of control. Why are we paying representatives in Washington if they can’t do a single thing to stop this madness?
“Planet” crashes might not surprise me at this point, nor would him blaming them on DEI. But for real, the likelihood of that asteroid hitting earth keeps climbing and it doesn’t seem worse than a future in thus country if we don’t dramatically course correct soon!
Man I had no idea all this winning would be losing our Constitution, having billionaires control everything. Everything costs more. Jobs are being destroyed. We are helping Russia more than Ukraine. But hey at least those DEI dangerous people aren't stopping planes from crashing! /s
Trump fired people with nuclear codes but more want to hire them back. Trump fired USDA workers connected to bird flu now wants to hire them back. Time to rehire FAA workers and Biden
Look, I hate Trump, but small planes crash ALL the time, this airport is non-towered meaning that pilots are responsible for talking to each other & avoiding each other, this crash is pilot error. Again, I hate Trump & him blaming DEI & firing qualified people but this has nothing to do w/that.
This one was a couple of years ago, so I'm wondering how long ago the interval was for the one before? Now is the time we need a good dot/plot graph.😁😜 Listen to me. I never liked math, but my son is flying to Malta in May. I've got a vested interest at this point in the safety of our system.
In July of ‘22 the airport I fly @ had 2 small planes literally run into each other bc they were both coming in to land on 2 different runways & one “overshot” the runway & ran right into the other1 killing everyone in both planes. It happens. Lack of situational awareness, lack of communication.
Is there a reason why it happens to small planes all the time? (or because of what you said, non towered?).
I take this is different to big planes (Which people always tell me big plane crashes are less likely to happen.) I don't think I am ever getting on a small plane or helicopter..
Typically smaller planes crash bc they’re either being flown by student pilots or pilots w/low time. There is also less reg & oversight in Part 91. The amount of small planes that crash bc they ran out of fuel is embarrassingly high.
Sorry don’t mean to scare you. I actually think if you go to a flight school and take a “demo flight” it might help you better understand how aviation works and might make it a little less scary.
You’re right I shouldn’t jump to conclusions, no one knows for sure what happened until the report is out. But from my experience, there is only so many things that can cause something like this to happen.
I don't disagree, but to *not* invoke the President and the Secretary of Transportation in our assessment is letting them off the hook. Especially when their direct actions in this arena are a scaling back of safety. Accidents will always happen, but failure to respond is negligence.
Thank you! GA crashes like this happen everyday, I despise FOTUS et al, but the fear mongering around this has got to go. I mean, kick them when they are down, of course, but this one ain’t it.
YES!!!! I hate that people are posting and reacting to this. People are not thinking critically and he should not have posted this. It is fueling a narrative and not accurately. There are plenty of solid facts without adding this crap.
Yeah, my instinct as well was to check the data. I don't have the time to do this properly but pulled the data from the FAA website for the last few years & filtered by incidents with 1+ injuries.
Sorry, maybe it’s not the same but he has fired a lot of FAA fucked with the traffic controllers and Biden was blamed for everything so we’ll just play their game
Plane Crashes in 2025 Thus Far
So far this year, there have been 87 aviation accidents in the U.S., according to data from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reviewed by Newsweek. This number does not include the newly reported Arizona collision.
What the fu*k! Where is everyone? Not just politicians, everyone else in the nation. Why the passive reaction to all of this? FAA firings and people injured or dead from planes falling out of the sky, and still no screaming and yelling in the streets demanding safety. I don't get it!
Let's see if the tower at that airport had new personnel before blaming the FAA firings, shall we? And there was a fatal air accident on average every 2 days in the past 4 years, sadly, but now everyone is aware of it.
No doubt the FAA changes *will* make things worse, but don't cry wolf.
“Others are afraid of retaliation by the administration and political appointees at the agency, fearing they could be targeted for causing embarrassment for the “vengeful” president,” another source said.” CNN
People are out in the streets all over the country. The media are mostly ignoring them, mostly because they’re boring…look, people are complaining again. Let’s move on. Clicks & eyeballs, baby. Light that ROI up!
Screw the media, no one is relying on them. We need to aggressively and repetitively put the pressure on our local officials. This is not about complaining. #ResistOppose&Organize #StrongerTogether
Our Reps are home this week, to be available to the constituents. Visit your rep's office, or call them. Every day.
I had to reply "that's not true" several times to the answers I got from his office worker.
The “passive nation” as you refer to it are the morons who voted in this administration of sociopathic imbeciles. Now we have to watch them reap what they sowed & pay with their lives & hard earned savings before they MIGHT wake the fuck up. I mean look at those egg prices since Trump was elected.
Any religiously authoritarian state that hates women. Like #Poland, leaving women who miscarry die, forcing raped teens to carry to full term. #polandhateswomen
Not normally a conspiracy theorist but this feels very planned and orchestrated vs coincidental. FAA will be shown as incompetent, Musk will get a $500 million PER day contract for SpaceX. Why else would doge layoff so many FAA employees when they are already 6,000+ understaffed?
I hate Trump and his lackeys. And yet this also drives me nuts. I work in the industry as well. GA accidents happen constantly and there is plenty of public data about this. We do look like MAGA loons making a fuss about every crash. FAA cuts are really bad, but this is not the way to fix that.
It is unmanned airport, but hey, adding it to a growing list may catch the people's attention it needs to. Even with convenient coincidences. Sometimes, playing by the other team's rules (w caveats) is needed to bring back balance.
Well here’s the deal; if BIDEN were still the President, Trump would be taking full page ads blaming Biden’ DEI initiatives for causing every single Turn about is fair play when dealing with a fascist who doesn’t play fair.
As someone with a background in aviation, I've tried to explain this many times already. Mainly so we don't look like maga freakouts. All I can say now is I agree with you.
And yes, the trump cuts are awful and make things worse.
I also just posted to this effect. Look like screaming loons when accidents like this are damn near daily and outside the scope of imminent dangers of cutting the services for large carriers at massive airports.
There could be a trickle down somewhere down the road re: inspections etc. but not now
If you were the one person on the plane that died …… yes, one died… well you know what I’m saying. so what if there’s no correlation? . It’s another plane and …it’s REAL! And no I’m not a republican,either. Just getting phobic about flying .
Trump is the ignorant fool who fired all FAA. As I understand from the history of our Aviation, we have had no Air traffic calamities for years until now!!!!
Are we going to wait for another plane to crash on the second tower to understand that this is sedation to rush the government to sign the order to authorize Elon Musk to push his starlink program in the airlines? Or are we going to wait until he keeps killing more civilians?
i see Musk and his Spacex buddies are maintaining their stupendous crash numbers. this is so so stupid they fired all tbe FAA people.
i believe no one from another country will want to fly to USA
The number of plane crashes in January was a record low for the US. Crashes that never would have made national news are making it because of the AA incident and because of the firings.
20 of these happen EVERY WEEK based on data from 2022-2023.
We are just giving the right free ammo and shooting
our own credibility in the foot when we misrepresent this as a crisis. And then if a legit crisis comes up later with air safety, nobody will believe us.
I'm not defending Trump but is just manipulating the data for clicks rn and it's not helpful.
Yes I've said, the two commercial incidents are cause for concern, but BTC is posting links every time a tiny civilian plane crashes and presenting it as a novel crisis when, in fact, it's not unusual for 20 of these small aircraft to crash EVERY WEEK. And it's almost always due to pilot
error or an onboard medical emergency and has little to do with ATCs or FAA firings...whereas the commercial flights do.
We're needing to reach the 40% or so of independent voters who are so detached, they aren't processing the illegality and horror of what DOGE us doing. We can't just preach to
our bubble. How do we do that successfully if a one minute Google search will easily reveal BTC is manipulating data for clicks? That'll lose people almost immediately.
There is more than enough valid concern with the culling of crucial staff and the two major commercial incidents that we don't
I'm as anti-Trump as the next lib. But the data doesnt really seem to support this. Appears to be media bias to an extent. There is TONS to blame Trump for, but I'm not sure we can really throw this one entirely on him. Though gutting the FAA is certainly not the best step forward.
OMG. We need to make this catch on. For better or worse, this is something that could actually hurt his standing with his followers and delegitimize his presidency.
Something is seriously wrong with flying. Is anyone, ANYONE, gonna look into this? Is it air traffic control, radar, pilot error? I mean, there are far too many of them right now.
I really would not fly in the USA now. Not much chance thankfully as I have ZERO chance of ever visiting the idiot states of fuckwitstan until 🍊💩 has "gone".
Planes crashing literally every couple of days. (Is the retard golfing again by any chance!)
Very much so....I am still amazed to watch trains move at 14.8 mph, as well as a few move at about 52.3MPH, is just incredible! Amazing! Jawdropping speeds! In a few years, speeds could be at 13.2 mph, perhaps 49 mph!
I am still flabbergasted that a country so large doesn't have a high speed train system. Visiting Europe and getting from city to city at around 200mph is amazing plus the tickets are really cheap.
Progress just does not happen in US, one major factor is that it is an oil country, is just so divided politically, and just too many egos! I try to maintain "hope", but..................
I think it’s important to remember that small airplanes crash all the time, usually due to pilot error. Breathlessly reporting on each one now as if Trump is directly at fault is silly. When the FAA is at fault, then fine.
If this was a mid-air collision, those assuredly do not happen all the time in commercial or general aviation. While many keep saying that only the presence of a tower would put FAA in charge of this, airspace incursions are ABSOLUTELY in the FAA's remit.
As are airworthiness and pilot certificates
It’s an uncontrolled field. What do you want? As far as licensing goes, the FAA kind of has to take the word of the instructors and flight school who have signed off on the training. Either way, there is zero point in laying blame anywhere until the reports are done.
Normalize plane crashes. Normalize a crashing economy. Use it to solidify your grip on power. Straight out of the Putin playbook. Trump's just the useful idiot.
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that so many planes have crashed in the last month since incompetent and corrupt assholes took back control of our government.
GFY right wing dipshit. The mere fact that half your page is decrying “wokeism” means you’re an ignorant piece of shit. Go back to X with the other MAGA chuds.
One thing: if this continous due to the understaffed FAA, this will stop people from flying within US, this in turn will reduce CO2 output, which will slow down global warming, and Trump could score crazy points for helping the climate.
This is not an industry you want distracted employees in! Harrassed employees are even worse. Of course, after causing the problem, Musk is offering help. That used to be called: Munchausen by Proxy (creating a crisis to look like a hero solving it)!
Yep.. Musk is going to swoop in with his SpaceX bullshit and save the day, for the low, low, low cost of 500 million per day and 1,000+ American lives.
Brian, please do not post another general aviation crash. They happen all the time, daily basis, and average a fatal one every three days for decades. General aviation is not COMMERCIAL aviation.
If politics doesn't put people off visiting the States, flying sure as hell will. Anyone know if we can raise the Titanic? I think I fancy my chances on it more.
Not trying to defend Trump, but general aviation (small plane) accidents just aren't uncommon the way airliner accidents are. They generally only make the local news, unless a celebrity is involved. From NTSB:
P.S. Marana is a non-towered airport, so there's no air traffic control involvement here.
By all means, blame Trump/Musk for the many problems they're actually causing, but let's not go down the right wing BS path of blaming them for everything.
Simple If/Then logic:
If heaven exists then it is either standing back and letting the earth burn OR it is behind all this terror.
in either case, If I find out that there is an afterlife then I am steering clear of any 'lights' as I can only assume its a soul trap.
That was a protest song from Woodstock about the Vietnam war. What was that group's name. Country Joe and the Fish, or something like that. This reference was not about celestial lights. That line was a hard smirk about my brothers who died in the VN war.
Sounds like Steve Cohen was again eating chicken and watching SNLs 50th Anniversary special when he should have been grilling folks about planes falling out of the skies.
Then again, what we get with homesteading slob Dems that enrich themselves and not those they work for.
No, not at all. I referenced a response Cohen (ranking rep on the committee for air safety in the house) pushed, which someone highlighted. The chicken thing was something he did in 2019 to try and prove a point, and instead, he acted like a clown. Tru
PSA that, while there are definitely reasons to be worried for the FAA, and about the DC incident in particular, small plan crashes happen all the time, and if anything we're experiencing an unusually low number of these incidents.
At this point, I'm going to put on my conspiracy theorist hat and say that this must be caused by more than just a reduction in FAA employees. I'm leaning towards something deeper. Maybe someone introduced AI into the guidance systems or something..
Could be that the combination of chronic understaffing and insufficient funding in a highly stressful industry (as well as profitability pressure on the airlines and airports themselves) was building to this - and the recent firings were the tipping point.
That's another reason to believe that there's something affecting the technology. Of course, it is also possible that this was due to something else, like pilot error, weather, etc, and an unfortunate coincidence
This is scary. I was a controller for 16 years. The majority of people they fired last week maintain the radar and radios. My guess is that they're going to use those now failing and falling apart as the excuse to fully bring his company into "fix" everything. More money for one of Elons businesses.
I guess I cancel my visit to NY later this year.
It seems that the lift off in the US isn't strong enough to keep planes in the air. Something in the air over there and it's not good, but very foreboding.
if we cut more from the faa we can save more money and air travel will be safer
thats what i heard
#notsure how the logic works
#elonald the clown so many voters wanted, just getting started on ruining things that made america great, such as our awesome relationships with other democracies.
Guess what. Not only have you downsized the FAA controllers but now you are traumatizing the remaining works. You may not care people are dying but they will be haunted by it.
Watch things go downhill at triple speed as they leave for mental health or straight up quit...
The crash occurred at a unmonitored Airport. In other words no air traffic controllers. It's up to the pilots to correctly notify each other of where they are. Probably can't blame Trump and Elon for this crash.
While Trump deserves lots of blame, small passenger lethal plane crashes are way more common than most people realize. This is not newsworthy, and the rate this year is in line with 2024. I get it plays well and they would do it, but it’s disingenuous to present this way. Feels dirty and cheap.
How dare we be dirty and cheap. The horror! GTFO with your holier than thou bs. If it was under Biden they would be howl for Pete Buttigieg to be fired.
It’s not holier than thou, it’s strategic. Too many people think this country is divided between right and left. The reality is most people are just anti-establishment. Being honest and reasonable is the strategic way to win. Being slimy rhetorical politicians is how we stay on this awful see-saw.
Slimy rhetoric are what republicans have done. If anything dems are more straight and narrow. We keep bringing a spoon to a gun fight. Americans like it dirty no matter what they pretend they don't.
Misrepresenting the facts about the results of our air travel to score political points with people who will already vote Dem might get some small wins, but it’s short-sighted and won’t get us to where we want to be.
Man, just miles from where I used to live. How awful.
I’m sure planes crashed the past 4 years but was it really one per day? Seems like MAGA would have screamed that from the rooftops?
Check the NTSB website, especially regarding large/commercial aircraft. This is unprecedented in terms of crashes. 8 aviation crashes, 5 involving commercial/large aircraft in less than a month!!
Un controlled air field according to news article. However it's the 6th airplane crash since regime takeover. Its gotten to the " this is spooky stage"
And don't forget about the AIRCRAFT CARRIER that collided with a merchant ship in the vicinity of EGYPT.....
We have become a world-wide joke!!
Why is air travel being targeted?
Fixed it.
"planewreck" has officially replaced "trainwreck" as the go-to reference to a fubar situation
Next up: the shocking truth, we have cat crashes every day too.
I can say dumb things too.
Nevermind, you probably are if you think plane crashes are new.
Hurricane in Florida: "Biden controls the weather"
Fires in California: "Biden didn't rake the leaves"
Planes daily after FAA firings: crickets
He’s a fat-fuck.
The guy has to be 2 fries away from a stroke or coronary.
It’s sad but it happens.
I take this is different to big planes (Which people always tell me big plane crashes are less likely to happen.) I don't think I am ever getting on a small plane or helicopter..
The time. Really ? Because that sounds utterly stupid and not true.
I'm NOT opposed to some good propaganda, however!
So far this year, there have been 87 aviation accidents in the U.S., according to data from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reviewed by Newsweek. This number does not include the newly reported Arizona collision.
Welcome to America (of gulf fame)
I was going to fly this summer to see family, but I think I will drive now.
Yeah, we also won’t be doing air travel anytime soon.
Musk and his yes-man Trump have been firing FAA workers. There are already shortages of workers in some areas.
And Musk’s boys have been hacking into FAA and other government systems. 👇
No doubt the FAA changes *will* make things worse, but don't cry wolf.
I had to reply "that's not true" several times to the answers I got from his office worker.
Think about it: Focusing on losing your job? How to feed the kids? Pay mortgages?
That would upset anyone and destroy concentration.
And yes, the trump cuts are awful and make things worse.
There could be a trickle down somewhere down the road re: inspections etc. but not now
Under Trump - crickets.
He can't blame the women or black folks this time, coz he's done fired all of them !
Hey, with a monster, comes horrors ! And often !
i believe no one from another country will want to fly to USA
20 of these happen EVERY WEEK based on data from 2022-2023.
We are just giving the right free ammo and shooting
I'm not defending Trump but is just manipulating the data for clicks rn and it's not helpful.
We're needing to reach the 40% or so of independent voters who are so detached, they aren't processing the illegality and horror of what DOGE us doing. We can't just preach to
There is more than enough valid concern with the culling of crucial staff and the two major commercial incidents that we don't
Trump lawlessness in the law of the land. Stupidity and corruption rule the land.
Planes crashing literally every couple of days. (Is the retard golfing again by any chance!)
He killed over a million last time. The way things look, he is going for tens of millions this time.
We know the have been fatal accidents in 2025.
So I’m wondering if they inputted the numbers via sharpie?
That should definitely be added.
not so easy here, the nearest Amtrak station is a couple of hours away by car (over several bodies of water) and I don't drive
took a Metroliner NYC to DC 50 years ago; that was nice 🙂
I am still flabbergasted that a country so large doesn't have a high speed train system. Visiting Europe and getting from city to city at around 200mph is amazing plus the tickets are really cheap.
China started their HSR in 2007
As are airworthiness and pilot certificates
Popularity wise, I’m not sure it’s gonna catch on.
If I see a white pilot, I’m gonna be like, boy, I sure hope he’s qualified.
i even find it concerning it happens so frequently that it's not considered worth mentioning.
prolly just me.
By all means, blame Trump/Musk for the many problems they're actually causing, but let's not go down the right wing BS path of blaming them for everything.
ps - I wonder who is going to push the first nuke button. This is still on my bingo card from 2016.
If heaven exists then it is either standing back and letting the earth burn OR it is behind all this terror.
in either case, If I find out that there is an afterlife then I am steering clear of any 'lights' as I can only assume its a soul trap.
Then again, what we get with homesteading slob Dems that enrich themselves and not those they work for.
That's another reason to believe that there's something affecting the technology. Of course, it is also possible that this was due to something else, like pilot error, weather, etc, and an unfortunate coincidence
I did notice this today.
I would be willing to bet that he already put his hand in it. It fits in really nicely with what I was speculating above.
It seems that the lift off in the US isn't strong enough to keep planes in the air. Something in the air over there and it's not good, but very foreboding.
#seanduffy #ntsb
(*Terms and conditions apply)
thats what i heard
#notsure how the logic works
#elonald the clown so many voters wanted, just getting started on ruining things that made america great, such as our awesome relationships with other democracies.
Watch things go downhill at triple speed as they leave for mental health or straight up quit...
I’m sure planes crashed the past 4 years but was it really one per day? Seems like MAGA would have screamed that from the rooftops?
Supposed to fly to PHX in 2 weeks.
Another one bites the dust… I’ll walk..