Come on you're better than that you're intentionally quoting him out of context to make it seem like he's lying. What he said was:
"The days of rule by unelected bureaucrats are over. Because we're replacing them with unelected plutocrats instead!"
The 36% (89 MILLION) that didn't vote is also responsible for this nightmare. How do we reach those who didn't vote in Florida and NY to vote in the special elections?
fElon is an unelected Oligarch. So maybe Orange Kraznov is doing another bait and switch? Or maybe Tired Kraznov just doesn't know anything because he is too Sleepy. Did he ship those documents directly to Russia or does Czar Putin have to go to Mar-a-pantano to collect his dues. - dems need to stop abiding by rules and norms. Be bold. Be disruptive. Don’t rely on the courts. It’s all about controlling the camera and narrative. DO SOMETHING.
Corruption is the point. His tariff's will only effect the companies who refuse to pay a bribe to him to exempt them from those tariff's. He is absolutely bar none the most corrupt person to ever hold the highest office in the USA. Every country should ban all companies who pay Trump's bribe.
It's time we remind these people WHO they work for & WHO pays their salary. IF work for Elon & Trump, get a paycheck from them. Oh wait, Trump & Elon paid by taxpayers funds too! Find your representatives, email & phone.
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Just like they told us in the UK over Brexit, then they appointed an unelected bureaucrat to negotiate withdrawal, which he did in a disastrously inefficient way.
For decades Trump has been paid vast sums by Russians buying his real estate. The dollars and dots are now connecting as Donald is dancing for Putin. The danger is real; a self inflicted boycott of America is needed, as money is the only language he speaks. Time for action before it’s too late.
Then he and his so called lawyers just all committed perjury! The judge is gonna blast them and they will be disbarred! More useless attorneys will be gone! 🤞🏼🖕🏻
VERY #Disappointed at tonight during this horrific, #misogynistic, #homophobic, #transphobic disgraceful #SOTU. Only #AlGreen had the COURAGE and CONVICTION to stand up and do what’s RIGHT! We keep LOSING because we won’t FIGHT! #NOTGOODENOUGH #DEMOCRATS!
3 Groups are inside the US gov. working together to destroy it. They will soon start fighting as they try to build a new government.
Each has a different vision for the future:
Quiet disobedience! Things that we can’t see coming from the inside will blindside the MAGA asshats! Just because you can’t hear or see it happening doesn’t mean it’s not!
dear em, you can just change your ways (poof!) and become beneficial to mankind and the earth instead of a force for ego and destruction and suffering .... then you really would be loved ..... but in the direction you are currently heading you are the villan .....
Are you angry about the “Fate of the Union” address tonight? Horrified at us threatening to annex Canada? Shafting Ukraine? Firing millions of Americans? Cancelling aid? Trumpflation? It’s time to show our representatives & the world we’ve had enough. #sotu
The Honda production in Indiana isn't accurate. Honda already has a plant in Indiana and produces Civics already. Honda hasn't made this announcement. Maybe they will now, since he's backed them in a corner.
bureaucrats don't make the rules. Congress does (now castrated). bureaucrats carry out the jobs assigned by rule, law, & departmental focus. T* is a liar.
This is treason. Demand the T*-Putin-Elon-JD-China coalition resign.
Donald Trump remains a constitutionally illegitimate president until a two-thirds amnesty vote of the 14th Amendment, section 3, has been passed by Congress. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is, after all, by all intent, a self-executing clause. Any Democrat can raise the need to establish a vote.
An Amnesty Bill will need to be raised to confirm that in order to have an insurrectionist hold any office under the US Constitution, two-thirds of Congress is okay with this. Until this happens, we have an unconstitutional president in the Oval Office in violation of the 14th Amendment, section 3.
And the days of Russian-engineered presidencies and rule by a Putin puppet return and continue. We’re seeing Trump’s “obligations” to Russia trump his service to We The People ( Are “conquered people” substantially different than election losers? Feels so to me. 😢
What did Musk and Putin discuss in their conversations held across several months ahead of the 2024 elections ??? Never heard any follow-up after October.
Don't your presidential candidates get mental health tests before they potentially become the most important man in the most important country in the world? This boy should be in a mental institution, he lives in a parallel world.
elons rule is far from over. When it comes to money rapist/felon47 can’t say no so it’s just a missed event but he will be back to business tomorrow interfering in American business and politics!
Now it is rule by neofeudal lords. Elon is probably seeing himself in Trump's position. Since his mother is Canadian, and if Canada is gobbled up by its pathocratically-ruled southern neighbor, he could probably claim to be a natural born Amerikkkan.
"The days of rule by unelected bureaucrats are over. Because we're replacing them with unelected plutocrats instead!"
That means trump /vance who had the help of election interference by russia & elon who nobody elected would be gone.
He is projecting & telling on himself.
It's very Orwellian.
Like I want someone as dumb as MTG determining the appropriate weight stress levels on all of the bridge overpasses.
Or Boebert working on how much chlorine can be in our drinking water before we’re killed.
Trump's one intelligent and honest brain cell.
Number 45 lies just like Pinocchio nose and it keeps growing and growing
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Orange Mussolini just threatened Greenland with invasion.
Each has a different vision for the future:
Tech Bros = technofascism
Heritage Fnd. = theocracy
Russia = autocratic oligarchy
It must be stopped!
Protest! Resist!
Musk. Saluting..... ffs. Not looking on. Mocking veterans and the military. Jesus.
This is treason. Demand the T*-Putin-Elon-JD-China coalition resign.
Íosa Muire agus Iósaf
ALL of it , it's all shit
they just wanna steal money to buy more hookers and yachts
What is he on?
Don't talk, act.