Elon is amplifying a bunch of revisionist history tweets suggesting that Republicans have only ever boycotted brands like peaceful angels, and it's so funny because this video exists:
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It’s such a funny ongoing joke that they do this 🤣. They “boycott” by buying products they weren’t the demographic for anyways and then are performative about destroying it for a video.
And mind you, all these idiots that did their "protests" still BOUGHT the beer to show their "protest" 😂😂🤣😂🤣😄🤣😂 They don't even know how to protest properly
Also, brands that get boycotted...is usually for some culture war issue, not that the owner is DESTROYING THE GOVERNMENT AND THE REPUTATION OF THE COUNTRY!!
I will never understand why these MAGA shit flies like Kid Failure will flip you off and then say " Have a nice day". As if thats going to hurt anyones feelings.
Basically all of them learned it by watching Daddy who is never at a loss to play the victim. I can post this every day until he is no longer alive and probably afterward and it would still have a connection to his cult. Victim is MAGA and MAGA is playing a victim.
Is there a less masculine twerp than Kid Rock in the MAGA cult? I mean, Donny Jr is right up there. And does he actually see himself as anything more than a weak wannabe tough, it's almost like he's been role playing so long he believes it.
Right Kid... That's why you got called out on Fox news for wearing a Bud Light hat on the show then got caught drinking Bud Light at an NFL game all after his little show here .. Poser, fraud and your music was never good!
If you’re a person that still listens and believes anything that comes from elon or trump. There’s no hope for you at this point I’m not wasting my energy on you.
Well,well,well…they can’t do anything but lie.I mean I’m not surprised that an utter waste of skin and air like Ted Nugent would do this,but we all know for a certainty that all of the MAGAT oxygen thieves,from the president down will do exactly the same.
I can nearly smell the manly manliness in that man all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. What an example of manhood with his man-gun shooting inanimate objects in such a tough masculine, threatening man way.
Don't right wingers also routinely flood the internet with videos of them destroying merchandise? Like brand new merchandise that they JUST bought just so they can destroy it?
I mean the bigger message is to just not buy it at all, but, it's their money to waste.
What the hell are the sparks coming in from the right?
And to put this in perspective. Fake hillbilly Kid Rock is big mad because a trans person liked Bud Light. NOT because Brendan Whitworth was destroying the federal govt, stealing data, & plausibly creating back doors or adding malware.
With a fully automatic rifle spraying rounds that are ricocheted beautifully with such beauty off the water to go who knows where. Sloppy idiot shouldn’t be allowed to wipe his own ass.
Too true.
Dickhead was obviously trying to show off and very badly go through a full mag on full auto. Never a good plan, as we all know.
Spray'n'pray is for computer games, not reality.
If he had any balls he’d have the courage face to face to explain to vets elderly and the working class why he’s supports them losing their social security/ mental health and health care benefits? Otherwise sit and down and stfu
We all saw the footage of Jan 6th. We know exactly what they're willing to do, even to their own. Pence and McConnell's necks certainly had legitimate worries.
And it was because they didn't like the company policy. Bud Light is not raping and murdering the Constitution trying to dsstroy our nation like Pasty Doughboy is doing.
Imagine taking time out of your day to make a threatening video of you shooting cans of beer because the beer spokesperson was trans. Do something cool with your time like boycott Target.
Elon and crew gleefully tied to destroy a trans woman for having the audacity of repping Bud Light for HER channel... he deserves everything he is getting.
And all because they put a trans person's face on a few personal cans if beer for only them. Who are the snowflakes meant to be again? Who has the "mental" issues?
Trump describing how smart his son Barron is - Oh’ I turn off his computer and just like that he has turned it back on -
Exactly and straight out of Trump's mouth -
He said this during an interview - Barron will go into Tech - DOH”
Reminding each of us how much Kid Rock needed to shut the fuck up and transition to Adult Rock. What a pathetic baby. Real cute with your rage-firing there, Princess…
I remember this. It's a commercial for "Weird Uncles for Hire." This one was the racist Trumper who ruins holidays and has to have his mom buy his guns because he's a felon. Was a good deal at 75% off.
God how Michigan laughs at Kid Rock. He is no musician. He grew up rich off his daddy’s car
dealerships! And now he’s screwing Lauren Boebert!so we know he’s drunk!
That’s the same guy who fucked Lauren Boebert!
G overnment
O f
P utin
Puff that chest, you pathetic little boy.
You are less than nothing without that gun.
Tesla + Musk = 👎 💩
Trump taught us violence is then answer.
Bud Light
Ben and Jerry’s
Kracker Barrel
Star Wars
Potato Head
Sesame Street
Just some that come to mind.
Greenland’s MAGA Hats
“Make America Go Away”😝
#Greenland #GreenMAGA #MakeAmericaGoAway
~ Tennessee Williams
And it’s not like I’m smart. I get easily distracted by shiny things. That’s why I’ve spent far too much time playing Elden Ring.
I mean the bigger message is to just not buy it at all, but, it's their money to waste.
And to put this in perspective. Fake hillbilly Kid Rock is big mad because a trans person liked Bud Light. NOT because Brendan Whitworth was destroying the federal govt, stealing data, & plausibly creating back doors or adding malware.
Dickhead was obviously trying to show off and very badly go through a full mag on full auto. Never a good plan, as we all know.
Spray'n'pray is for computer games, not reality.
Kid rock wrote a song about diddling minors
Exactly and straight out of Trump's mouth -
He said this during an interview - Barron will go into Tech - DOH”
Trump I fear is so much worse -
He's mean and ignorant, and he has unlimited resources. What could possibly go wrong?
Law and order ladies and gentlemen
dealerships! And now he’s screwing Lauren Boebert!so we know he’s drunk!