I get Bernie’s point, but I’m on the fence—I like having a strong military. Still, I wonder why weapon costs have gone up so much. Is it because of R&D, something else, or just greed and price gouging by contractors, like Bernie said?
Well, it is literally a fact that the DoD is the only department that hasn’t passed an audit for years, and I feel like that would clue in to the fact that a lot of that spending is just corrupt.
We’re known for decades about the fraud, waste, and abuse of defense contracts, but no one ever wants to do anything about it because “Amurica.” We prop up a defense industry that has no incentive to be cost-conscious or even ensure the weapons and equipment we purchase even work. That’s wrong.
I'm done with Bernie & his Aardvark rantings. The tax rate in Vermont is brutal & they tax SS. One landfill in the entire state & trash is everywhere. They get shut down 2 years in a row by flooding because no one ever does anything about 200 year old bridges & roads.
I’m not sure voting against the defense budget is the solution without oversight of military contractors, scrutinizing new and existing contracts, and a mechanism for compelling transparency in contractor billing. I agree with Sanders’s assessment of the problem, but I don’t think this solves it.
He's accomplished nothing of consequence in his career except to divide the left.
Progressives handed the election to Trump twice now through stupid virtue signaling. Democrats can't do anything without majorities in the House and Senate.
About what ? Allowing djt along with his bros & sis’s to become pres. because couldn’t accept lost to Hilary !! He’s as bad as Jill who is democrat only during elections !! They started it all
He voted for Hillary. We voted for Hillary. We all tried to convince people she was better than trump and no one could trust the dem party after they stabbed Bernie.
Hillary lost is spectacular fashion because of her own message. The dem party has lost the working family vote.
Hey I was watching wwhl when Sarandon the 2nd in command said djt was better than Hilary and could never vote for her - I remember when many voted for a gorilla - I remember when he waited until the convention to endorse Hilary and the herd booed ..Just accept the part played & try to do better !!
You want the people with integrity to "try harder"?
Ok pal. Keep voting for the shit that put trump back in office.
Face it. The dem party is part of the problem. A YUGE part.
What did they accomplish the last four years?
Handouts to wealthy people and and and and...losing to trump.
No, what actually happened is that you spent an entire year tearing Hillary to shreds and then accepted no blame whatsoever for it when she lost thanks in part to the damage you'd done.
I remember Bern sulking through most of the Convention. That really helped.
This is the only way to address the issues with America. We can’t change foreign policy or domestic programs until we stop dumping everything in the wasteful military.
The senator just does not seem to have a good grasp of this subject, given Chinese expansionist goals and Russian aggression. Yes, we need a more accountable and competitive DIB, and a strong defense. Both can be true simultaneously. But profit is the motivator, not the problem.
Nothing wrong with Bern being against the military budget, but he should really change that broken "the Democrats have abandoned the working class" record because he's not helping.
He's not wrong. The dem party is bought and paid for at this point. Caters to mega donors. And can't stand up to the gop. The dem party lost to trump! All by themselves.
The dem party is failing us.
Bernie Sanders has been a voice of reason and compassion for decades. His treatment by his democratic colleagues before this year's election was a disgrace. Shame there aren't more politicians with such conviction and courage in this world.
Bernie has some good ideas but pushes racist right wing rhetoric with the "abandoned white dude," nonsense. This is why black female voters couldn't support him.
How long has Bernie been a Senator? He makes a stance on spending when so many lives are on the line.
It's the lobbyists, the insider trading, the book selling, the job offers, citizens united, not Ukraine that's responsible for decades of greed in American politics. Politicians made it this way.
Many get voted back in, and it's not because of integrity. That's part of the problem. Not many Senators are willing to go after the source of many problems because they are part of it.
China is rapidly expanding the size and lethality of its military as it seeks to expand its borders and gain dominance over greater Southeast Asia. Putin is attempting to restore much of the former USSR and parts of the Artic. Iran is developing nukes and remains a fermenter of Muslim extremists.
While Bernie's goals are often admirable, now is not the right time to unilaterally reduce the size of the US military. As the war against Ukraine has demonstrated, the US and NATO aren't prepared for the threats that face us.
Bernie votes against the military budget every year and Congress continues to raises it. The doge couple are looking at it so they can take from you and give the money to them.
Closet ZioNazi playing at being a Liberal.
Shut up & go home, Bernie!
I have if you read other posts.
I responded to you because you didn't offer an argument.
Derp. Lol.
Quit supporting the do-nothing dem party members that refuse comprehensive change because of their donors.
Progressives handed the election to Trump twice now through stupid virtue signaling. Democrats can't do anything without majorities in the House and Senate.
Nothing matters but winning. NOTHING.
the dem party has always silenced any voice but their wealthy donors.
The dem party you vote for doesn't represent enough working families anymore because of its necessity for money and power
We all lose.
But blame Bernie, that makes sense. 😒
He voted for Hillary. We voted for Hillary. We all tried to convince people she was better than trump and no one could trust the dem party after they stabbed Bernie.
Hillary lost is spectacular fashion because of her own message. The dem party has lost the working family vote.
She had to right to be the candidate.
Bernie was winning until Hillarys money and donors showed up.
Spineless party.
Ok pal. Keep voting for the shit that put trump back in office.
Face it. The dem party is part of the problem. A YUGE part.
What did they accomplish the last four years?
Handouts to wealthy people and and and and...losing to trump.
I remember Bern sulking through most of the Convention. That really helped.
Why would WE accept the blame? She threw the integrity of the party under the bus.
Then we got someone worse.
Joe Biden.
Hillary created this by trying to force a choice between her or something horrible.
The dem party is failing us.
Ah that old chestnut from 2016. How I've missed it.
Oh wait, no I haven't.
Grow a spine.
Maybe you're a congressman.
You want us to vote for a 90-year-old man who can't win anything other than caucuses in the whitest states. Your judgment is horrible.
Good on you.
It's time to call out our own party as failures!
It's the lobbyists, the insider trading, the book selling, the job offers, citizens united, not Ukraine that's responsible for decades of greed in American politics. Politicians made it this way.
Bernie gets voted back because he has the integrity we all hope our congress persons have. He doesn't take money from megadonors. Period.
Notice the article.
I think you are talking about Pelosi and Schumer.
We spend more than the next 6 industrialized countries COMBINED!
He also wants a real audit of the military spending.
No one else does, apparently.