It seems harsh to expect a government of 6 months to solve problems of 14 years. However the electorate has put up with broken promises, broken public services & frankly a broken economic system for decades. Starmer’s solution seems to be tinkering at the edges whilst maintaining the status quo.
Worse than that - he's doing things to alienate his natural supporters who want to see some of those who lost out over last 14 years doing better. Kicking pensioners incl WASPI women doesn't sit at all well with my expectations. Wld need to be balanced by clear tax hikes on rich to be acceptable.
Couldn’t agree more. It’s a cumulative effect of all the things that are happening under a Labour government which is supposed to work in the interests of ordinary people.
That Alex Garland Movie I saw at the Movies in April, now makes more sense than ever. Yes it was based State Side, but could fit easily into this narrative.
It’s not just Starmer, it’s everyone who fails to call out the BS disguised as concern for the country that is at fault! Hold Farage et al accountable for their words and actions,shine a light on the corruption and empty promises,instead of ignoring it all and just letting them lie about everything!
If Aditya had admitted that he's commenting almost exclusively on England, not "Britain", he'd pretty much hit the nail on the head as "the country" falls into Faragism and all Sir Scammer can do is vilify immigrants.
This is just more people looking for likes and a quick buck. The guardian is, more and more, speaking for these material gains, and less speaking for the truth imo
Bolstered by all right wing media print & TV, they platform Farage et al at the drop of a hat, they like what they see as it reflects their own ideologies.
MSM is owned by major corporations and has particularly political alliances. I'm quietly confident that the public will start to see radical reforms for their own benefits. You cannot grow a garden overnight, and it takes time to flourish
Forensic is a word often used for Starmer and that is good for tackling the mess we are in but he desperately needs advice from someone with people skills. Farage plays on people’s feelings and that is enabling him to rise.
Agreed. He also needs a comms team to counter to constant misinfo & propaganda being touted unchallenged across the media.
The fact that Labour still hasn’t got an account here (I think) speaks volumes.
Weak, dated comms & ostrich-mode re farRight heist of our media, IMO.
In fact (and as left wing as I am) go read a few articles in either they definitely give a Tory/right wing spin on it and exaggerate stuff they don't invent stuff like The Guardian does ...and the comments BTL are from all sides of the spectrum
I read Polly Toynbee's piece a few days ago about how great Stamer is doing since becoming PM for instance ...and even tho I'm a Labour Party member it was painful to read such BS
Even the comments BTL on that were unanimously along the lines of wtf r u talking about Polly
I don’t think that Starmer understands how radical and uncompromising with kleptocracy that this Government needs to be. Why are Conservative plants still in senior BBC positions, why is OFCOM allowing lies to be propagated by the RW press, and why can’t he challenge Farage’s vile rhetoric.
Lol, Starmer is a capitalist, not that different from Farage, and the author and editors of Guardian know it. Nice circus you got there, A+ in exploitative attention economics.
Pity the Guardian helped to destroy someone who offered an alternative to a failed dogma, someone honest who could put forward sound arguments against the right.
Dear Guardian - please do not fall into the trap of denigrating the Government only to point opinion in the direction of Farage. Americans did this with Trump and look at the mess they are in. Try criticising Farage on the same level - his "policies" don't stand up to scrutiny either
Not so. Farage's rise is well nigh unavoidable. Plus, it's still well within KS' honeymoon period with the public. The Govt moves the unpopular stuff to the fore now and the sweetners for the last 18 months of their term. Mrs Thatcher was a pro at this!
It's inevitable, in the short term. Anyone battling to steer a steady course into a headwind would face the same criticisms. Trump's excesses will very quickly highlight Farage's weaknesses, translating rhetoric into policies without punishing the innocent is no easy trick.
The fact that Labour still hasn’t got an account here (I think) speaks volumes.
Weak, dated comms & ostrich-mode re farRight heist of our media, IMO.
Once you went full in on becoming a tax avoidance company you have lost the plot
In fact (and as left wing as I am) go read a few articles in either they definitely give a Tory/right wing spin on it and exaggerate stuff they don't invent stuff like The Guardian does ...and the comments BTL are from all sides of the spectrum
Even the comments BTL on that were unanimously along the lines of wtf r u talking about Polly
We have to make a stand