What is the point of that? Fines are a pretty blunt measure just look at driving and parking fines -do they change behaviour - I would suggest no they don't.
My parents were very poor. They strapped me for misbehaving in school. Not saying corporeal punishment is ok. But it's not economics. I understood that parents supported teachers and followed up at home.
McKinsey would probably recommend this, it has done in France anyhow. Of course this idea wasn’t implemented, but seriously why would Blair’s think tank go populist ?!
I set up and ran a program in a London high school for children on the brink of permanent exclusion. Listening, support, building positive relationships meant 85% of pupils we worked with never got excluded again. Then the funding ran out.
And this punishes who? What about kids that have ADHD but haven’t been diagnosed because of long waiting lists? What about kids who behave badly because they’re being bullied and the school isn’t taking action?
Traumatise children for behaviour that we find annoying and they don't understand, by putting the family's financial situation on their backs? When they're already being told off all the time? Oh yeah that'll make happy and kind children, who want to be apart of society...
Parent are not the only ones responsible for kids bad behavior. Friends & social media play a big role. Kids need guidance from people who they respect not people looking down at them and telling them what to do. Integration between different cultures is important.
Silly old Tony B. What a pathetic muddle head he is. “Allow teachers….” like they’re queuing up for this bizarre intervention. While we’re at it let’s fine parents for their adult children’s misdemeanours at work, or make grandparents responsible for their wayward grandchildren’s parking fines
There are way to address behaviour without f-ing over parents financially.
Neoliberalism in a nutshell right there.