there might be a correlation, yes; although it might likely be that those same parties are rewarded more for other reasons; immigration, safety, xenophobic instances, etc... I mean, they are all far-right movements
If we give up, which is what the poll suggests, then who's next?
Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan
Europe is trapped, between Trump and tariffs. Declining access to energy for its industries. That's precipitating a decline in manufacturing. A strong Europe is needed for all its citizens, we must have access to energy. While we green transition more towards a Europe with more energy independence
You can always rely on people to be morons. Defeat Russia now and have Ukraine as an ally for generations, or push the inevitable conflict down the road and have what’s left of Ukraine as justifiably aggrieved 😩
Spanish war with Arab occupiers took over 600 years, but ultimately, the spaniards won, and kept all of their country. Some things are worth fighting for. We are all descendants of either the brave, or cowardly... of which are you?
1. Opinions directly related to their knowledge of the situation. 2. It would be intresting to have asked some follow up question. How stable will be that agreement? How is Russian going to behave? How is Europe going to pay for its defence? Should Europe ask for Russian forgiveness? ...
If Russia takes Ukraine Putin has already said they will keep invading other countries and that will lead to WW3. Better to stop him now…especially with trump saying he wants to do the same and take Canada, Panama and Greenland
The direct impact of this war is high living costs? Not a genocidal war against an independent Ukraine? Not the hundreds of thousands of dead? Not the ecological disaster this war is causing? Not the war crimes? Just the high living costs? Get your damn priorities straight.
It says everything we need to know about your morality and decency that this is what you concentrate on. Gas was cheap from RU because your silence and passivity was being bought. It seems to have worked in your case.
We don't need cheap energy, we simply want it. What we need is security, safety and morality. Russia is a threat to everyone and cheap fuel is simply a distraction from the real problems. Cheap fuel doesn't solve anything of significance and it certainly doesn't stop Russia.
think it's more that they want to stop throwing money at Baltics and Poland probably think very differently.
Trump wants it to end because costing USA a lot and a long way away and he's ultimately an isolationist.
But what they don't realize is that it would mean handing Russia the part of Ucraine that has all the lithium, cobalt, titanium and much more. This war is not about a few square miles of maize and sunflowers.
The maps show that eastern Ukraine has mostly hydrocarbons, the minerals are mainly in the central part.
As Zelensky confessed Ukraine cannot recover the lost territories so what's the point of continuing the war?
All I want for Christmas is for people in the West to understand that they will eventually run out of countries to appease genocidal, warmongering dictators with.
Conceding territory to Russia would be disastrous for the UK and Europe. The Baltics could be next, and China would see this concession as a green light to invade Taiwan. This poll looks highly misleading and inaccurate to me. There are other polls at odds with these.
This poll is extremely inaccurate by all accounts and contradicts polls conducted elsewhere. The Baltic countries, along with Poland, know the consequences of conceding territory only too well.
Absolutely, but the anti-war factions in the UK and France in the 30s helped push Chamberlain. Hopefully the leaders in Europe will have the courage to face what’s coming even if the populace has forgotten their history.
If Ukraine can ignore the limitation imposed by the West and aim deeper into Russia, there is a good chance!
The USA might stop, but Europe won't stop providing support... a failed Ukraine would put them on the doorsteps of war.
The United States has to deal with the abomination called "Trump" right now. There's a very real possibility of a second civil war while we find the solution to this abomination. U.S. is at an extremely low point in its history
Zelensky already confessed that Ukraine can't recover the lost territories.So what are you proposing, continue the war for what? It sounds nice and idealistic what you say but I'm not a fan of nuclear brinkmanship...
If you surrender everything and especially your freedom to a murdering despot who threatens you with powerful weapons rather than say to him that you guarantee to him & all around him a mutually assured destruction, I have absolutely no respect for you & I know I would never turn my back to you. 1/2
well I would not support it, characterize me as you want.I would rather advocate that Europe confiscates the 300 billion in Russian assets hold and give them to Ukraine.That will hurt Putin more than the economic sanctions imposed.
although USA provoked Russia by being involved in the coup of 2014.Ukraine has minerals that are worth several trillions as Americans themselves confessed.So here is a economic and geopolitical game played.You want (if I understood correctly) to arm further Ukraine and risk a nuclear apocalypse 2/3
First let me tell you that there are no angels in world politics.USA itself has been engaged in over 80 regime changes globally the last 80 years (many of them democratic), invaded illegally Iraq and is supporting militarily a genocide in Gaza.
I supported the help to Ukraine after the invasion 1/2
The Russian people themselves are not helpless bystanders in this as well. Anyone who claims otherwise is a Putin propagandist, willful or not
Tell the Russian people LOUDLY and WIDELY that they are ALL guaranteed to burn with the greatest agony in nuclear fire & look to see if they take action
Chamberlain was buying us time, he knew if war against Germany started in 1938 we'd lose immediately. We had no aircraft ready, just some old biplanes.
Perhaps amongst the same very shortsighted people who got bored with the pandemic and stopped adhering to lockdowns and distancing during the height of the pandemic because "they wanted to dance". Some people are selfish and cant see the bigger picture
Absolutely agree. Yougov have a database of respondents who get a miserly sum towards a voucher per response. You are going to get a severely skewed response.
Fkin cowards….. The only way to stop a bully is to hit back hard. So sad that our lifestyle has become so soft that people would rather surrender principle than be inconvenienced.
I hope Western Europe is preparing to send their own sons and daughters once Ukraine falls and Putin moves westward. Or maybe they believe that living under that madman won't be so bad.
Stupid people.🤦♂️ I cant imagine how someone can change his opinion in such a clear case. My support for Ukraine didnt changed for one milimeter, also because what is russians doing there, didnt changed at all.
It does when you're trying to understand if aid is going to get harder to secure.
The failure in messaging has been massive.
Russia's loss matters just as much to every other country in Europe as it dries to Ukraine, just it affects the rest of us slightly further into the future (but not much!)
Valid point. I think the messaging hasn't been bad, but there's a lot of money being spent on the countermessage by those who'd benefit. The amount of misinformation is staggering, and must be countered first, but it is exhausting. Are there any effective non-partisan news sources still around?
In terms of quality news sources, I'm not aware of anywhere that's great, the BBC is a shadow of it's former self and most other sources have their own agenda from their owners and advertisers.
Twitter used to be good to hear from people on the ground, now it's Blue Sky!
The argument that failure to ensure Ukraine wins will just lead to wider war in Europe isn't being made widely enough.
The fact that Russia keeps attacking European countries, like assassinations in the UK, sabotage in arms factories and destroying under sea cables isn't given the focus it needs.
Even liberals and progressives won't inconvenience themselves by quitting Twitter (in 2022, when he bought it) and flying less.
Why would people deal with higher natural gas prices to stop fascism?
Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan
Slava Ukraini 🇬🇧💜🇺🇦
I recommend full scale war with Moscow. Putins army is weak.
Russian soldiers were unmotivated from the start, & have been up against a Ukrainian military that is highly motivated to defend their homeland.
Trump wants it to end because costing USA a lot and a long way away and he's ultimately an isolationist.
But what they don't realize is that it would mean handing Russia the part of Ucraine that has all the lithium, cobalt, titanium and much more. This war is not about a few square miles of maize and sunflowers.
As Zelensky confessed Ukraine cannot recover the lost territories so what's the point of continuing the war?
the west is proving to be pathetic
But Neville Chamberlain showed us that the appeasement of rampaging murdering imperialist sociopaths like Hitler never works.
Putin won't stop until he's dead. We must work towards that end
The USA might stop, but Europe won't stop providing support... a failed Ukraine would put them on the doorsteps of war.
2. Death
Your question: what is the material & philosophical difference between those two items?
Answer: none
Patrick Henry was right
"Peace in our time" Chamberlain was wrong
You cannot appease a Putin, Netanyahu, Kim, Trump(?), Hitler. There is only one end for their kind
I supported the help to Ukraine after the invasion 1/2
Tell the Russian people LOUDLY and WIDELY that they are ALL guaranteed to burn with the greatest agony in nuclear fire & look to see if they take action
Bravery, in a sense. He knew it'd finish him.
Take your pick.
Слава Україні! 🇺🇦🗽
Never thought this about the guardian. Looking forward to your response.
The failure in messaging has been massive.
Russia's loss matters just as much to every other country in Europe as it dries to Ukraine, just it affects the rest of us slightly further into the future (but not much!)
Twitter used to be good to hear from people on the ground, now it's Blue Sky!
But that's biased as well.
The fact that Russia keeps attacking European countries, like assassinations in the UK, sabotage in arms factories and destroying under sea cables isn't given the focus it needs.
Fuck that