Both have little man (dog) syndrome. Not real men trying to prove to the World that they are but only where they are today thanks to daddy and ruthless deals. Their day of justice will come and it won't be what they are hoping for.
But Trump is incapable of maintaining relationships, even those that benefit him. What happens when these two break up? I think it will be splitsville by spring.🍿
Didn't realise this could be a pair of golden handcuffs for Trump. Nearly always ends in tears.
Someoene once told me that the US has the best democracy money can buy.
I now understand what they meant 😧
Co-Presidents R mismatched in size. Big 1 is the bully. Shorter 1 does big 1's bidding. H1B visa decision, even though little guy can't remember what it is exactly, is decided & big guy wins again. MAGA is toilet paper flushed in bathroom as Siamese twins hobble off 2 Mara-La-Go 2 play basketball.
Little, big - they are both dangerous megalomaniac narcissistic lunatics and neither should be anywhere near the White House or the levers of government.
Forensic psych ward of prison heavily-medicated would be more appropriate.
👀 All the threats that Trump is now going to issue – ‘I’m going to primary people, I’m going to sue people’ – Musk is going to pay for that, not Trump. And when Trump needs money for anything, he’s going to be asking Musk.
Musk owns Trump
(Something about don’t bite the hand that feeds you..)
Waiting for the Members of Congress to wake the HELL up since Musk has declared they are simply his employees, ha, you wanted Musk and his money, Republicans, you've got him!
Pondering how we could have let this happen - allow a insurrectionist, criminal and felon -- become Predident of the US. Money can buy anything to the detriment of the common man.
Musk is also a massive narcissist and is just as thin skinned as Trump I can be sure that he is also collecting evidence against Trump so that the moment Trump drops him he'll unload it all and make Trump look weak, it's a great Faustian pact for the both of them
And Trump cannot escape him or fire him, this is particular event shows glaringly just how much of a coward Trump is, he won't have the cojones to do it.
Musk is now renting a cabin at Mar-a-Lago, he invites himself everywhere.
For the first time in his miserable life Trump kowtows someone.
I'm not so sure. For an alleged "genius" Musk presents as extremely dumb / naive a lot of the time and really just needs a friend who isn't a 20 something female who is looking to be squired by a 50 something billionaire to improve her life chances.
Musk was clearly savagely bullied at private school in apartheid South Africa & as a vindictive, self-absorbed, totally self-unaware narcissist he's going to make the world pay.
The reports regarding Trump's irritation with Musk have been extensively covered by various news outlets, leading me to believe that it is not fake news.
When you buy a presidency you should also have the right to throw your weight around, it wouldn't be fair if Musk should have to stand in line and follow standard procedures. If mercans are uncomfortable with this, they should have made it harder to buy politicians
The definition of a big guy is someone obscenely wealthy, while the little guy is only excessively wealthy.
It’s an article about dependency and the Big guy, Little guy terminology kind of sucks.
Where does the Canadian bit come in? His great, great grandfather was born n England and immigrated to South Africa where all his antecedents on his father's side were born, as far as I know. Is it on the maternal side?
I has seen mention of that here or there. Return to their old Transvaal stomping grounds? Musk possibly has much of the infrastructure to support such a thing, as well as the money. But why bother if you can buy the most powerful country in the world?
Yes, US born/Canadian who lived on the Canadian Prairies and was involved in the Social Credit movement during the 30's or so,he was also a fan of the Technocrat movement ( which used the letter X ) and loved Apartheid so much he moved his Klan to SA.
Worth reading up on, by the sound of it. His father has always been publicly critical of him, regarding him as a relative failure, despite his wealth, until now, of course. Maybe it just isn't about the wealth but the wealth being about a means to an end. Would hardly be a surprise.
Musk is the smallest of men because he needs adulation in order to exist. Both are small men who need to have people in subservience to them to feel good about themselves.They are both narcissists and Musk is a sociopath.Both don't have empathy and struggle to love.They are both very sad little men.
Welcome to the oligarchy. Now that they own the government they will make their well paid slaves milk the rest of us so they can build another spaceship.
Nahhh...Trump is in his glory - he knows he can parlay eLon to billions of dollars. Like yes, Trump wants to be part of the plus 25 Billion dollar club.
His whole life has been about being one of the "richest" men in the world.
Be part of a massive peaceful protest!
◇ January 3-5, Washington DC ◇
It's what many have been clamoring for; now it's happening.
trump remains constitutionally disqualified.
Congress MUST uphold the Constitution.
More info:
This is the link to join the January 3-5, Washington DC March❕️
👉 👈
The next is an open letter to the U.S. Congress.
Uphold The Constitution‼️
trump Is Disqualified To Hold Office!
Please sign this, good people✊️🙏✊️
👉 👈
And please share and spread the word!
Be part of a massive peaceful protest!
◇ January 3-5, Washington DC ◇
It's what many have been clamoring for; now it's happening.
trump remains constitutionally disqualified.
Congress MUST uphold the Constitution.
More info:
This is the link to join the January 3-5, Washington DC March❕️
👉 👈
The next is an open letter to the U.S. Congress.
Uphold The Constitution‼️
trump Is Disqualified To Hold Office!
Please sign this, good people✊️🙏✊️
👉 👈
And please share and spread the word!
everybody knows who is the president. #presidentmusk is the man, in a country where great majority praise the money musk is the most important in the picture, #vptrump is just an untrustworthy , old, sick deranged man that is just useful due his amount of ignorant worshippers.
Musk a 💉
Someoene once told me that the US has the best democracy money can buy.
I now understand what they meant 😧
Forensic psych ward of prison heavily-medicated would be more appropriate.
Musk owns Trump
(Something about don’t bite the hand that feeds you..)
Money is the only thing Trump thinks of,its his essence and DNA from way back.
Lets not forget the real power of the Presidency. He can ground SpaceX and have Musk jailed in a second
For instance, Loomer smashing her way into the conversation - she isn't scared of Musk, and she has damaged him.
Musk could buy a couple of Trump's cheaper apartments for $500M and not even miss it as a rounding error.
So Musk will be looking for a new puppet to fund.
Remember two things
1/ Trump admires nothing more than rich people, and
2/ Trump has less brain power than most squirrels
And is broke. Trump is broke...
Musk is now renting a cabin at Mar-a-Lago, he invites himself everywhere.
For the first time in his miserable life Trump kowtows someone.
Musk =Goebbels
Trump has one term; and extending presidential terms will not be ratified in time to extend that. Even with a complicit SCOTUS.
So Musk will be looking for a new puppet sooner than later.
It’s an article about dependency and the Big guy, Little guy terminology kind of sucks.
Things are happening in South Africa - the Whites want it back
No doubt the old money as well as eLons would love the idea
I thought it came from dad...but not really.
He has hundreds of billions of dollars - he doesn't need your, or anyones, adulation.
He knows he can buy it, if he ever did.
GUARANTEED Nazi Musk easily forces Trump to do whatever he wants him to do.
His whole life has been about being one of the "richest" men in the world.
◇ January 3-5, Washington DC ◇
It's what many have been clamoring for; now it's happening.
trump remains constitutionally disqualified.
Congress MUST uphold the Constitution.
More info:
👉 👈
The next is an open letter to the U.S. Congress.
Uphold The Constitution‼️
trump Is Disqualified To Hold Office!
Please sign this, good people✊️🙏✊️
👉 👈
And please share and spread the word!
◇ January 3-5, Washington DC ◇
It's what many have been clamoring for; now it's happening.
trump remains constitutionally disqualified.
Congress MUST uphold the Constitution.
More info:
👉 👈
The next is an open letter to the U.S. Congress.
Uphold The Constitution‼️
trump Is Disqualified To Hold Office!
Please sign this, good people✊️🙏✊️
👉 👈
And please share and spread the word!